Sweep the World

Chapter 940: : Can you not talk about official business?

After reaching Liu Yan's level of power, he can feel that the joy from the heart is actually not much.

In empire-level countries such as Rome and Sassanid, the princesses don’t want to be princesses well. They just want to come to the Han Empire to be a female officer who may not have the eighth rank high. Although Liu Yan has noticed something wrong, they are only willing to do so. Doing it will make Liu Yan still feel joyful from the heart.

Liu Yan can already feel the sense of loneliness and emptiness brought about by mastering absolute power. If he hadn't had a bigger goal waiting to be completed, he doubted whether he would become a tyrant in the true sense to toss the people in the country. Come for all kinds of fun.

If you have a goal without looking at the actual national strength, you want to accomplish that goal. The first emperor has already set an example for the king of a country in later generations.

For Liu Yan, there is an example of Yang Guang behind, and compared to the First Emperor who was repeatedly hacked, Yang Guang was hacked even worse.

The first emperor did have some places worthy of being hacked, and Afang Palace and Lishan Cemetery could not be erased.

But is it wrong to say that Yang Guang beat Goguryeo? Since it was wrong, why did Li Tang still fight afterwards.

The imperial examination system was completed in Yang Guang's hands and became a system of recruiting scholars for the country, which lasted until the demise of the last dynasty. And even in the modern civil service admissions, there is still a reference to the imperial examination.

Then there is the Grand Canal that Yang Guang advocates. His mistake is only too urgent. Otherwise, who dares to say that the Grand Canal is useless?

It is something Liu Yan is currently trying to transfer part of his energy to beautiful women. Especially with so many fresh goods, he should indeed have a good time. He feels that he is not purely having fun, he is working hard to carry out great diplomacy, and it is also very hard.

The countries that have dedicated their beauties are definitely looking forward to the birth of a prince or prince of their own descent, in order to conclude that their exchanges with the Han Empire have achieved results.

Feeling further is a spiritual comfort, but it is really useful. If there is a Han prince of his own blood, whether he can get any practical benefits, let alone scaring a country without a Han prince is also a way to scare a country without a Han prince effect.

As for making the prince of his own blood become the emperor of the Han Empire, it is not that no country has never thought about it.

Liu Yan, who had "worked" for a few days, walked out of the harem only at the regular dynasty meeting.

There is only one theme of the Dachaohui, determining that the system of three provinces and six ministries will replace the system of three gongs and nine qings.

The issues have long been determined, and no one dared to raise miscellaneous matters at this time. The new system was promulgated smoothly, and the appointment of the heads of various ministries was also announced on the spot in the form of edicts.

Since it is not something that needs to be kept secret, whoever will serve as the head of which department, unless it is not at the level of power, or else all that should be known before is already known, which is regarded as a process.

Just a restructuring made the entire daytime dynasty very fulfilling, completely unable to accommodate the rest of the topics.

After the Great Dynasty Meeting, the head officials of the ministries, even if they had already planned the appointment lists of the ministries before, would act like they worked overtime throughout the night, in order to publicize that they were not only worried about the country, but even the sleep they deserved. All sacrificed.

However, Liu Yan didn't follow the routine. At the end of the dynasty, he called for the chief officials of the various ministries to stay.

Just stay, they didn't think of Miyagi tonight anyway. They didn't accompany the emperor to review the draft list at the office to consider whether or not to modify it. In fact, there is basically no need to modify the list. The list is to think again and again.

The lack of the link that was presented to make officials continue to guess has become a task to accompany the emperor. They are happy to be too late and will not have any opinions at all.

Liu Yan didn't choose to hold a banquet in the hall, or even a formal banquet. He had an open-air barbecue or a barbecue by himself. No one was arranged to wait on him.

This group of core ministers has participated in similar activities many times, and there is nothing unaccustomed to it. They even like it very much, not because they like to do it themselves, but because they feel closer to Liu Yan in this way.

"Your Majesty, would you like to have some waists?" Ran Min held a few waists that were skewered and not yet roasted, and looked at Liu Yan earnestly, without the slightest ridicule: "You have been working hard these days. "

No matter how hard it is, some people give Liu Yan and Zhang Luo various supplements (medicine tonic or food tonic), but they still have no turn to use their kidneys to supplement them.

Liu Yan responded by throwing the bamboo sticks left over after eating the food towards Ran Min.

Naturally, the relationship between a partner who fights the world and the ministers and workers who joined the world after setting up the world will be special.

Having gone through difficult times together, they have seen almost all kinds of embarrassment. They will not mention some embarrassing past, but they will make some small jokes in order to show their closeness.

Many emperors have encountered such a stage. At the beginning, they were very happy that their business partners were joking with themselves, but gradually felt that their authority was questioned or challenged, and they would do various things to warn, and they did not get the If there is an effect, the butcher knife is raised.

Liu Yan is not afraid of challenges, not from mysterious self-confidence, but from real self-confidence. After he felt lonely and empty, he was always afraid that he would be lost, and he was still happy that the type of group he identified could make jokes with him.

"Yuanzi and An Shi need to make up more." Li Tan teasedly smiled at Huan Wen and Xie An, and said: "I heard about it, but I've been fighting every night!"

Huan Wen immediately fought back: "It sounds like you don't seem to have it."

Xie An showed a look of surprise, smiled and shook his head, but did not speak.

The nations presented so many beauties, and they were picked by the queen for a while. Depending on the progress of those beauties and whether they would accept any opinions, at least one ministerial staff with sufficient qualifications was sent, and some ministers had many more. Up to ten.

Recently, there have been "creaking" sounds everywhere in Chang'an City. I heard that the craftsmen who repaired the bed have entered a busy period, and some ingredients that can strengthen the sun are also welcoming big sales.

"Naturally, altar needs to fight every night!" Li Tan said with a proud and proud expression on his face: "It's all for the big man!"

In any broad sense, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Sowing seeds and bearing fruit means that the Han Empire has a new baby. The country of the mother of the child can feel closer to the Han Empire because of the birth of the child. It really managed to do both!

Ran Min and Xu Zheng looked at each other, and then made eye contact with several others.

Last time they had the most preliminary conversation.

When they communicated for the first time, they doubted whether the "fruits" produced by their struggles could be meaningful, and they were deeply afraid that the "fruits" created by their lives and deaths would make wedding dresses for "others".

It is not unfounded that they have that kind of worry. More and more chaotic skin colors are also part of the Han people. Although the yellow skin is still the majority now, who can guarantee that the yellow skin will still account for the majority in the future, if it is dark skin Or white-skinned... and even the colorful race became the majority, they would really suspect that their struggles were all in vain.

"Your Majesty, we are the patrilineal social structure..., is that what it means?" Ran Min twisted a few strings of tested waists, came to Liu Yan's seat and sat down, the expression on his face was joking, almost casual. Then went on and said: "The father of the child is a Han, and the child is a Han, right?"

Liu Yan nodded.

"Therefore, if a Han woman marries a foreign race, the child born is a foreign race." Ran Min finally saw Liu Yan's eyes condensed, but he continued to laugh and say: "Han women will definitely not marry outside, they can't accept it. The customs of foreign races believe that people with black or white skin are not worthy of themselves."

This is a manifestation of current social values. Liu Yan didn't think there was anything wrong, so he nodded again.

Nowadays, a large number of foreign women have become Han daughters-in-law, but that is something that Han men can’t accept. If they can marry Han women, basically no one will choose foreign women to become Han men. His own wife is only in line with the national policy for the title of enough to accept an alien female as a concubine.

Han women are still in demand, and Han women choose the best and marry there is no change. They will marry foreign men only when they are ill.

Ran Min, who felt that he had made a good start, looked at Xu Zheng.

"The minister once wandered around and saw an interesting thing..." Xu Zheng lowered his head, and was afraid to meet Liu Yan's eyes at all. His voice sounded normal, but his heart was very nervous: "A few children are playing together. They played the game of fighting between the Han army and foreign races. The people who played the foreign races were all dark-skinned children, and it was very lively to play."

Several people laughed very cooperatively, and Liu Yan alone was stunned on the spot.

Han people have accepted foreign women from the Indochina Peninsula for many years. According to official statistics, there are about a million Han men, wives and concubines from the Indochina Peninsula, and there is no shortage of dark-skinned Han wives.

Counting the time, the offspring produced after their union are indeed at an age to be able to play in the streets, and it is normal for Xu Zheng to see such a scene.

If a few good folks have a barbecue together, it would be fun to talk about such topics, and everyone would find it very interesting.

The occasion here is the imperial palace. They are kings and ministers. For ordinary people, some things can be fun, but the same topics of fun are not so simple to them.

Liu Yan remembered some things in later generations.

For example, in some early American entertainment works, the role of bad guys is always black, and whites are always great and righteous.

In the United States, if a robbery occurs, the police can shoot unrestrictedly against blacks, but there are unspoken rules that must be restrained when the suspect is white.

Is it racial discrimination? Maybe, but black people really...

Liu Yan has already reacted. He probably knows what these guys are trying to express. The country really needs to face up to and pay attention to possible social problems, but he doesn't want to talk about that topic at all.

"I never thought about building a huge palace..." Liu Yan ignored one point. The palace in the Great Wall is no smaller than the Afang palace, and there are palaces in other places: "I didn't think about how the cemetery will be built."

The first emperor didn't pay much for building the Afang Palace, and even the resources and materials were expropriated free of charge. At this point, Liu Yan didn't dare to do this. Except for the slaves, he paid for all the laborers, and the resources and materials should be paid.

Regarding the cemetery, Liu Yan also officially started construction after he became emperor. It was still Lishan, which he chose. Just as he said, he really didn't care what it looked like.

However, Liu Yan didn't care about it, and that doesn't mean that others didn't care. It's just that the slaves would not use any more conservator.

"The two connected national highways are the biggest project. They will take about 20 years to complete." Liu Yan felt that it would not take so long, even if the labor of free people is no longer used, and slaves are used as labor, it will definitely be five or six years. It's enough. When he saw Ji Chang hesitating to speak, he smiled and then went down and said: "I know, many people expect that the road will be built as long as possible, and many people rely on it for food."

Ji Chang smiled and nodded constantly.

Ran Min followed the convenience of not being far away from Sang Yu, and while Liu Yan was not looking at them, he kicked Sang Yu's upper with his foot.

It's not just the military commanders who ensure that the "fruits of the revolution" are so important, and the civilian staff shouldn't even think about being outside.

Sang Yu was extremely embarrassed. He had already seen Liu Yan's reaction. As for Liu Yan, it was hard to guess which step he took, but now is not a good time to continue that topic. He can only endure Ran Min's endless harassment. , I couldn't help it, got up and went to the grill to be busy.

"This guy..." Ran Min said to Lu Tai viciously, "He flees before the battle, don't you say a word from beginning to end?"

Lu Tai looked at Ran Min stupidly, saying that he had no idea what was going on.

Ran Min hummed angrily and was seen by Liu Yan. He slapped his neck again: "Mosquitoes are so annoying!"

The monarch and ministers are happy here, even if there is no staff arranged to wait~www.wuxiaspot.com~, some pre-preparation is not lacking, including lighting certain drugs to drive away mosquitoes.

Liu Yan didn't know how to break it, and continued to talk about how to improve the people's living standards with a smile.

"The recorded slaves of the great man are close to six million, and the minister thinks that they should be used properly." Ji Chang is no longer a prime minister, but he still has decision-making power as a book order: "Under the principle of not squeezing the profit margins of the people, There are still many places to use."

There are many ways for anyone to get pleasure. If the angle is changed to the national level, oppressing or conquering other countries will be the only way.

The Han Empire will always lack cheap labor, so the treatment of oppression and conquest will never stop.

Ji Chang didn't know whether it was deliberate or inadvertently. As soon as he talked about acquiring slaves, the topic was turned around again.

Ran Min kept giving Ji Chang a thumbs up quietly.

Once or twice, Liu Yan still didn't notice. The more times he was not blind, he kept scanning the crowd with scrutiny eyes. It was really hard to relax once!

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