Sweep the World

Chapter 935: : Yingying Yanyan

Theoretically speaking, today's big men can fight anyone who wants to fight, but in order to reduce the resistance of the enemy during the war and the rejection and resistance of the enemy's people, it is still necessary to find a reason to start the war.

The more convincing the reason is, the higher the morale of the army of the country will be, and the resistance of the enemy will decrease accordingly. This is why it is said that "the teacher is famous".

Liu Yan knew that the taint of the marriage candidates would be a good reason to start war. Using the unclean marriage candidates sent by the Romans as an excuse to start the war, the Han people would enter a state of violent every minute, but what shame the Romans would have There is absolutely nothing.

If the history of Rome has not been changed, the Romans should have entered a state of extreme luxury, and the relationship between men and women is also extremely chaotic.

For the Romans today, men with status and wealth have few lovers, and women who are not pursued as lovers have no charm.

In a social reality like Rome, conservative men or women will become aliens.

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, a few days before the interview and selection activities were prepared and proceeded as scheduled.

On that day, women from all over the world in costumes came to Suzaku Gate early, waiting for the palace gate to open.

There are not too many people scheduled for selection on the first day, mainly regional hegemonies.

Rome and Sassan are recognized empires, Helena, Helena, Yena, and Nicar will definitely come.

In addition, there are a group of women from the two Satrapu, Vagadoka, and Jidoro dynasties.

Of course, it would not be a few women who came by themselves. Everyone would bring some people, or maids, or guards, but the number of people in the team would not be too much.

"It's really unexpected that they can come." Helena was talking about the people of the two Satrap, Vagadoka, and Jidoro dynasties. Her eyes kept patrolling on the people of the Two Satrap and Jidoro dynasties. Writing: "What do you mean?"

Ye Na was surrounded by a veil on her face and couldn't see the expression, but she could probably guess it from her frowning brows. She watched Helena silently and didn't know what response to give.

"I heard that the two satraps and vagadhaga and the Han Empire are unpleasant." If Nikar remembers correctly, he said that the two satraps and the Han Empire are the most stiff: "They can appear, but it does not mean that the Han Is the empire fair?"

At this point, regardless of whether they admit or have any ideas, they all need to be grateful for the justice of the Han Empire.

There are so many countries in the world now, and the conclusion of regional hegemony is relatively simple. No matter how rich it is, it cannot be regarded as a strong country. The number of troops and territories a country has is imaginary. It must have enough foreign achievements to be regarded as a strong country.

Sassan and Rome needless to say, before the Han Empire appeared on the world stage, they were recognized as Big Macs.

The Jidoro dynasty will be regarded as a powerful country, thanks to the shadow of the Guishuang Empire, their country name is still Guishuang, but foreigners do not recognize the name of Guishuang, and they are called directly by their king’s surname. For Gidoruo.

As the remnants of Guishuang, the Gidoruo Dynasty was besieged by many countries for a period of time, but they stood firm. The country under siege gave up military operations, which is tantamount to acknowledging that Gidoro has the strength to continue to exist.

Vagatoga is a poor and backward country. If they follow the standards of a powerful country, they will not be bordered at all. However, they have been able to actively invade the Gupta Empire for a long time and have attacked cities and land many times.

A half-bronze and half-iron age Vagadhya can actually achieve such a record, regardless of whether the Gupta Empire has not come up with the ability to compete with it, Vagadhya can always obtain a record from the Gupta Empire, then who can say Isn't Vaghadaga a regional power?

Two Satraps can be regarded as regional powers. They have won twice in a row when facing the invasion of Persian army in recent years. In addition, the situation is similar to that of Vagatoga. The difference is that Vagatoga is a country that has a treasure but does not understand development, and the two satraps are in the form of nomadic tribes.

The standard of who is the overlord and who is the power is determined by the Han Empire, so that after the appearance of the two Satrap and Jidoro dynasties, the Persians felt like they had eaten flies in their hearts.

The Persians will feel disheartened. It is the fact that both Satrap and Gidoro dynasties have a history of gaining success from the Persians, which means that they are regarded as a powerful country based on the evaluation of defeating the Persians.

Being recognized as a powerful country by the Han Empire is something to be happy about, but the two Satrapu, Vagadhya, and Jidoro dynasties faced the constant attention of Rome and Sassan, and their mood became very complicated.

"I heard that the person who decides the process is the queen of the Han Empire?" Aisia is a princess of the Gidoruo dynasty. She also covered her face with a veil and only revealed a pair of eyes: "Will you see the emperor later?"

No one from other countries responded to Esiah.

The status of the Gidoruo dynasty is very embarrassing now. They cling to the glory of Guishuang, then not only will they inherit the shadow of Guishuang, but the hatred that belonged to Guishuang in the past will definitely continue.

Most of the countries on the Asan Continent were separated from the Guishuang Empire, just to show that they were the righteous party, so in the end they would not think that the Jidoro dynasty was lovely, they did not continue to catch the Jidoro dynasty. Fighting for life and death is another entanglement between them, and it is time for the Gidorou dynasty to have a relatively peaceful environment.

Princess Maiya from Two Satrap is at a loss most of the time, and most of her followers are also dumb-faced.

Practically speaking, these people in Two Satrap are indeed very daunted, and they don't understand how they can become a powerful country in the evaluation of the Han Empire.

The people of Vagatoga seemed to be very quiet. Princess Yassia, the highest-status, had been staring at the palace gate, but if you paid attention to her eyes, they were in a daze with no focus.

Five teams from different countries have their own outfits.

On such an important occasion today, even if you are poor, you will deliberately put on a costume, which will show the personality of your nation.

The Romans and Persians don't have to be too tired.

The costumes of those in the Jidala Dynasty were completely inherited from the costumes of the Guishuang Empire.

To a certain extent, the style of Yasiya's dress is infinitely similar to that of Han women's palace dress. The difference can be distinguished in the color and pattern.

The guards from the Jidoro dynasty, their uniforms are a type called Xuan Tiezhu. If people who are familiar with the history of the Western Han Dynasty are present, they will definitely mistake them for soldiers from the Western Han Dynasty.

There will be a misunderstanding, but the style of the armor of the Jidoro Dynasty is similar to the style of the Western Han Dynasty, the same tie armor, the same layout, the difference is that they have leather sleeves like Pippi shrimp on their arms, and the color of the shirt worn inside. Brown.

The two satraps and Vagadhaga are similar, not only the princess’s dressing has strong Asan characteristics, the maids and guards’ dressing also have the characteristics of Roma, and the most visible material on the body is leather. Type, showing a strong wild breath. I just don't know what else is in their leather suit.

The small doors on both sides of the palace gate were opened, and the two guards lined up from the left and the right.

After waiting for the guards to stand guard on both sides, Wang Meng, dressed in scarlet official uniforms, finally came out from the left door.

"Princesses." Wang Meng saluted: "Please follow the officer."

Helena and Ye Na looked at each other for an instant, and they looked at the closed palace gate at the same time.

Under normal circumstances, the front door of the palace gate will not open at all. It must be opened only by people with sufficient status, otherwise it will open the small doors on the left and right sides.

The selection of the emperor is a big or small thing. Marriage with another country can actually be regarded as a major political event, but today is just a face-to-face selection process, not to welcome foreign princesses to officially move into Miyagi. It is open and unnecessary. Within the open range.

The Romans were waiting for the Persians to be the first bird.

The Persians were also waiting for the Romans to make their heads.

The Romans and Persians were standing in place, and people from other countries were blocked even if they wanted to move forward. The scene seemed embarrassing for a time.

Wang Meng happened to see Helena and Ye Na staring at each other, and he was able to guess their thoughts on the whole. He didn't urge, but stood there with a smile.

In the end, Ye Na took the lead.

Compared with Rome, the Persian Sassanian is closer to the Han Empire. On the premise of not wanting to cause any unpleasantness, the Persians have a lower bottom line of compromise than the Romans.

The width of the side is only two meters, two people can walk side by side but will be crowded.

When they arrived at the door, the Persians and the Romans reached a tacit understanding in an instant. Yena and Helena stood side by side, followed by Helena and Nical side by side, and then the rest of the Romans and Persians walked side by side.

People from other countries, there is no tacit understanding between the Romans and the Persians.

Although the Jidala Dynasty was already a ruined settlement, since they dared to inherit the name Guishuang, it meant that they still had their own pride, and they absolutely refused to admit that they were worse than the two satraps or the Vagadhya.

Isia arbitrarily squeezed Iasia's position and took the lead to walk in behind the Romans and Persians, followed by the Jidoro Dynasty, which was dressed infinitely similar to the Western Han Dynasty.

When Yassia was squeezed out of position, she just frowned and didn't happen. The wild Vagadhaga guard wanted to happen and was stopped by her eyes.

"Your choice is right." Mai Ya said with a subtle smile: "Her performance is too arrogant."

"A broken-down princess." It doesn't mean that Yassia stops his subordinates, it doesn't mean that he doesn't mind, and it's not that he's afraid of the Gidoruo dynasty. She smiled at Huiya and said, "Shall we go in together?"

The Romans and Persians are enemies for millennia, and they can now come together.

Although the two Satrap and Vagadhya have always had border frictions, they did not have much hatred.

Since the Romans and Persians can get closer and closer, why can't the two Satrap and Vagadoka unite, which are not too contradictory in themselves?

Almost in that instant, Yassia and Yuya knew what each other meant. The closer friendship between the two countries would begin with the two, and the mother country behind them would be willing to become an alliance.

Wang Meng has always been leading in the front, and he will tell the rules to the people behind without looking back as he walks. Generally speaking, he will wait for what he can and cannot do.

"The Han family respects etiquette..." Wang Meng's voice was flat: "Presumably princesses will not mistake themselves."

In fact, the officials of the Hongxuanguan that should teach have already taught it, so it depends on these countries whether or not to comply. If they feel that they are awesome and can follow their own personality, they must be able to bear the consequences.

"I haven't congratulated the angel yet." Helena was talking about Wang Meng being promoted to Tinghou. She specifically called the angel Wang Meng to show her closeness: "Are the angels still satisfied?"

Wang Meng's response was laughter.

Those crooked nuts from a foreign country are very good at being people. Liu Yan's promotion to Marquis has become a list, crooked nuts are a great gift for not landing.

Master Hou did not refuse to accept gifts, not only the gifts of crooked nuts, but also the gifts of some friends and subordinates, but they will return gifts of equivalent value. Cheap is just a matter of favors.

Of course, it's okay not to return the gift with the same value after receiving the gift, but generally those who want face will not do that.

Along the way, these crooked nuts who entered Miyagi for the first time, went up to the princess and down to the guards and maids. They were surprised by the first opening of the building Zhangge to the numbness in the back, and only admiration was worthy of it. The palace city of the Han Empire.

"Living here is no different from the kingdom of God." Helena is full of longing: "Any building is so majestic, and the scale can be seen even though the scenery is covered in snow."

Helena seemed very restrained from the beginning, and only responded with one "um" to her sister.

When he arrived at the bridge of the harem, Zhuo Xiang led a group of court ladies to wait here early.

Louqiao is the boundary between the harem and other areas~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You don’t have to cross the harem if you want to go to the harem, but the doors in other locations cannot be opened unless there are special circumstances.

"The guard and the maid stay here." When Zhuo Xiang spoke, he saluted Wang Meng first. It was not Wang Meng's official position, but Wang Meng's knighthood. She looked at the princesses: "The officer will take care of you next."

The princesses don't all understand Chinese. For example, Isiah, Isiah, and Huaya don't understand them. They have special translations.

Zhuo Xiang didn't care about that much, saying that only letting the princess enter the harem would not bring one more, and today these princesses only need to wear ears and eyes, basically there will be no chance to speak.

This time, Helena took the first step, and she was always worried about Ye Na's fight for the first place.

After stepping on the bridge, you will enter the harem area. Unlike the rest of the area, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one guard. The scenery is more gentle, that is, there are more bends and turns. If there is no person familiar with the road to lead, it would not be a joke to get lost.

Helena was very curious about Zhuo Xiang's identity. It was the first time that she knew that there were women in the Han Empire. It seemed that the official position was not low?

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