Sweep the World

Chapter 943: : Plan ahead?

The civil war of the Constantine family brought the Roman Empire into a critical period. Even if Constantius once again unified Rome, even if the unity of Rome has always been a form, this time it is really quite different. novel.

Before Rome, whether it was a republic or an empire, whether the master was the consul or Augustus, Rome was never a centralized system, but a form of co-governance.

The political ecology of Rome is doomed to one thing. The supreme ruler has never had the space and opportunity to be arbitrary, that is, the most powerful Octavian still cannot control the local family, let alone the rest of the Roman rulers.

The situation of co-governance has not been changed in Rome, but the local families will still cooperate with Rome's policies as much as possible, which is based on the current Augustus (consul)'s righteous name.

"Probably it was during the time of Emperor Zhou." Wang Meng borrowed a lot of books when he was in Constantinople, and studied the history of Rome: "It's just that Daqin is not the only family that continues to rule, they just haven't changed the country. name."

Cai You is slightly curious: "Why don't they change the name of the country?"

Wang Meng could not answer this question.

"They have gone through a variety of political systems, such as the republic, the patriarch, the religious system, the monarchy, and the imperial system. They have tried almost all of them." Wang Meng can already understand the systems with different names, and explained: "In fact, the core It has not changed, and the central government cannot fully lead the localities."

"It should be chaotic." Xie Ai has no time to understand Rome, guessing: "Every period will be chaotic, right?"

Wang Meng nodded and said: "The cycle is about 30 to 50 years. The family that rules Daqin will change. Every time it is a dynasty change. Sometimes there will be co-governance, divided into peaceful co-governance and conflict co-governance. Governance, this is different from ours."

In the earliest days, Rome had a period of co-governance of the four emperors. It was a period of civil war that could be described as "catastrophe" for Rome. If it hadn't been for the era of "five sage emperors" in Rome, Rome would probably A total outbreak of the Germans, Celts and Slavs.

Later, there was another stage of "four emperors co-governance" in Rome, which was divided into two parts with a clear regional division from the earlier "four emperors co-governance".

From around 270 AD, at the end of the Illyrian dynasty, until around 318 AD, Rome has never appeared peaceful.

From about 280 to about 305 AD, the four emperors ruled each other in the east and west of Rome, which is equivalent to the existence of eight people claiming to be Augustus in all of Rome. You can imagine the level of chaos.

Constantine I put an end to Rome’s four emperors’ co-ruling situation and brought Rome to glory once again. The key is that the good times did not last long. One after another, families rose again tyrannically and caused Rome to fall into divisions, waiting for him to solve it again. Those opponents became the only Augustus, but because of the hesitation of the heir, Rome ushered in a "family-style" civil war.

If one counts the period of rebellion among the officers and the Illyrian dynasty, which has done little, until now, Constantius has at least kept Rome relatively stable, and Rome has continued for a full one hundred in constant melee and civil strife. Two years.

"So long!?" Cai You was obviously shocked: "For a hundred years of civil war, the country has not been subjugated?"

What Xie Ai was thinking about was how **** the alien races around Rome should be. Zhu Xia had only been in civil strife for forty to fifty years, waiting for the alien races to come to extinction.

"Meng is also strange." When Wang Meng went to Rome, he did not forget to observe. What he saw and heard was that the slaves in Rome were in peace, but he didn't have the opportunity to observe what the surroundings of Rome were like: "The Germans have achieved some results, and the rest The nation... It seems that you can't see Daqin people getting into trouble at all?"

Xie Ai concluded: "They are so lucky."

Cai You was deeply impressed by Xie Ai's statement. If the alien races around Rome were replaced by those of Zhu Xia, he could definitely affirm that the Romans would have been cold.

The Eastern Han Dynasty collapsed in 2020. The chaos of the princes and the Three Kingdoms lasted for forty-six years before the Sima clan came to the "Three Kingdoms into One".

In forty-six years, the Han people had a population of 56 million from the peak period, and when they waited for the establishment of the Western Jin Dynasty to conduct a census, only 5.37 million people remained.

The chaos in Rome lasted for more than a hundred years. Although there was a breathing time for the Illyrian dynasty in the middle, the Illyrian dynasty did not end the chaos. It was a bad idea for how many people died. Forget it, how many people there are in Rome now, in fact, the Constantine family doesn't know.

From some vague historical data to guess, in the early days of Constantius' rule in Rome, the population of Rome should be less than 12 million?

"You mentioned it last time..." Cai You thought for a while before continuing: "The population under the Qin territory will not be less than 60 million."

"Meng counts nations other than the Romans." Wang Meng's guess is that there will be no less than ten million people within the Roman rule, and 60 million is still less. He cited several locations, especially: "There are nearly 30 million people in Egypt alone, and the Europa area will not be less than 20 million."

Xie Ai seemed to realize something, and blurted out: "No wonder!"

"Last time some Germans came to the big man." Cai You really didn't remember the country's name clearly, and repeated it several times: "Frank, Burgundy, Alemanni?"

Wang Meng said that Cai You has a good memory and his country name was not wrong.

For the Han people, it is really bad that Crooked Nuts like to take long and smelly names, and it is necessary to reverse this.

"After the Yongjia Rebellion, we experienced a large number of northerners migrating south, and there were also population migrations on Daqin's side." Wang Meng glanced out of the window, and then withdrew his gaze before continuing: "The political focus of Daqin people is that of Constantine I." When the time moved eastward, a large number of Daqin people also moved east from Spain, Gaul, Saxony, and Celtic regions, which caused the population of Daqin in Europe to drop again and again."

Cai You and Xie Ai glanced at each other, and they suddenly felt very strange. It was obvious that Rome was so far away from Zhu Xia, how could some things happen so similar, and even the time nodes were the same?

A piece of land belongs to which ethnic group and whether it can be defended. The basic condition is national power. If there are no people on that piece of land when national power declines, a large number of other ethnic groups will migrate in the past, and the country will not take back actions by force. There will be disputes over that piece of land.

A large number of Romans migrated away, and a large number of Germans filled the gap. The three countries that originally belonged to Rome, Belgium, Luxembourg, and eastern Gaul, were also established in succession.

"The three Germanic states were not established during the reign of Constantius. In fact, most of the forces of Magnentius fought with Constantius, which caused a military vacuum in that area. "Wang Meng looked out the window again, Cai You and Xie Ai saw his actions in their eyes: "Only the establishment of Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni was established."

Constantius, the current Augustus of Rome, didn’t want to solve the problem in the past, but when he learned the actual situation, he fell into a hesitating mentality, because there are too many families in Europe that do not accept his rule. , He originally wanted to use the righteous name to let the European families eliminate Frank, Burgundy and Alemanni, but it turned out to be counterproductive. On the contrary, he let those families and Frank, Burgundy and Alemanni The friction ends, and allies who have not announced the covenant are entered.

The last time Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni were able to go to the Han Empire, there were quite a lot of family contributions. The power gathered by these families made Constantius extremely jealous, unless Constantius wanted to have a war between Asia Minor and Europe, otherwise he could only choose to endure it.

The location of the three people is a side hall tea room, and the outside is naturally the atrium square.

It is very rare for them to get together to drink tea. This opportunity is that Liu Yan invited several important ministers, especially Helena to explain the history of Rome.

Liu Yan has multiple intentions to see this way, to broaden the horizons of several ministers and workers, and let them really understand what Rome is like. Don’t be naive to think that Rome is an eternal family, and there are also dynasties. The difference is that the Romans have always adopted " "Rome" is the name of the country.

"I heard that Shang Shuling would learn from Da Qin to handle internal affairs?" Xie Ai pointed out one of the reasons why Liu Yan wanted several important officials to understand Rome: "If you don't really understand Da Qin..." When he came out, I felt that Sangyu would be ashamed.

Let Helena talk about the history of Rome. Liu Yan didn't do this thing properly. It's just that except Helena, Liu Yan really has no suitable candidates. It can't be Julian or someone, right?

"No matter how Ai thinks that person is a bit too active." Xie Ai was the attendant, and he didn't go beyond what he said: "The little envoy (Helena) is too quiet."

Shizhong is both a national official and a close minister of the emperor. He can intervene in government affairs and at the same time mix with the emperor's family affairs, but a smart servant will not easily interfere with the emperor's family affairs.

"It's just a woman." Cai You used to have a higher status and older qualifications than Xie Ai and Wang Meng in any aspect. Although they are both serving in the middle school, they still have the distinction of high and low: "The big man's woman is capable She is an official, but she is not a Han girl."

As long as it wasn't for Helena to suddenly become a minister of the Han Empire, even if she became one of the concubines of the harem, unless Liu Yan was bewitched, she would not be able to intervene in state affairs at all.

They have some understanding of Liu Yan, thinking that Liu Yan is not at all controlled by a certain woman. It is speculated that Liu Yan must have done so for a reason, and it is most likely that he is planning to target Rome.

"Compared to the people of Daqin..." Cai You dragged a final note before continuing, "The Persians are closer to us."

"So now the most populous country is Sassanid!" Xie Ai put down the tea in his hand and said quietly: "The population under the rule of Shapur II will not be less than 80 million!"

That is based on statistics from a series of related data. Eighty million do not all refer to Persians. Persians should only account for about 38 million. The rest are Arabs, Egyptians, Syria, Iraq... Wait for no less than twenty ethnic populations, and the Arabs have the largest number.

Xie Ai has always been very concerned about the western side of Dahan, which has a lot to do with his birth in the northwest.

Nowadays, a large number of people from the Northwest are pouring into the Western Regions. Immigration to the Western Regions will be a must for a long time in the future. Those who have flown into the Western Regions long ago will definitely be channelled and settled.

The Western Regions are still in chaos. The Hunites have already intervened. Xie An had competed with him a few times before he came back. He cut off the hand that the Hunites had stretched out, but because of the change in national policy, he only went in and warned. , Did not break out into a national war.

"Sassan also has obvious internal contradictions." Wang Meng said about what he had seen with his own eyes, and then summed it up: "Although there are people from Daqin who instigated the trouble, it can be imagined that the contradiction only broke out at a sharp moment."

Wang Meng is not just traveling in Persian Sassan. He didn't have much chance before, but after thinking that it would be harmless to be prepared, he accidentally lost a few boxes of gold, as if he was picked up by an Arab leader called Ibn or something?

In fact, Wang Meng remembers his name very clearly. It is not wrong to call Ibn. There are two people, one is Ibn Abdul and the other is Ibn Lahman. He also knew that not long after he left, the Arabs over there became extremely active.

"The big man does not lack gold." Cai You knew what Wang Meng had done before, and he admired Wang Meng's behavior extremely: "I have been continuing Jing Lue's practice."

Wang Meng smiled implicitly, but said: "Your Majesty seems to have a bad impression of Arabs?"

To make the Persian Sassan more chaotic, supporting the Arabs seems to be a correct approach.

Before, the Romans were supporting the Arabs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s just that the Romans used more talk and couldn't come up with anything too practical.

Now the Han Empire is putting too much pressure on Rome and Sassan, and the relationship between the two countries has eased again and again. The Romans simply quit the cause of the Arabs. There is a tendency for two thousand years of enemies to move towards the good of both sides. .

"Their fear is inevitable." Cai You said cheerfully: "It's just that the hatred of thousands of years can be easily eliminated."

Xie Ai took the sentence: "Unless the big man invades immediately."

Cai You nodded: "Yes."

Wang Meng feels the same. Rome and Sassanid are the most tense times now. That is because the Han Empire appeared too abruptly. As long as there is a period of time as a buffer, the Han Empire did not show any obvious attacks. The two countries must be Will fall in love and kill each other.

The Han Chinese financially supporting the Arabs, the ethnic group, the ethnic group, the resistance, and the movement, did make Liu Yan hesitate for a while, but he knew that the Arabs had indeed replaced the Persians.

What else to say? Ameriken’s support for the Arabs is a lesson for Liu Yan!

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