Sweep the World

Chapter 969: : Times have changed

The bronze cannons of the firearms were the first to sound, and the thunder-like sounds fluctuated with each other, and the open plains continued to reverberate like lightning and thunder that can only appear in the world.

The artillery position was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke. Due to the distance of the artillery after a round of firing, within the visible distance of the naked eye, only the enemy army at the position of the artillery can be seen in chaos, and it is difficult to judge how much effective damage it caused to the enemy. .

"Why didn't it fire the shell like just now?"

When Li Tan came to the artillery position, he knew the type of shells because of his identity, and found that he was launching solid shells and raised questions.

At present, there are not many types of shells. The main types are solid shells and bloom shells. The other is the close combat defensive shotgun.

The solid bullet is because there is a distinction between the ratio of materials such as iron and lead. If the range is long enough, it can be seen that the ratio of materials is matched.

Flower bombs are roughly divided into shrapnel and projectiles, and there is another category called incendiary (grenade).

No matter what the shell, it looks like a black thing that tends to be round in general. There is no other device for a solid projectile, and there is a charge inside the projectile, which will add a fuze device. When launching different shells at the same time, the barrel will also have different installation aids. For example, a booster device is required for a blooming shell.

The artillery lieutenant answered Li Tan's question.

Cannonballs containing iron beads are too expensive, and the cost of firing one round is more than a hundred times that of ordinary solid rounds. They believe that the number of cannons fired now is enough, and solid rounds can also produce enough damage.

"In addition, the enemy forces are already terrified. In order not to cause unnecessary waste, they still stop firing special ammunition."

Li Tan didn't know how to evaluate the artillery lieutenant's concept of saving money.

The Han Empire was a country with a poor civil administration and not a poor army. The institutions that belonged to the country were the richest army.

"Even your artillery thinks that if you can save, you can save..." Li Tan teased: "It can be seen how expensive the firearms unit is."

The artillery captain was completely speechless.

Take firing that kind of iron-ball shells, one round is worth thirty long spears. If it's not expensive, it's really opening your eyes and talking nonsense. However, looking at the power that was exerted just now, it definitely cannot be said that the huge cost is worthless, and it should be judged as good value for money.

The sound of the artillery continued, and the allied forces in the grassland that were bombarded were completely stunned.

They hadn't seen a similar weapon before, and thought it was thunder at first, but although there are clouds in the sky, there are not many clouds and all of them are white clouds. There shouldn't be such a continuous thundering appearance.

If it was just the sound of thunder, it would scare people and horses, but they kept finding that the surrounding heads were piercing through the air, and seeing their nearby companions being hit or swept by something.

An object hit by a solid bullet or swept by a solid bullet, whether it is a man or a horse, is instantly a horrible sight of flesh and blood, and it will die immediately. , Even the body was swept into two desperately waiting for death.

Tens of thousands of grassland coalition forces are in complete chaos. People and horses in the core positions are squeezing everywhere, and there are countless deaths and injuries from trampling each other; the grassland coalition forces on the periphery, they didn't even think about leaving this hell-like water flow. place.

The grassland coalition forces located on the river beach, they no longer care about how deep the river bed is and how turbulent the current is.

"What a spectacular scene!"

"Tsk tsk, it's so miserable that it can't be described in words."

"This river will soon be blocked by dead bodies, right?"

"I don't know if it will be blocked. The fish and shrimps here will definitely become very plump."

"Dare you eat it?"

"It's disgusting to think about it, but still eating?"

It is indeed a very miserable scene. Those steppe people entering the river will soon be overwhelmed by the turbulent river water. When the human head is hit by the water, it will sink and float. The number of people will be full of heads. He and his hands are undulating on the horizontal surface, like a scene of **** on earth.

"I don't have mercy on them at all." Dou A said blankly. "Think about our people jumping into the river under the persecution of Hulu several decades ago. Tens of thousands of women were even driven into the river."

That was a real thing that happened in the early days of the Jie clan raging in the Central Plains.

The Jie tribe drove Han civilians to various rivers more than once, and then carried out massacres on the banks. When they were tired, they let the surviving Han people throw their bodies into the river. In the end, the Jie tribe drove the Han who had not been killed by weapons into the river and drowned.

The Jie people have a tradition of arresting women and marching together. Women use them to commit adultery at night, and they cook them when they want to eat. When they are defeated and forced to retreat, they usually choose to drive the looted women into the river.

At present, the Jie clan has been removed from the world, but those things they did will not be forgotten, and the action of the Han people to chase and kill the Jie clan is still continuing.

In the scene that took place on this grassland battlefield, the grassland coalition forces were forced to jump into the river, and there were no so-called innocents among them.

A soldier who walks on the battlefield and is hacked to death is also a death, and being forced to jump into a river is also a death. The moment he enters the battlefield, he has entered the stage of "either you die or I die". The method of death is not important.

Forcing civilians to jump into the river? In a broad sense, there are actually no innocents, and some are just sorrows on the side of the weak.

How to look at a killing depends entirely on what kind of stand one is in.

Contemporary Han people do not reject killing. It can even be said that because of their earlier tragic experience, they have a strong interest in killing foreign races.

There is only one reason why the Han people love killing. When looking at any foreign race, they feel that one day they will invade themselves. It is better to leave those foreign races as a threat, or to kill them first.

On the grassland coalition forces to the south on the battlefield, there was no one to organize, and those who wanted to flee began to attack the periphery desperately.

The Han army on the left and right wings can no longer be purely spectators, and are happy to join the ranks of the slaughter of the grassland coalition forces.

"Those people from the steppes are really unfortunate." Kesiyas didn't know what kind of mentality he was out of, and said: "Their misfortune is that they are too close to the Han Empire, and at the same time they are regarded as a threat by the Han Empire."

Cambyses knew the current mood of Xiasi, nothing more than seeing the prairie people being slaughtered, giving birth to a sense of sorrow like a rabbit and a dog.

"We know how much the nomads of the northern frontiers of the Han Empire." Cambyses said depressedly: "There have been many overlords here, and each overlord has threatened the Han people."

"The former Hun empire was an existence that was suppressed by the Han Chinese, and now the remaining Huns have been digested." Ksiaas looked at the killing on the battlefield and said: "The Huns who migrated to the west were able to go all the way. Show off his might and even destroy countless countries all the way to the west."

"The cavalry of the nomads has always been good, don't look at the way the Han Chinese are easy to deal with now..." Cambyses was also witnessing the killing: "If the cavalry of tens of thousands of nomads are in other places, they will face like Jiduo. An opponent like Luo will be a different scene."

What they are more curious about is how the Han army managed to drive away the tens of thousands of grassland coalition forces and besieged this river beach.

You should know that simply annihilating an enemy army and driving the enemy to the position you want, the two different situations have to face different difficulties, and the difficulty of annihilation will be lower.

"We may be able to eliminate a nomadic cavalry with tens of thousands of people." Xias sighed: "But we can't drive them to the desired position."

Seemingly simple things are infinitely difficult to operate, requiring a commander who can always grasp the overall situation and an absolutely elite army.

The commander's role is to move the troops where they should go at the right time every time, and at the same time master a moderate strike, forcing the enemy to rout in the direction they need.

"The commander of this war is Li Tan, the general of the Han empire's army from the North?" Kesiyas had to admire: "What an excellent general!"

That excellent general, he had left the artillery position and rushed to the flank of the rifle line array.

The riflemen who have been advancing in a linear array are also faced with more or less impacts from the steppe cavalry.

"This is called rolling shooting?" Li Tan looked at the rifle line array: "The name is very appropriate!"

Riflemen who formed a line of riflemen. They stopped in place to clear and reload after shooting in a row. The robe in the back row stepped forward into the firing position and fired, so the rotation continued to roll. The shooting keeps advancing.

Dou'a also came to the flank, and just happened to see Li Tan and came over to join him.

"The formation of the riflemen looks very thin." Doua compared the personnel gap between the cold weapon army and the firearms line array: "Nearly four thousand riflemen formed two straight lines, and each line formed three rows of riflemen. Rotating shooting. Although there is a second column that can be added at a critical moment, if the enemy's horses can not be frightened, it is difficult to guarantee that the cavalry will not rush in front of the front with this thin formation and the shooting speed of the rifle. "

Li Tan saw this just now, and he came over to see what tactics the riflemen had against the cavalry. Unfortunately, the prairie coalition forces did not pose a sufficient threat to the riflemen's line formation.

"The enemy has completely collapsed." Dou Ayi suggested in a tone of voice: "Can you surrender?"

Of course Li Tan knew that it would be easy to surrender the grassland coalition forces now, and it is not enough for the firearms to kill the enemy if they have not surrendered for a long time.

After all, today is the first time that the riflemen of the firearms have participated in the war. Without enough blood, how can they give a resounding reputation?

"Wait." Li Tan groaned for a while, and said with a smile: "When the enemy has less than 10,000 left, we will surrender."

Dou'a didn't say those words that might cause the enemy to jump the wall in a hurry.

In many cases, even if the dog is forced to jump over the wall in a hurry, it depends on who is surrounding the dog. The dog will struggle very violently when desperate, but it does not take too much if it has the ability to kill with a stick. Of fear.

The line of riflemen did not advance at a fast speed. They shot row by row, advancing slowly, step by step.

Blocking the front of the rifle line, whether it is a man or a horse, and no matter what the man or the horse is doing or wanting to do, after a row of bean-fried "pops", there are few people and horses who can stand still. .

Gradually, the riflemen stepped into the field full of corpses and wounded. They were still like an infinite loop machine, shooting one row after another. The slight difference was that each column would have some insertions. Rifleman with bayonet.

The bayonet-mounted rifleman is doing a mending to the enemy on the battlefield, regardless of whether the enemy is lying motionless on the ground or groaning, anyway, the bayonet is pierced into a vital position such as the heart or head. Be sure to let the enemy really die.

The riflemen lined up and then advanced again. I don't know when they started, and there was no steppe allied force to charge the riflemen lineup.

The shelling on the battlefield did not stop, and the riflemen did not stop shooting because the enemy was no longer charging. The side-to-side slaughter continued.

The grassland coalition forces, who were completely mentally collapsed, tried to break through the siege but failed. After the initial blasting stage passed, although there were still companions dying around, the living people seemed to be numb... Or lying down, or kneeling, or Lying or standing, staying in different positions, accepting all the fate that is about to face.

"The killing is meaningless, why didn't the Han army surrender?" Julian had no compassion, and some was just confused: "Could it be that the Han Empire no longer lacks slaves?"

"Those prairie people are still alive but also dead." Flavius ​​has not seen at least 15,000 people waiting to die in the same place: "In fact, not many people were killed by the Han army, and more prairie people were Died in trampling on each other and killing each other. They are completely desperate, and their bodies and minds have admitted that no matter how hard they struggle, it is useless."

"Okay." Julian nodded and admitted: "Those prairie people do not even have the qualifications to be slaves. They have been completely abolished."

The observers from the great powers are actually okay, and they can comment on that few words.

Those who came from a small country are not a few people who can see that they wet their pants directly, and there are even people who can be frightened and insane just by watching~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the battlefield, the shelling stopped first.

There was no rolling thunder from the shelling for a while, and both the enemy and us were so uncomfortable.

In the back, the riflemen also stopped shooting.

Apart from screams and wailing, and the neighing of war horses, there was no more movement on the battlefield.

"It should be less than 10,000 enemy troops, right?" Li Tan glanced at Dou'a and asked, "Your troops go up and surrender?"

Dou A thought for a while and wanted to agree.

The surviving grassland coalition forces found that the Han army no longer continued to attack, first weeping loudly, and then crying. They felt that they were really too miserable, or the kind of unprecedented misery. There was no weapon exchange with the Han army in the whole battle, but the Han army was constantly "booming booming" and "snapped". The people on his side are almost dead.

"Because of the emergence of firearms." Julian said very heavily: "The war has become completely different from what we understand."

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