Sweep the World

Chapter 976: : How can it be useless?

Tiantan Square is not the most lively place in Chang'an. When it comes to liveliness, it should be a food street extending from a side road on Zhuque Avenue.

Since it is a food street, it must be a street full of all kinds of food. It is a straight street, up to two miles long, with shops on both sides, and each shop is dedicated to special cuisine.

In addition to the shops, the food court also has stalls, but unlike the orthodox foods that are regulated by the shops, the stalls are mainly based on various snacks.

Since the food street has a flow of passengers day and night, the shops are operated in shifts around the clock, and the stalls are rotated by different owners.

It has been operating day and night all day, and the various fragrances have never been cut off. Chang'an people also gave it an alias called Piaoxiang Street.

There are only wrong names in the world, and no wrong nicknames. Piaoxiang Street, like an alias, is indeed a street filled with the smell of food all the time.

The Food Street is not just the various delicacies of Zhuxia.

Since the Han Empire has been in line with the world, and merchants from so many countries have arrived, countries have been allowed to rent shops from the government. They have also begun to operate their own country’s food, enriching the dishes in the food street, but the food from foreign countries may not be good. It is loved by the Han people.

If the food court is a place for fun, then Tiantan Square is a place that tends to be serious.

The Temple of Heaven is a national ritual site, and the square is a part of the Temple of Heaven. It is absolutely impossible to say that it has become a place of wanton fun.

I don’t know who was the first to set up the battle arena in the Temple of Heaven. The government did not drive away or pursue it. Then it became the best ideal to fight in such a serious place. Many literati would even think, They display their talents here, and they may be able to be sensed by the heavens.

Until a talented person was recruited to Miyagi to give lectures to the children of the imperial family, they really met their expectations. No one knows whether there is an indescribable mysterious existence in God, but he was called by the emperor to give lectures to the children, which is equivalent to It is no different from being favored by God.

With the first example, people who think they have real talents are more enthusiastic about going to the Temple of Heaven square, hoping that their talents can also be discovered by the emperor and become another existence that has become famous in the world, leading to the four seasons of the year. Endlessly, even day and night, there are so many people in the Temple of Heaven square who are opening their screens like peacocks.

"What's going on today, how come so many officials and nobles come over?"

"How did you discover that they were high-ranking officials?"

"Doesn't that need to be said? It's not a high-ranking official, who is qualified to carry so many guards!"

"Ah, what you said is so reasonable that I can't refute it."

In the Han Empire, it was obvious how many guards could be owned by what kind of title.

At the same time, if the title is not high enough, but the current official position is high enough, it is still possible to have a temporary increase in the number of guards. The difference is that once they resign from official positions, what the title is, they immediately return to their original form.

So many times, it is that the big figures of the nobles come to Tiantan Square, and the people who are showing themselves are instantly excited, and show themselves in the best posture.

At the same time, some people began to call friends to inform them that many dignitaries had arrived in the Temple of Heaven Square.

Waiting for Liu Yan to arrive, he was surprised to find that there was white snow floating in the sky, but there were too many people on the square.

"Originally, there were not too many people." After Liu Yan arrived, Ji Chang found out and gathered: "It should be because there are many high nobles today. Come look for opportunities."

On the side of the Temple of Heaven square, at a glance, there is an area of ​​about 800,000 square meters. In the center is the towering Temple of Heaven, where soldiers are on duty at all times.

Except for the Temple of Heaven, there are no other buildings in the entire square, all of which are flat slate floors.

The literati came here to set up the ring. They didn't mean to build a high platform or something, but to find a place to provoke with their voices.

Their provocation is not to verbal abuse, but to yell like a vendor. The difference is that the vendor yells the name of the product, but they read their articles aloud.

Liu Yan had been here several times before, and he had some understanding of what the scribes called Wendou.

At this moment, Liu Yan could hear the fierce battle for battle just standing on the periphery, and at a glance, he could see many circles gathered by the onlookers.

There is no TV this year, and some public figures may have a very good reputation, but I don’t know what they look like.

Liu Yan didn’t show up very often. Every time he showed up on extremely important occasions, it was just that he was too far away from ordinary people, and it was not possible to see clearly at a distance. Furthermore, when he showed up, he basically wore a costume. The face is basically obscured by a string of beads.

In contrast, some ministers often show their faces in public, and the more informed the information, the more senior officials will know. They told each other to confirm that they learned that at least half of the Sanling and Liushangshu had arrived, and that some of the big figures in the army also appeared in the Temple of Heaven square. They were both excited and confused. It was really hard to guess how so many high-ranking officials would make up today.

The Han Empire was undergoing repeated restructuring. The original recommendation of filial piety was cancelled due to a change in the system, and the imperial examination system was not implemented because it was not perfected. The national selection of talents was actually in a state of pause that no one wanted to see.

When the formal channels for acquiring talents temporarily "disappear", there will inevitably be other less formal channels appearing, and coming to the Temple of Heaven square to show talents is one of them.

The snow in the sky cannot stop the enthusiasm of the enterprising people. The heat in their hearts can even evaporate the cold air. Liu Yan has seen some scholars who are in a debate steaming on their heads.

"Big guys are not people without talents, it's because we didn't excavate talents." Ji Chang is a kind of open attitude towards so many scholars vying for the top: "They are the future of big guys!"

Liu Yan had a smile on his face, but his heart was noncommittal.

Most of the people who listen to the debate are debating something, basically "Zhongni", "Mencius", "Xunzi" and so on, and there are few people who "say".

Those who always "say" on XX, who do a good debate are not like a debate, they are just learning to endorse. What can show their ability is only to show the ability of rote memorization, and those who are brilliant are rote memorization. Now I understand the meaning of the sage’s words, except that I don’t have any thoughts that belong to me.

"If the future of the big man is like this, then hehehe!" Ran Min walked over and just heard a tail of Ji Chang's words, and said with a look of disgust: "They are not Confucius, nor Meng Ke and Xun. Besides, how do these sages benefit today's big men?"

Ji Chang was a little bit angry at Ran Min's naming and naming of the sages, and said angrily: "Does General Ran know how to respect the sages?"

"Some really wants to be respected." Ran Min only picked his nostrils to express his disdain: "But do they have something to respect?"

"The sages inherited culture and studied literature, and they have today's Zhuxia." Ji Changbeard was almost furious: "Can't let General Ran respect it!?"

"Well, a certain admits that they have contributed, but most of them only talk and do nothing." Ran Min thought about it and asked: "Can the sages develop excellent equipment, so that Zhu Xia has more weapons to fight against foreign races? "

Ji Chang: "..."

"The sages who developed Baigong seem to be looked down upon, and even stepped on the soles of their feet repeatedly?" Ran Min saw that Ji Chang couldn't say anything, and he said happily again, "So, can you be considered a sage?"

"Many sages did not develop Baigong, nor did they command the army..." Ji Chang was almost taken in, and reacted and said stiffly: "They enriched the culture of Zhu Xia, and armed the will with culture. Huayi defended it. It is the strong shield of Zhu Xia, and the difference between Hua and Yi is the sharpest spear."

This time, Ran Min had nothing to say.

"The book is so sharp." Xie An whispered to Liu Yan: "It's just hard to explain why we treat sages outside of Confucianism."

The sages used to refer to all those who have made contributions to Zhu Xia, not only those powers of Confucianism, but also anyone who contributed to the nation.

However, with the dominance of Confucianism, the disciples of Confucianism defeated all those who were not "owners", and it was entirely Confucianism that made Zhu Xia survive.

In the age when Confucianism was so impeccable, if anyone dared to jump out and tell the truth, within two or three days, he would definitely be able to see the corpse in the wilderness, and even the dead body would evaporate from the world.

Later, I wondered if Confucianism was really useful but the Confucian disciples themselves. They found that Confucianism was in shackles during the Eastern Han Dynasty, and they tried to improve and perfect. Only then did contemporary great Confucianists of Eastern Han Dynasty re-record books and annotate scriptures under the guise of sages. .

What the Confucian magnate in the Eastern Han Dynasty did was to let this scholarly ruler renew his life, but only less than a hundred years later, Confucianism fell into confusion again during the Jin Dynasty, especially when faced with the Hulu military force, it was not just Confucianism. It seems weak and useless, and even unable to come up with anything that can be materially self-armed to resist, so that Confucianism is about to peacefully evolve into metaphysics.

Ran Min participated in the fall of Shenzhou north of the Yangtze River almost all the way, and he is absolutely qualified to have enough aversion to Confucianism. He doesn't know what Confucianism brings to the nation or what inheritance will be. He only knows that Confucianism has nothing to do in the face of foreign invasions, and even some so-called Confucian celebrities are vying to serve the Hulutu to poison the same clan.

"Brother Tai'an, I'm not targeting anyone alone..." Ran Min pointed around and raised his chin slightly: "Anyone who can only moan without illness, and the doctrine that is useless for the big man to gain national strength is rubbish."

To be fair, Ji Chang is not a loyal Confucian disciple. He hasn't even studied many masterpieces of Confucianism. He just subconsciously protects those sages who have achieved lofty achievements in literature because of the sentiments of literati.

"General Hussar is crazy, right?" Sang Yu never frightened Ran Min. He came to listen for a while. Seeing that Ran Min was too paranoid and absolute, he asked: "According to General Hussar, do you want To ban writing? To burn a lot of literature again?"

Ran Min replied: "Most of them can be burned."

They were arguing over here, and slowly attracted crowds of onlookers. Many people were eager to try, but they flinched when they knew that one of them was Ran Min.

Ran Min's reputation was stigmatized by the literati south of the Yangtze River in the early days. Later, he presided over the genocide war against the Jie people, and became very polarized as the **** of war and the butcher.

People who think Ran Min is the God of War also hate and hate the Jie people. If at least 99% of the people in the north of the Yangtze River are praised, at least four adults in the south of the Yangtze River think that Ran Min is a butcher.

Although the people south of the Yangtze River have been facing the threat of the Jie people for a long time, they don’t really have much personal pain, and they have not personally experienced the reign of the Jie people.

Regardless of whether Ran Min is regarded as the **** of war or a butcher, anyone who faces Ran Min will feel frustrated. Literati pays attention to the time and situation. Only a very small number of people will not hesitate because of persistence. It seems that the surrounding literati are not direct for academics. Choked Ran Min's guts.

Liu Yan has his own opinion. For a country (nation), pure literature is actually useless in most cases, but it is an indispensable part.

Like novels, movies, serials, etc., besides the creators and participants can profit, can they create anything? I'm afraid that most of the works can't even bring people to think, just to achieve the effect of entertainment. But can you say that they shouldn't appear?

No matter what kind of literature it is, since it exists, it will definitely be more or less useful. General works can enrich ideas, fine works can bring people to think, and handed down works become part of the spiritual civilization of the entire nation.

Liu Yan kept observing the people around him. After waiting for a while, he still didn't see anyone standing out to participate in the argument, and he didn't even see anyone showing a thoughtful expression. It is false to say that he is not disappointed.

"There has never been a madman, nor is it paranoid." Huan Wen has stood beside Liu Yan for a while: "He has a first glimpse of what industry is, and believes that only the doctrine that can be created is the true doctrine."

"Science." Liu Yan said a name, turned his head to look at Huan Wen, and asked: "Do you hold the same opinion as Yongzeng?"

Huan Wen chanted the name "Science" several times in a low voice, and replied with a smile: "Science can strengthen the army, and it can also be invested in construction. The minister thinks that science is the future of the country."

How can Liu Yan not know that science is the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the rest are inheritance, they are only inheritance.

"First of all, we must know who we are. This cannot be expected."

Liu Yan remembered something...

Someone who wants to eliminate Chinese characters fully use the Latin alphabet.

There has been another major event that completely denies one's own culture.

One thing after another, some happened in the land of Zhuxia, and some happened in neighboring countries.

The so-called Chinese cultural circle is that as the surrounding countries abandon Chinese characters, either use the Latin alphabet or make a few words by themselves, and within a few years they have "washed out" the traces of China on their body.

"You must know who we are!" Liu Yan said resolutely: "If you don't know your roots, any powerful can be subverted at any time."

His words have already talked about the importance of those seemingly useless cultures...

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