Sweep the World

Chapter 963: : Bullying the world

The reason why Liu Yan was Roman, Persian... and even people from small countries went to northern Xinjiang to watch the actual combat of the firearms troops was not because he was suddenly mentally disabled, nor was it a decision made under diplomatic pressure.

The Han Empire does not need to succumb to anyone now. On the contrary, what requirements the Han Empire has. As long as it is not too excessive, any country including Rome and Sassan, depending on their own strength, will make a final conclusion. There is a rebound, but the so-called rebound is more of a struggle within the ability.

"The gunpowder of the Han Empire is an artifact given by the gods to invigorate the country. I am afraid it is impossible for us to obtain it through normal diplomatic relations." Cicero was very sure about this. Rome needs to master the knowledge of gunpowder."

The surrounding environment was full of the sound of wheels rolling, and the carriage was full of Romans. Cicero lowered his voice again, and it was difficult to be heard by the Han driver.

They have made their best efforts to obtain gunpowder from all aspects, but they have only faced failures again and again, but they will never give up because of repeated failures, and will work hard until one day to reap the results.

"If we can't get gunpowder..." Flavis was in the dim carriage, and his voice was a bit gloomy: "You can't let the Persians take the lead."

Similar dialogues will also take place on the Persian side. They are eager to go to northern Xinjiang to watch the actual combat of the Han firearms troops. In addition to seeing how the firearms troops are, they also want to find ways to obtain gunpowder on the battlefield. Thoughts.

If possible, they not only want to get some gunpowder, it is best to be able to buy or kidnap the Han people who know how to configure gunpowder, but everyone knows that it is not easy, and how to deal with the follow-up reaction of the Han Empire will be heavenly if they really succeed. Big problem.

"We've all seen the power of gunpowder with our own eyes." Every time Kesiyas thinks of the scenes he saw in the Asan Plain, he is deeply shocked: "We all know why your Majesty will repeatedly succumb to the demands of the Han Empire."

In the same dim carriage, the gloom on the faces of several people can still be seen vaguely.

The Sassanian is different from Rome. The Persians and Hans now only have one Hunnite on the land as a buffer. The Hunnites have been severely injured by the Han army recently. It is impossible to say when the Han Empire will destroy the Hunets. Rushed into Sassanid territory.

"Gunpowder, gunpowder, gunpowder!" Xias repeated three times in a deep voice: "We must get it!"

If there is no gunpowder, even though the Persians are frightened and fought with the Han Empire, they believe that even if they pay a high price, the final result of the battle of defending the homeland will be their own victory.

It is a kind of offensive and defensive. One side’s local defense and the other side’s long-distance journey give the Persians confidence. The Persians also believe that even if the Han army is not as powerful as the Han army, as long as the sacrifice is not afraid, it will be able to offset the military and even training. gap.

If the Han army used firearms, it would not be a question of being afraid of sacrifice. If you don't be afraid of death, you will have to die as worthy. Before being "boomed" without doing anything, you will die without any bones. What is the value?

In different locations, at almost the same time, Julian and Xias are worthy of good friends, and they said the same thing tacitly: "Our current compromise is because we really can't provoke the Han Empire. And this situation is urgent. Need to be changed!"

The Han Empire is bullying the world!

Weak countries, as long as the royal family is not replaced and subjugated, or small countries have no courage to refuse the request from the Han Empire, such as those in the Asan Continent, and the Han Empire in countries with good ports, they will only want to rent. Can promise.

There are too many countries currently leased ports by the Han Empire, including Rome and Sassanid. The only difference lies in the size of the concession and the length of the lease.

Karabagas (formerly known as Karabarras), Lambajana, Brava, Ravandhara, Kuta, Trakutaka, Two Satrap and Frank, they were all leased by the Han Empire Ports, among them, have leased at least three hundred years for Satrap, and those countries have a maximum of three thousand years.

In the above-mentioned countries, the port rent is only a pitiful gold coin, and in other concessions, it is also only a gold coin. They regard leased ports and inland concessions as an act of paying protection fees.

Regardless of whether it is a coastline port or an inland concession, the Han Empire will send troops of different sizes to station in an assessment based on the degree of importance.

In fact, whether it is three hundred years or three thousand years, it is talking about lease, but what is the difference between it and directly cede the territory to become part of the Han Empire?

Unless those countries are strong enough to make the Han Empire surrender, otherwise the leased ports or concessions will never want to go back.

There is another possibility. For example, the Han empire’s civil strife itself, it can be that those countries forcefully take it back through the Han empire’s civil strife, or it can be that the Han empire voluntarily abandons those territories before returning to other countries.

Rome and Sassanid also had ports leased to the Han Empire. Rome was the province of Egypt, Mauritania, Tarago (Spain), Gaul, Italy, and Balkans (Greek). Peninsula) and at least one port in the Province of Asia Minor, and as many as six ports.

That is, except for the provinces of Carthage, Syria (only partly occupied), and Dacia provinces were not leased ports by the Han Empire, the remaining provinces had ports leased by the Han Empire.

Because of its much shorter coastline, Sassan was only leased three ports by the Han Empire. There were two in Gedelosia and one in Barbizania.

Different from other small countries, the Han Empire leased ports from Rome and Sassanids. The maximum period is 99 years and the minimum period is only 15 years. Depending on the geographical location, the rent is based on the Han Empire style gold coins. , The price ranges from two hundred gold coins to three thousand gold coins.

At the same time, Rome and Sassan refused to lease inland leases from the Han Empire because they did not want to have Han troops stationed in the interior.

Those big and small countries actually didn't understand why the Han Empire leased ports or inland concessions.

Small countries simply thought that the Han Empire was to ensure the security of its own military or civilian ships, and the more malicious thinking direction was that the Han Empire was showing off its power.

The big powers will think more because of their vision. It is certain that the Han empire is showing off its strength. In addition, it is roughly understood that commerce is involved.

In this age, if Liu Yan did not indicate that a tax such as tariffs would be introduced, there would be no such thing as tariffs in all countries in the world.

As long as the ships of other countries go to the Han Empire, they will not only need to pay tolls at various checkpoints, but in fact, they will also be charged for passing the goods, which is a kind of more than one charging behavior. For example, when you pass Malacca, you have to pay it once, and you have to pay it again when you arrive at the port in Zhanghai (South 1 Sea), which means you have to pay the fee again every time you ship the goods at the port.

Don’t think that you’re done with paying the fee when you land. Crooked nuts will transport the goods to the market in a certain city. The inspection of entering the market will be another fee. If you put it on the shelf and sell it, you will have to pay again. If you change the place again and again "Ten Thousand Taxes" is not a dream, but a real thing that will happen.

The Romans and Sassanes also formulated their own tariff laws based on the tariffs of the Han Empire. They originally wanted to collect tariffs from the Han merchants, but they came to the play of the Han Empire leased ports.

According to the negotiation (oppression) between the Han Empire and other countries, since all the power of the port no longer belongs to each country before the lease period expires, the countries naturally have no right to collect taxes. It is equivalent to that as long as the Han ships choose the port leased by the country, each country There is no tariff at all.

Not to mention the difference between whether or not they were discovered, there will be no changes between countries who have discovered or not. Small countries dare not be too stubborn, and big countries choose to be patient with fear and can only accept the fact that the Han Empire enjoys the privileges of trade.

After a change of time and in a different location, a crowd of Crooked Nuts looked at the long city wall and at a majestic pass. They were shocked by the scenery in front of them and didn't know what they should feel for a while.

They have reached Yanmen Pass. The wall that looks like it extends to the end of the world is naturally the Great Wall (Two Hans), and the majestic pass is Yanmen Pass.

"I heard that the Han people completed the construction of those city walls as early as four or five hundred years ago?" Xias asked Cicero: "The Egyptians built the pyramids to bury the pharaohs. They were built by the Han people of the same epic architectural level. To resist the invasion of the grassland peoples."

"So the Egyptians were completely conquered by the Romans." Cicero really had a special knowledge of the history of the Han people, and told Xias about the history of the Great Wall, in particular that the Great Wall we see now is not the most primitive. The Great Wall: "The history of the earliest construction of the Great Wall can be traced back to the Warring States period of the Han people, and then their first emperor ordered the sections of the Great Wall to be connected. The Great Wall we see now is the period of their First Empire and Second Empire. Built."

The so-called first empire is the Western Han, and the second empire is the Eastern Han. In order to distinguish the Western Han from the Eastern Han, countries call the current Han Empire the third empire stage of the Han people. Otherwise, the country name is Han, but there have been several turmoil and dynasty changes. It is really difficult to distinguish the current Han empire from the Eastern Han and Western Han dynasties. It would be different if the name "Han" is used as the country name.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty’s attention to the Great Wall was repeatedly reduced. Later, only individual sections of the Great Wall were planned to be maintained and repaired. Most of the remaining sections of the Great Wall were left to fend for themselves. Many sections of the Great Wall were lack of maintenance and repair. The relationship is due to the fact that the rammed-earth construction method collapsed on its own or was destroyed by humans, and it became a large or small gap in the long wall.

During the Western Jin Dynasty, there was a court discussion about repairing the Great Wall. The key problem was that Sima's treasury had no money. At the same time, due to the long civil war, the population was declining and there was not enough labor. The issue was passed but no actual action was taken.

The Great Wall they were seeing now, except for the section of the wall around Yanmen Pass that looked perfect, the section of the wall that was farther away actually had many collapsed gaps.

There were also discussions about whether to repair or maintain the Great Wall, and later it was decided to allow the Great Wall to evolve.

There will be no complicated resolutions like that. The borders in the north have been pushed to the depths of the grasslands, and the value of the Great Wall has been infinitely reduced. The repairs require astronomical national money and labor that does not know the numbers. Is it just to become a scenic spot? Just go to waste?

"Although I don't want to admit it, our Great Wall is like a small shrimp in comparison." Flaves has someone who has seen several Great Walls in his own country: "We are trying our best to maintain the perfection of the Great Wall. The Great Wall looks very old and has gaps everywhere."

The Romans also had their own Great Wall, which was constructed at different locations at each stage, such as the Black Sea coast, the "Germanic Line of Defense" in the Danube Valley, and the "Hadrian's Wall" on the island of Great Britain.

Although their Great Wall and Zhuxia's Great Wall have the same name and the same purpose, their construction methods are two different things.

The Great Wall built by the Romans was no more than six meters thick and no more than ten meters thick. The base was very particular. The key point was that the walls were not so particular. Some sections were even less than two rammed earth or stone masonry. Meters thick. Such a creation doesn't need to be destroyed for a long time, it will fall in a single destruction of less than a hundred people.

Their sections of the Great Wall are basically in plain areas, especially in urban areas. The result is not difficult to imagine, but they have contributed a lot of bricks and stones to the surrounding residents to build houses, leaving a bare base to witness that there was once a place. Section of the Great Wall.

Flavis was not so obvious, but everyone who should understand understood.

The Romans are still trying their best to ensure the perfection of the Great Wall sections, isn't it because they are facing the "rising of the barbarians"?

The Han people don’t care about the Great Wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the Han people have no threat in the north, and naturally they don’t need to consume national money and labor.

"We set off from Chang'an..." Julian was calculating how far he had traveled: "To reach this place called Yanmenguan, the total distance is close to a thousand hanli?"

People who know about geography gave a positive answer.

"After landing in Jingkou, the total distance from Jiankang to Chang'an was more than 2,500 Hanli." Julian took a deep breath, and was shocked by his calculations: "Yanmen Pass is not a frontier yet, so continue to the north for two thousand miles. That's it. The vastness of the Han Empire is far beyond imagination!"

Although the territory of Rome is large, in fact it is not long enough in depth. Most of the territory is on the coastline, which is equivalent to fighting the same maritime powers, and there are defensive loopholes everywhere, which can be used as a breakthrough for the enemy.

Xias just heard a tail, and he calculated it silently. He came to the conclusion that from the south coast to the north grassland, and from the east coast to the west, the Han Empire had a deep hinterland that was scary to death. It's a nightmare for the invaders!

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