Sweep the World

Chapter 1011: : The whole world attacked Han (2)

"The Han Empire is too powerful!"

"We are completely behind Serris."

"The Han Empire's application of gunpowder has just begun. Now they have begun to install firearms, and they may install three legions within five years."

"Yes. Seris has conducted firearm application tests in the north, and the weapon type has been finalized and entered the mass production stage."

"With the same weapon, we may still be inferior to the Hans on the battlefield. Even if the quality of the army is not as good as the Hans, they send out a legion, and we use three legions to offset the disadvantage. Once the Hans are fully equipped with firearms, according to our observers The information returned is no longer the number of people who can easily regain the disadvantage."

This is Syria, and two people wearing white robes are sitting on their knees and talking face to face.

Observe the meeting place. The two people who don't know the location and don't watch the conversation, just look at the decoration and it is a very ordinary Han courtyard. The furniture styles are also common in the noble families of the Han Empire.

The sun in summer is always hotter than in other seasons. The weather here in Syria is extremely hot in summer. If a pool of water is exposed to the sun without rainfall, it will be evaporated and cleaned in no time.

"Have you mastered the construction of ocean-going warships?"

"not at all."


"One step behind, unless it is the beginning of a new era, otherwise no matter how you catch up, you will always be one step behind. After learning how to make ocean-going warships, the performance will definitely lag behind the Han Empire, and it may even be more than one generation behind. The fundamentals are built at a high price. A warship that could not compete with the Han Empire, Rome was not so rich."

"Understood. You started the project on the (Gibraltar) Strait for the purpose of blockade."

"Yes. No matter how you chase, you can't surpass it on the battleship. Looking at the naval battle between the Gupta Empire and Seris, it is far more difficult to overwhelm the quality with quantity than land."

"We also have related coastline defense plans."

"It's useless. In the war between the Han Empire and Gupta, a ship called a gunboat was used. It was able to carry out coastal artillery bombardment on land near the coast, and the defense of the coastline would only have one result."

"Your land-based shore-based defense chain?"

"It's just a necessary measure. The only thing that can have a defensive effect is the depth of defense in the inland. It's just that we all know a problem. The defense is too passive and we can only choose the invasion route through which the enemy must pass for defense."

The place of conversation was a villa on the coast, and the Mediterranean Sea could be seen when the courtyard looked to the north.

It is not a port. A dozen large and small ships anchored and parked at a position close to the coastline about 300 meters. Their sails were not lowered, and they looked like they would move again at any time.

On the gray-yellow beach wading line, nearly a hundred small boats were on the beach. Sailors wearing brown linens stayed near the small boats, while Roman armor men with a bright red cloak gathered together.

Around this type of villa, to the north are the Roman soldiers who are on alert, and to the south are the Persian soldiers who are also on alert.

"Only by active offensive can victory in this war be possible."

"There is a buffer zone of more than three hundred miles between Seres and Hunite. There is a buffer zone of more than five hundred miles between Seres and Gaoche. The gaze of the Serris never stops. Once Hunite meets There was a slight movement in the tall car, and it could not escape the surveillance of the Serris."

"This time there will be no temptation. The Hunets are very clear that if they don't work hard, they will perish the country and the species. The Dinglings also know the seriousness of the situation. They have the strongest determination, but they don't trust us and have the same determination to win or die."

"I understand your concerns. Rome is the furthest away from Seres, and you do worry about Rome's determination. We have assembled thirty legions in Asia Minor, and we can move eastward anytime, anywhere."

"This time we completely let go of the west, and Hunnet came out like Gaocha. We believe that Rome is aware of the power of the Han Empire, and that the alliance of Rome is full of sincerity."

The conversation stopped again.

At present, a Roman legion has between 2,000 and 5,000 people, and the first-class legion has five thousand people. However, there are only 18 first-class legions in Rome, so the 30 legions are at most 100,000.

Rome will not pull all the first-class legions out of the country. It will inevitably leave the necessary legions to defend against the Germans in Europa. The ability to mobilize nine first-class legions has shown the greatest sincerity.

In addition, the Roman legions were notoriously short legs. Even if they marched with all their strength, it would take at least two months to enter the Persian territory from Asia Minor, and it would take at least half a year to reach the territory of Hunite.

"The Han Empire wants to castrate the slaves in an all-round way."

"Yes, the news is correct."

"It's terrible."

"Before, we all agreed that the Serris wanted to plunder the world, and knew that their desire to expand has no bottom line. Now we know a little bit more, the Serris cannot tolerate other races."

This time it was Roman Augustus Constantius who came to Syria in person.

In order not to attract attention, Constantius did not make any major moves. He boarded the ship from Constantinople, but took twelve ships and five hundred guards.

Since Constantius personally came, then the Persian Sassan must have come to the meeting personally by Shapur II.

Some time ago, Rome and Sassan had both withdrew their troops from Syria. Numerous armed forces emerged there. Those armed forces kept declaring which place they owned, which made Syria divided into countless large and small control areas. At the same time, these controlled areas are fighting against each other.

This land did not have peace because Rome and Sassanid gave up, on the contrary it fell into greater chaos.

When the Romans and Persians robbed Syria for their power, although they were not moderate, they rarely carried out mass killings.

Waiting for all kinds of chaotic armed forces to fight, they are all in the same line, but they have far more brutal behaviors than the Romans and Persians. In less than two years, I don’t know how many villages are in ruins. Then the piles of dead bones left after the slaughter can be found near the village.

Under the fratricide, there were originally more than two million people on the land of Syria. Only two years have passed. I don't know if there are a million people left.

In addition to the people who died in the melee, those armed forces continued to sell people to the outside world, and young women sold the most people. There is no doubt that the buyers, whether they were Han people or not, were mostly sent to the mainland of the Han Empire. .

"Every day, ships full of slaves leave the port, and they sail to the east."

"It's the same on our side. What's good for Rome is that most of the people who were escorted to the ship were Germans, Celtics, and Saxons."

The Han Empire leased ports and concessions from various countries. Some ports and concessions have entered the opening stage, and those places have become one of the more lively areas in the local area.

The Romans and Sassanes, who also existed at the empire level, were the first time they faced the act of ceding land without experiencing war. This alone was enough to make them hostile to the Han Empire.

It is not just a hostile leader who has a bit of long-term vision. They also need to consider the future. There is not much difference in their conclusions. One day the Han Empire will not be satisfied with renting land, and war is bound to be inevitable.

"The sea trade with Seres has only been in place for four years. Our domestic gold coin holdings have seen an unprecedented decline, and there has been bartering between nobles. This is a situation that has never happened in Rome."

"Is that exaggeration? Thousands of years of accumulation, only four years, right?"

"There is no exaggeration at all. Ships of silk, porcelain, and tea are shipped to various ports in Rome, and the ships are filled with gold coins to go to sea again. For the Serris, Rome has no commodities of interest to them except slaves. "

"Trade deficit. I learned this term by accident."

Shapur II said that "trade deficit" was pronounced in Chinese, and later explained it in Persian. When explaining, it was not just a single word pronunciation, but a long string.

Of course Rome has its own products, but as Constantius said, the Han people really didn't like any Roman products.

Facing the hard-working sales of Roman merchants, the Han people looked at the pottery of various appearances with disgust, and looked at the various sculptures including figures and animals with a daunting look.

During the exchanges between Rome and the Han Empire...or in business dealings, the only thing that could earn a large amount of gold back was hydraulic technology.

In fact, the Han people are very happy to hire relevant talents in Rome, but they are really not so clear about which talents should be hired. I heard that the Romans are very good in water conservancy, so they hire a lot of water conservancy talents.

The Roman bathhouse culture is almost well-known all over the world. At present, there are about a thousand Romans with related majors running around the Han Empire. They designed drainage and irrigation systems for various places, and then designed interiors for people who can afford it. bathhouse.

For example, in Chang'an, the Han people used to have park sprinkler systems before, but they were obviously not as professional as the Romans, and they were redesigned and rebuilt later.

"The trade deficit between Persia and the Han Empire is not much better than that of Rome. The only thing we can attract Han people is the carpet."

Shapur II and Constantius looked at each other, and their faces were helpless except for embarrassment.

"The Seris people are happy to harvest our gold coins, but they only sell luxury goods."

"Yes. We understand how important gunpowder and firearm technology are. It is normal for the Han people to be reluctant to sell, but they even blocked us from papermaking technology and printing technology."

In fact, unlike the blockade of gunpowder technology, papermaking and printing are not only official. Rome and Sassan also obtained papermaking and printing.

Although the technology was acquired, they found after sorting it out that there are so many different methods for the same papermaking and printing, and it takes time to conduct various verifications and choose the most suitable method to popularize it.

"We have been patient, we just tried to stop the unofficial channels to obtain gunpowder."

"Isn't it because of our tolerance and compromise that the Han Empire transferred its energy to the country?"

"That's the only place we did it right."

"It can only be that. Once there is no end and there is no standard, the Han Chinese will choose to start a war with a more than 70% chance."

"It is indeed something that the Seris people can do. When they face the challenge, whether it is their emperor or their civilians, all are too violent."

"In our records, the Han people are a very decent people. They pay attention to etiquette and politeness. We also have some records that you will not believe. The Han people hundreds of years ago felt that they were offended when they faced offense. The offense is because the offender is not civilized, and the Han people will send out businesses to teach those offending themselves into civilization."

"It's... hard to imagine, it surprised me too much."

Has there ever been such a thing? I don’t know when the Persian records refer to it, but the first few dynasties mentioned above to Zhuxia, whether it was the Western Han or Eastern Han, or the stage of civil war, and even the Western Jin and Eastern Jin, seemed to be the first choice to be offended. Are they all stunned?

"Those people who were taught, without exception, later became members of what the Han people called ‘Zhu Xia’."

"It's terrible!"

"This war is actually saving Rome. Did your Roman nobles all begin to be Chinese?"

"To learn from the advanced civilization, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is our strength. We were once fully Hellenistic, but we are still Romans."

"It's not the same. Believe me, any ethnic group that learns Han culture will eventually become a member of the "Zhu Xia" of the Han population, and then they will become Han people."

At this point, the Japanese stood up and expressed dissatisfaction.

Then, after waiting for a certain period of time, they were obviously Han people, but because of their political achievements, many people only realized that they had been expelled from the Han people because of their political achievements, and they became a new nation that they had never heard of.

"We have gone through the darkness and know the brilliance of light. Persia has fully united, and we are going to fight a thorough Holy 1 war!"

"Holy War 1? You learned this term from the Arabs, right?"

"There is nothing funny. We are too close to the Han Empire, and there is no other choice at all."

"So... do you have any contact with the princess who married in the past?"

"No contact at all."

Constantius was surprised at Sasan’s determination. He would ask that if he could contact him, he would try to make the emperor Serris die in bed even if there was only one in ten thousand chance of success. .

The Romans have the same consideration for this, especially Helena has given birth to a baby boy with the blood of the Emperor of Han Dynasty.

If this time the whole world can gain an advantage in uniting against the Han Empire, there is almost no possibility that the Han Empire will be completely destroyed, but as long as it can gain an advantage, there are countless operational possibilities.

"Despite the greatest determination, I am still not sure which step I can achieve."

"The worst result will not be worse than the future result."


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