Sweep the World

Chapter 972: : Can't it go hand in hand?

In the thirteenth year of Yuanshuo, time has reached the last season of the year, winter.

Northern Xinjiang is far away from Chang'an, and reports of battles have been sent back one after another, but it did not cause any impact.

As the winter started in Chang'an, there was drizzle for about half a month, and the temperature of the weather dropped suddenly. It was only sunny for five days but it was snowing.

The rainy season for half a month has not only fallen in Chang'an, but the Guanzhong Plain and the area around Luoyang in Guandong have fallen into the rainy season at the same time.

When it started to snow in Guanzhong, there was none in the central plains of Kanto.

However, it started snowing in northern Xinjiang and Liaodong earlier than Guanzhong.

The drought that occurred from the ninth year of Yuanshuo to the eleventh year of Yuanshuo made the Han people extremely impressed. There was a continuous rainy season in autumn, and before the snow fell in winter, there was a drizzle for half a month. Some areas appeared. After the flood, Wanmin would rather endure the flood than experience another drought.

Because of the effective official response to the drought in the past three years, there has been no starvation everywhere, but there has been a major change in the original population gathering.

According to official records, the Northwest, which had a population of more than 1.3 million, was less than one million after Yuanshuo twelve years, and more than 300,000 went to the Western Regions and chose to settle down. In the twelfth year of Yuanshuo, the population of one million people in the northwest was not all the original Northwesters. Nearly 200,000 people came from all over the world.

In the traditional Central Plains, more than 200,000 households moved to the northwest, and nearly 100,000 settled in the Western Regions. More than 150,000 moved to the grassland. The 1.4 million moved to Liaodong has the largest number.

The population change in the south of the Yangtze River is smaller, because the south of the Yangtze River has not been greatly affected by the drought.

Yangzhou, which was originally the most densely populated, had forced migration of a million people in Yuanshuo in the seventh year. Most of them were forced to relocate to the original Ningzhou and Guangzhou, and a small number were relocated to Jiaozhi.

By the ten years of Yuanshuo, population gathering places including Jiankang, Jianchang, and Wuxing were once again forced to migrate. This time, the population was moved to the original Jingzhou under the national policy of building a grain-producing area in Jingchu.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that we should introduce a national policy to restrict mobility." Xie Ai is now one of the three servants. He just reported on the current population distribution of the country and has repeatedly talked about the disadvantages of population mobility: "If the central migration population goes to In the land of Jingchu, people have returned to the east one after another. If nothing is stopped, Jiankang will soon become a city with more than two million people."

The land of Jingchu is a broad term, which is about the north of the lake and the south of Hunan in the later celestial dynasties.

On the other side is Yuanshuo’s eight-year plan for large-scale development. At the beginning, it was only invested in the Tuntian Corps. The efficiency was too low to force the migration of the population.

Divided by the old administrative regions, the original Jingzhou is actually fine, but the so-called fortunately is limited to the area north and east of Changsha County, and the south and west are still completely barren land.

The development of the land of Jingchu was carried out on the basis of the previous construction, that is, a perfect irrigation system was established around the Dongting Lake area, and then the wasteland was reclaimed and turned into fertile land.

It took the Tuntian Corps three years to complete the construction of the irrigation system around Dongting Lake. By the eleventh year of Yuanshuo, it had cultivated 300,000 hectares of fertile land for the country. Of course, the fertile land was owned by the country, but it also helped the local people. Be benefited.

To make Jingchu a good grain-producing area, the most difficult thing is to develop other areas, such as Lingling, Quanling, Yingyang, Wugang and other places.

The above-mentioned areas are not all suitable as grain-producing areas. For example, Lingling and Yingyang are mountainous terrain, so they are not suitable as grain-producing areas.

Involving Lingling and Yingyang, the prerequisite for the construction of other areas is to divert water from Xiangshui and Yingshui to form an irrigation area network interconnected with Zishui and Huanshui.

The Dongting Lake grain-producing area is only one of the construction plans. According to the plan, it will take ten years to complete.

The entire Jingchu grain-producing area's large-scale construction plan also includes the Poyang Lake grain-producing area and the Yangtze River Delta (Hanjiang Plain) grain-producing area. Only in this way can it meet the scale that the center wants, but the center does not naively think that it will be completed within ten years. To be able to complete the construction is based on sufficient patience and intends to do it in batches for at least 35 years.

No matter what year it is, there is no shortage of people if you want to accomplish something. There is a construction force like the Tuntian Corps in the center, but the participation of the people is really indispensable.

"I don't understand a little bit." Liu Yan is really confused: "Migration is based on the foundation of land replacement. When the replacement is carried out, don't you give more land?"

Xie Ai knew that Liu Yan hadn't finished speaking even though he paused, and quietly waited for the follow-up.

"Give the land and give the policy." Liu Yan continued to be very confused and said: "The local environment is really bad to survive? Are they willing to abandon the land and return to their hometown, or the local government will return the land after they return?"

"The center has no policy, and the local officials dare not do that even if they have the courage." Cai You calmly gave the answer: "The land without a name may become a tenant of the government, or it may enter a workshop or something. There is always a way to continue living."

Xie Ai had to look at Cai You gratefully. He just wanted to talk about those things. He must have said that it would make Liu Yan feel embarrassed. After a little hesitation, Cai gave priority to speaking first.

The current state policy of the Han Empire is in confusion. It wants to restore agricultural production as much as possible, but it has issued policies to encourage the development of industry. The contradiction between both ends lies in one point. People don't necessarily need to guard the land to survive. They can also rely on part-time work to earn wages to obtain living funds.

Jiankang has been migrants repeatedly, but it often attracts people to settle because it is a gathering place for handicrafts and can provide sufficient jobs.

Wherever there is a need, merchants will see business opportunities to transport goods. Jiankang is a city that relies on merchants to supply food. Most people buy their rations from various stores instead of planting them themselves.

"I really ignored this..." Liu Yan was not admitting his mistake, even if the world was wrong, it wouldn't be his fault. He didn't even feel embarrassed, and asked, "Is Mingda's proposal to restrict population movement to prevent more people from returning to their homeland, or are they worried that more people will abandon farmers as workers?"

"Your Majesty, the minister will never hinder the people's idea of ​​becoming workers." Xie Ai did not dare to admit that even if he really had such an idea: "The minister thought that there are workshops everywhere. Farming or working as workers are not the same. Conflict. The worry is the layout of the Han population."

Liu Yan thought about it for a while, and really forgot that it was the restriction of population movement from the dynasty, but he knew that the starting point of all restrictions on population movement was really inseparable from farming.

The first dynasty in history to restrict population movement was the State of Qin during the Warring States Period. After Qin ruled the world, this policy was continued.

The Qin State is very strict in restricting population flow. It is precisely because of this policy that Qin State has an efficient mobilization system. Otherwise, if the population flow is too large, let alone mobilizing troops, it is a problem to ensure food supply.

Liu Yan didn't think it was the pot of the Qin Empire. He put the pot on top of Meng Yuan's head according to some vague fragments in his memory, and he was very disgusted subconsciously.

Of course, Liu Yan has long been not that Liu Yan, unless necessary, he will not arbitrarily deny it because of inner disgust.

What kind of position the **** sits in, the way of thinking will change due to the difference in seats. Liu Yan has long known that there are contradictions in the national policy, and has never come up with the best of both worlds, so he has no choice but to ignore it.

Xie Ai said that it is far-fetched not to conflict between the two, but it is not possible to explain it.

The four seasons of farming are also the most important in spring and autumn.

After the cultivation in the spring, only a few people will go to the farmland to take care of them every day. Most of them are occasionally removing weeds and rectifying the ridges. The more time between the spring planting and the fall is the idle stage of doing nothing.

After harvesting grain in autumn, farmers need to prepare for spring plowing in the winter, such as raising seedlings or trimming the farmland, but sincerely, it doesn't take three months or more to complete it within two months at most.

During the slack period, women need to be much more busy than men because of their family roles. Men usually stay at home with nothing to do, or men will go out to chase dogs and chickens, and there are also some men who spend their energy on eating, drinking, and gambling.

So when you don’t need to be busy with farming, you can indeed work in a workshop. Xie Ai’s statement is not nonsense. The problem is that people who want to work can find a job.

"The national highway from Jiankang to Chang'an has gone from being largely uninhabited in the past four years, and now there are villages and towns everywhere." Cai You dared to tell the truth more than Xie Ai: "Although it is expected,...the country has hidden worries. "

The Han Empire definitely did not want to see the phenomenon of over-population, especially now that the population is so large. If there is over-population, it will be more prone to uninhabited areas.

Liu Yanlue understands it slightly, and Cai You also believes that policies should be introduced to restrict population movement.

There is a saying in later generations that restricting the flow of population will eliminate the buds of industrial development in the invisible.

There are sayings like that because it is difficult to scale the industry without enough workers. And unless there is enough population in a certain place, and because of this and other reasons, primitive handicrafts gather, otherwise the embryonic form of initial industry will not appear.

In a very early period, the first handicraft gathering place of Zhu Xia was in Linzi. The reason why Qi was able to become the hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period relied on the industrial economic profits generated by Linzi's gathering of handicrafts.

Jiankang was the place where the Han Empire had a rudimentary industrial base. It was not Liu Yan who planned to show such signs. The foundation was created during the period of the small court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Liu Yan knows that industry is the future of the nation. He also understands that there is no future without sufficient food. It is precisely this way that he realizes that there are contradictions in the national policy and that he is not fully inclined to ensure farming or vigorously support industry.

"The national highway gathers people..." Liu Yan didn't know what the ministers thought. He said, "In your opinion, there are only disadvantages, but no benefits?"

Cai You was asked.

"The ministers are worried that population migration will become useless." Xie Ai chose to block his guns and said cautiously: "The people can go freely on both sides of the national highway. It is natural to get land. If there is no way, there is no way to settle down."

Liu Yan has long known about the population gathered by the National Highway Association, and he is happy to see such a development. He knew very well that unless the national highway of later generations was really a desolate area, or there were so many prosperous towns along the way.

Once the national highway is built, it itself forms a transportation corridor.

The transportation corridor will attract people to provide various services along the way because of needs, and will gradually develop into an economic corridor.

This is the situation now. The locals along the national highway are the first to benefit. If they can freely buy and sell land, it is not known how many people will become rich in an instant.

Even if they are unable to freely buy and sell land, they can build buildings, do business on their own, or rent out buildings. They do not become rich in an instant, and they are on the road to wealth much earlier than people in other places.

"I see." Liu Yan needs to think about it, and wave his hand: "You guys are busy."

Cai You and Xie Ai glanced at each other, silently saluted and retreated for a while before turning and leaving.

In the snowy season, as long as it is not a whim, no one will walk around in the snowy weather.

Because Miyagi is the place where the people of the world live, God does not snow in this place. Cai You and Xie Ai, who walked in the corridor outside the room, did not walk fast, but they were silent for a long time.

When they reached a corner, the two stopped silently.

"Your Majesty is in a dilemma." Cai You contacted Liu Yan much earlier than Xie Ai, and persuaded: "This topic should not be mentioned again in a short time."

“Agriculture is the foundation of the people and the foundation of the country.” Xie Ai did not give a positive response: “The big man can squeeze the indigenous people of the Indo-China Peninsula and the Asan Continent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to continuously obtain food from overseas. But since the local area There is a plan for the construction of grain-producing areas, and the plan is put into action. Shouldn’t it be more resolute?"

Cai You "haha" laughed a few times, not annoyed that her kindness was not accepted: "Mingda, have you seen muskets and artillery, thought they came out of thin air?"

"..." Xie Ai didn't understand what Cai You meant for a while: "Please teach me seniors."

"It's not long for Mingda to serve your Majesty in close proximity..." Cai Youzhen wasn't leaning on the old to sell the old. After a very long ending, he continued: "I don't know whether Mingda has ever heard your Majesty say the term'industry'?"

Xie Ai had the opportunity to contact Liu Yan frequently when he became a servant. It has been nearly a year, and he shook his head blankly: "I haven't had it yet."

"It's no wonder then." Cai You didn't have any malice, but at this moment he was full of superiority. He smiled and said reservedly: "That Mingda thinks about what'industry' is, and you can probably understand what your Majesty is thinking."

Xie Ai saluted and watched Cai You leave. He was full of the word "industry" and decided to figure out what it was.

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