Sweep the World

Chapter 951: : Non-my race

The official Han people don't care how many people from the Western Regions die, and they even hope to die more.

As a commoner, Han people, if they did not notice the government's malice towards the people of the Western Regions, they were definitely dull to a certain degree.

Even if they detect it, they won’t go around blindly, but they will take care of their Western relatives without leaving a trace when possible. If there is really no way, they can only wait for the death of a Western relatives before mourning. Then click on it.

It is not that the contemporary Han people have become cold-blooded, but that the collapse of the Western Jin regime has taught them a vivid lesson. The phrase "non-my race must have different hearts" is not only understood by Zhu Xia.

A long time ago, while Zhu Xia understood the meaning of the phrase "other races must have different hearts", the methods used to treat alien races were not bad. Discrimination and various kinds of suppression certainly existed, but the problem is not. Intending to be completely wiped out, more willing to choose to integrate discriminatingly.

The reason why Zhu Xia is Zhu Xia is because of fusion, or there is no "Zhu", only "Xia".

The Western Jin Dynasty collapsed and Zhuhu entered the Central Plains. Their methods of treating the Han were absolutely not gentle. They used all imaginable and unexpected methods to quickly or slowly eliminate the Han race.

"At least we didn't capture foreign women as two-legged sheep." Li Bing gnawed on biscuits made from coarse grains, took a sip of water and swallowed the food in his mouth before continuing: "We are giving them hope of survival. , To give them a better living environment and an excellent man is saving them from deep waters."

To a certain extent, the Han people are indeed saving foreign women, and it can even be said that it is a blessing for most foreign races to be slaves of the Han Empire.

In the current world, probably only the Romans can live better than the Han people, and most of the rest of the countries or ethnic groups are really in dire straits.

That is a matter determined by the level of civilization of each nation. Too many countries or races cannot guarantee even the most basic food and clothing. Being a slave of the Han Empire is at least guaranteed to be able to eat. For many people, they can eat. Fullness is the greatest happiness.

As a disadvantaged group, women should not expect to be treated better than men. The general phenomenon is that only if men in their own ethnic group have enough food, will the remaining resources be allocated to women.

In most countries or tribes, their resources cannot even meet the needs of ensuring strong men, and there are differences in the allocation of resources to the elderly, women and children.

There is no cruelty, all because men are the main productivity and guarantee of force for a race. They enjoy better treatment but also have corresponding responsibilities, such as taking on all the heavy physical work and encountering what needs to be defended. At the time, it was men who stepped on the battlefield to bleed and sacrifice.

In terms of good husbands, whether in ancient or modern times, on average, Han people are indeed better than men of other races.

Why do Han men of this generation marry or accept foreign women as wives and concubines? It's not because their own women lack.

Due to the lack of enough women of the ethnic group, they have gone through a period of unsatisfactory years. Some lucky Han men who marry women of the ethnic group will inevitably be loved in every way, and the concept of cherishing and caring for women has also been formed.

"Yes, compared to the brutality of the Hu people, we are saving them." Fang Lun expressed the same views as Li Bing on different occasions: "We don't eat people. The reason why we come to destroy them is because we don't want to kill them anymore. Encountered the misfortune of decades ago."

Only after experiencing misery can you know how painful it is. If the Han people do not rise again tyrannically, the spine of the nation will almost be interrupted. I don't know how many generations it will take to restore the courage and spirit of the Han people.

If history had not been changed by Liu Yan, the Han people would have been sunk for 264 years before Yang Jian had changed everything.

In those two hundred and sixty-four years, the status of the Han people at first was not as good as that of wild beasts. It was an outbreak led by Ran Min... It is estimated that it was also the **** and courageous Yu Lie of the Han people, which made the Hu people understand that the Han people who had no way to survive were also It will explode, slightly raising the status of the Han.

Afterwards, the Han people were still inferior people. The Hu people's regime recruited soldiers and did not select Han people on a large scale. It was estimated that they were afraid of repeating the mistakes of the Sima family in the Western Jin Dynasty. Just as the role of the people, the treatment and danger faced by the Han people are not much lower than that of the Hu people. In many cases, they have to be driven to fill the ditch and cover the river and consume arrows or something.

It was the Northern Wei Dynasty, which was established by the Tuoba family, the gentlest treatment of the Han people. In the early stage, the Han people were still regarded as "crops." Sent to Beijiang to fight for consumption with Rouran people.

The Hu people’s regime did not recruit a large number of Han people as soldiers. After the Tuoba Xianbei in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the restrictions on Han people’s no longer being soldiers were blurred. The subsequent Hu people’s regime accepted Han people into the army. Sure enough, Han people slowly Having mastered the military power and the right to speak, one person finally remembered the glory of the Han family and tried to make the Han people stand on top of the world.

That person is Yang Jian.

Before Yang Jian reigned Zhou Li Sui, only a very small number of Han people had social status, or they were still harvested as "crops", and even the term Han was completely insulting.

It is a pity that the achievements of Yang Jian’s decades of hard work were buried by Yang Guang. It was Li’s turn to establish the Tang, and Li Tang no longer inherited Yang Jian’s national policy of continuing to restore the self-confidence of the Han people.

Li Tang’s national policy is to "have the world in mind." In fact, if you look at Li Tang’s military leaders for several generations, you will find that Li Tang is actually more inclined to reuse Hu people (including mixed Hu and Han).

From the generation of Li Shimin to the demise of Li and Tang, the Li dynasty has never stopped suppressing or even suppressing the Han 1 people, 1 tribe, 1 ruler, 1 righteous person.

The Li family used Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong as a fig leaf. He said that the family members and families in Hebei and Shandong supported Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong, and all the people there supported Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong. Only then will they continue to discriminate and even target them. As for the real reason, What is estimated to be known only to the emperors of Li's dynasties.

With the painful lessons ahead, contemporary Han people will not have any psychological burden on killing foreign races. They firmly believe that what they have done is completely correct and will continue to do it with perseverance.

"Capture this village..." Li Bing looked at the sky, "I will spend the night here tonight."

They were riding a horse on a low hillside. Four or five miles ahead was a small village, and they could see the smoke rising from there to the sky at this moment.

On the other side of the low hillside, nearly six hundred cavalry mounted their horses at the sound of the command. They did their last self-check before the war, and drove their horses and hooves in the desolate horn.

The desolate horn sound is very penetrating, and it spreads the moment it sounds.

In the village, most of the villagers prepare dinner at home, some elderly people sit in front of their homes and enjoy leisure time, and children play in the yard or on the street.

When the horn sounded, the whole village was almost a daze. I don’t know how many women smashed the altars and pots in their hands. After the stunned men, they rushed to the place where the weapon was placed, or looked for their parents, wives and children. There was a lot of noise in the village.

The sound of rolling horseshoes came from the east, and the people of the Western Regions still galloping forward, you can see their hideous faces longing for blood.

The first Western Region man followed the guard horse to jump over the fence. After landing, he screamed and rushed to a gray-haired Hunnite not far away. In the next moment, a head rose from the sky, a fountain of blood. Gushing out in the afterglow of the setting sun.

More people from the Western Regions rushed into the village with Hu. They killed people when they saw them. If they were not ordered not to set fires, they would probably throw torches at the thatched huts.

Fang Lun only entered the village in the third batch. He didn't see too many dead bodies in the streets or open spaces. When he rode through some houses, he looked into the house and saw a mess.

"They are getting more and more familiar." Wang Mian rode his horse on the left side of Fang Lun. Because of the loud noise, he needed to let his voice go: "Even what steps should be taken to attack the village are familiar."

These people from the Western Regions have followed the army to fight for nearly three months. From the beginning, they needed to be driven to know what to do. Nowadays, they don’t need to be restrained and urged to know what they should do. It was the cooperation that didn't understand the combat before, and now I am playing very slippery.

Fang Lun frowned subconsciously when he heard it. He usually thinks about more things, and he will observe more details. If he doesn't want to make a difference, the better the Western Regions people will behave, the closer they are to death. Up.

At the beginning, there were more than a thousand people in their detachment, but less than 700 people were left after some battles.

If there is war, people will die. The immutable truth is that not only the people of the Western Regions will die, but also the Han Chinese Xiaoguo and the soldiers of the Western Regions Protectorate. It's just more or less.

Of the three hundred people who have been lying on this strange land forever, most of them were of course the Western Regions. Xiaoguo of the Han Dynasty also killed more than 20 people. Although only six people died in the battle of the Western Regions, one of them. But he is a chief.

Li Bing temporarily took over this squad. In addition to his original team rate, he also took over command in accordance with the rules of the battlefield because the title was higher than that of other colleagues.

"I kicked the door." Wang Mian held a sword in his hand and made a ready gesture: "Be careful."

The wooden door was kicked and flew upside down. The moment the door broke, screams and crying sounded inside.

Fang Lun rushed into the house, almost reflexively swinging his knife to look at the person in the way. The scream ceased instantly, and the child's crying stopped as if he was pinched by a knife swing.

Wang Mian entered the room and saw a Hunite woman lying in a pool of blood and twitching her body. Fang Lun was holding a saber while looking at the two Hunite children hiding in the corner, one large and one small, in a daze.

"I..." Fang Lun's hand holding the handle of the knife loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened: "I..."

"Fortunately, you started." Wang Mian used the tip of a knife to open the clothes of the Hunite woman covering her right hand, revealing the dagger she was holding: "If your heart is kind, the one lying on the ground should be is you."

Fang Lun actually didn't have the time to tell who was blocking the way, and he didn't have time to discern whether he was in danger. It was simply that the body's reaction was faster than the brain's.

The two Hunnet children, one big and one small, suddenly screamed, and their eyes were full of hatred at the two people who broke into the door. The older one wrung a wooden stick and jumped on it and was kicked away by Wang Mian. , The little one was staring at him with hatred eyes even if he was against the corner.

Wang Mian didn't have the interest to watch other people's hateful eyes. He walked out and greeted him. Soon people from the Western Regions followed Hu and took the two Hunite children away.

"I suddenly feel so tired." Fang Lunyi stood by the door, turning his head to look at the Hunite woman whose body was no longer twitching: "It's not because of killing a Hunite woman, it's really tired."

Wang Mian was rummaging around in the house, and didn't stop his movements: "I don't want to bring your ashes back to the village."

Of course Fang Lun knew that his state was dangerous, and if he didn't adjust it as soon as possible, he might become a corpse in the next fight. He envied Wang Mian for not being able to think arrogantly...or he was heartless, but he really couldn't do it.

"Never forget!" Wang Mian didn't find anything, he came out and stared at Fang Lun's eyes, and said with an unprecedented serious expression: "We are in enemy territory."

Fang Lun smiled bitterly.

Whether they are in the Western Regions as a minority group or in the territory of the Shujie people or the Hunets, aren't they always in the enemy's territory?

"Don't forget." Wang Mian stretched out his hands and pressed them on Fang Lun's shoulders: "How did Lin Tun Chang die?"

The former commander of this unit, he retained his kindness as a human, at the cost of a dagger inserted into the heart of a Hunnet child who was considered to be not threatening, and he didn't even have to rescue him.

"We are in a place where we are all enemies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Lun knows exactly where we are: "I haven't forgotten what I am here for. "

The village was undoubtedly attacked. After the night fell, the people of the Western Regions started a carnival, eating a lot of food, some of which were dinners prepared by the Hunites. They teased the captured Hunite women, looking so happy.

"There are still three hundred and twenty-seven casual guards left." Li Bing was holding a leg of lamb in his hand and the roasted whole lamb from the back: "I am getting more and more away."

The officers sitting in a circle all understood what it meant. Those Western Regions had slowly evolved into useful fighters. It would be a good thing to stay in the enemy's territory, but it would be very bad if they returned to the Western Regions. Up.

"We will meet with the big army tomorrow." Li Bing retracted the sight of the Western Regions' followers: "It's time for a battle to let fate decide who can go back."

They have been scattered in the territory of the Hunite and have been raging for nearly two months. How should the Hunite react?

The Hunets were transferred back to the army from the front, and a new force was organized in the rear. Then, not only would the Western Regions be tested as to who could survive, the Hans also faced the same test.

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