It was the Queen of Blood who cut off the connection to the Nether Realm Gate.

The gate to the Nether Realm disappeared instantly, and Rhine was offline in the Nether Realm.

Olivia looked at the empty garden with a look of sadness.

At that moment, Olivia felt an unprecedented sadness.

Olivia lowered her head, feeling lost, and tears of grievance rolled in the eyes of the Dragon Princess...

"At least let me...wuwuwu...finish what I said..."

In the distance, an apostle from the Netherland who was guarding Princess Gu Long heard Olivia's cry and couldn't help but ask his companion softly:

"What's going on, Your Highness Princess? Why are you so sad after saying a few words to a mortal?"

"You don't understand, young man."

Another Netherworld apostle said melancholy:

"Your Highness, she is... in love."


Chapter 88: Grand Master: he finally going to attack me?

The endless deep frozen soil and the cold storm filled everything in the world.

This is a cruel desperate situation, and no living thing can thrive here.

Except for a bunch of ancient black creations.

At this time, in a corner of the frozen soil, a group of black animals were eating.

They crawl on the frozen soil, stretch out the armor covering their bodies, and receive sunlight. At the same time, they use their sharp teeth and lasers to dig into the frozen earth to absorb minerals and maintain their body functions.

But this time.

Two space cracks suddenly opened in front of the black people.

The black men immediately became alert, and they all released their eating postures, closed their armor, and looked at the space crack warily.

Vaguely, they seemed to hear some sound coming from the dark cracks in space.

That is the chant of magic.

At that moment, a torrent of flames, like a roaring fire dragon, rushed out of the space crack and swept across the entire place!

The killing started in an instant and ended in an instant.

When the gushing flames are extinguished.

All the black swarms have evaporated, leaving only countless pools of charred iron slurry, exuding wisps of steam...


Among the cracks in space, Etalion appeared leisurely.

Following closely behind is the Grand Master.

The two demigods looked around.

The scenery is open and the terrain is flat.

It's no different from any other place on the frozen soil.

Grand Master: "Right here?"

Italion: "Start work!"

Immediately, the two demigods liberated the divinity in their bodies and spread it into a realm. Then, a large number of divine derivatives were separated from the high-purity divine authority.

The flowing mithril and silver-white crystals are produced out of thin air from the earth. The crystal is outside and the mithril is inside. The two materials mixed with the supreme divinity cooperate with each other.

Eventually, a semicircular enclosed building was formed.

The storm in the building subsided, the temperature rose, and the light source was ensured - this was a greenhouse carefully built by demigods.

After feeling the temperature in the room, Italian nodded:

"Well, that's almost it—hey, come here."

The space was violently shattered. After Rhine said goodbye to Ellerbella, he was brought over from the Sun-Deep Wall by Etalaine.

Etalion: "How does it feel?"

Rhine touched Italian's head and praised: "It's perfect!"

Italian blushed and muttered: "Don't touch me at all times..."

Italian: "Oh... By the way, that's what you want. I met a group of them just as I landed, so I caught one for you."

As he spoke, Italian glanced at the black beast sealed by crystals in the corner of the greenhouse.

It was a living Heihe.

It is now wrapped in a large piece of silver-white crystal, like a bug in amber. Only the red compound eyes on its head are turning desperately in panic.

To describe the appearance of this thing,

Probably, it was a skinny black wolf wearing armor.

It's too thin for a living thing.

Both muscles and organs are pitiful.

But this is also the embodiment of the designer’s minimalism.

Use the least amount of materials to achieve the best results.

As the most basic and commonly used Black Wolf, Black Wolf is a master of bioengineering technology.

It's perfect.

Although Rhine told Italian and the Grand Master that he would lead them to find Black E's lair and find a way to weaken Black E's threat from the source.

But actually,

The ultimate goal of the Rhine Raiders' attack on the deep permafrost is not at all for Black Era.

The Black Ere lair under the deep frozen soil is the home of Order.

And in the hometown of Order, there is hidden the soul that splits Order, and the way to free Italion from the control of Order.

That's Rhine's goal.

In order to enter the home of Order, Rhine must first conquer the outer deep permafrost.

There are actually many ways to conquer deep frozen soil.

For example, with the advantage of the strength of two demigods, they can kill indiscriminately in the frozen soil, then directly break the barriers of the lair and forcefully enter the next copy.


This is doable.

However, that is undoubtedly the most reckless and dangerous method.

If it were Rhine in his first hundred reincarnations, he might have chosen to make a bold move.

but now,

Rhine has a more elegant strategy.

That is, cultivate a group of monsters that can rival Hei E, and let them and Hei E fight each other on the frozen soil, forcing Hei E to open the lair barrier.

This method can not only perfectly avoid the consumption of one's own combat power, but also can focus all Hei's hatred on another group of enemies.

Then until they are all killed,

Lain and others who sneaked into Heie's lair are safe.

Now with the help of two demigods, Rhine has obtained a greenhouse made of mithril and crystals.

This is even enough to allow a mortal like Rhine to live comfortably in the deep frozen soil.

The next thing to do is to cultivate the monster that can rival Hei E.

Rhine took out the life-shaping gem.

The dark ancient jade exudes an ominous aura, and vaguely, it seems that you can feel a slight beating like a heartbeat under the jade.

In fact, there are two types of life-shaping gemstones in the world.

A white life-shaping gem. It is the real life-shaping gem. It is a bioprinting package left over from the original sequence. In theory, it can create any living creature in the world, including divine creatures and even the prototype of gods.

But the black life-shaping gem in Rhine's hands is something else entirely.

The black life-shaping gem cannot shape life at will, because it is simply a group of embryos of disaster.

That was the apocalypse that once destroyed the Fourth Age.

And the names left over from the Fourth Age are...

Endless insect swarm.

To deal with Hei E, any demigod or sub-god can just have fun.

Only this group of flesh-and-blood natural disasters that can explode troops better than Hei'er are suitable opponents for Hei'er.

Using a natural disaster that destroyed the world to achieve a goal is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous and absurd move.

But after all, what Rhine is going to invade next is the hometown of Order.

This extreme and extraordinary measure is also a last resort.


This group of greedy little cuties can be regarded as one of the magical costumes that Rhine must use in the middle period of his previous reincarnation. Rhine has already used it quite skillfully.

Rhine cut his palm open, took a little blood, and dripped it on the dark ancient jade.

Feeling the smell of blood, the silent embryo reacted immediately.

very good,

Fresh and vigorous.

After confirming the activity of the embryo, Rhine asked Italian to open Heie's mouth, and then stuffed the life-shaping gem into it.

After eating the life-shaping gem, Hei'er's body immediately began to twitch violently, then screamed, and there was no movement.

Italian asked curiously: "What on earth is this?"

Rhine smiled: "He will come out in a while. You won't feel unfamiliar with the appearance of this little guy."

After an hour of waiting.

Then, Hee began to twitch violently again, and then its chest bulged and was finally cut open from the inside!

After the life-shaping gem completed its initial development in Hei'e's body, the new life it gave birth to came out!

A black salamander-like creature appeared in front of everyone.

Although the way this thing was born is bloody and cruel, Etalion, who usually has very uncensored methods of killing enemies, expressed his calmness.

She even seemed a little surprised.

"Isn't this little guy... Lilia's little white duck?"

Rhine nodded: "Biologically speaking, it does have the same ancestor as Miss Lilia's little white duck."

Italian smiled: "It's just a bit darker, how about calling it a little black duck?"


The Grand Master's expression was subtle: "How do you see that this thing looks like a duck?"

Isn't this a salamander, or a lizard?


At this time, the hatched life-shaping jade made a loud cry.

The Grand Master was speechless. turns out the calls are similar.

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