Sweep the World

Chapter 1016: : The whole world attacked Han (7)

The emperor went out to patrol, but everything was extremely wrong.

The first place where slave riots occurred was a quarry in Wuyang County.

The guard leader responsible for monitoring the slaves in the quarry was very stable and adopted the most conservative method. Although six Han people died in hard labor, they prevented the rioting slaves from spreading to the people. By means of siege, the riot was suppressed.

The second place where riots occurred was also in Wuyang County, but it took place in the slave camp where the national highway was built. The consequences of the riot this time were far more serious than those of the quarry. Not only were 13 guards killed and injured, as many as 171 people were killed and injured in the riot, and some slaves fled to the mountains and forests.

The number of slaves in the riot was about 30,000, and the guards guarding them were only more than 700. It was the people who took part in the suppression spontaneously, and the riot was suppressed in just two days. More than 200 people were fled. trouble.

The arrest of escaped slaves is far more than the number of people used to suppress the riots. The suppression of the riots only dispatched more than a thousand guards and more than 3,000 civilians. However, the hunting of the escaped slaves used three to four thousand people, targeting a radius of two hundred miles. Carpet-style raids were carried out in the mountains and forests.

As the first county where slave riots occurred, Wuyang's duplicate official documents were not delivered to the hands of the emperor and Ji Chang, the guardian of Chang'an. There were frequent riots in other places.

The biggest noise was in Yuannan in Wuling County.

Wuling County is one of the areas for the construction of Jingchu grain production area. It is located to the west of Dongting Lake and at the upper reaches of Yuanshui River.

Since it is to build a grain-producing area, the number of slaves used must be indispensable. At the same time, it is not scattered like building a national highway, but instead is intensive and concentrated resettlement.

It was also at night, and nothing was noticed beforehand. The riot happened so suddenly, and the Han people responded immediately after the riot.

The participation of Hans in the riots is what makes things more complicated. The number of Hans participating in the riots is not so large. Compared with the number of 50,000 slaves, there are only more than 700 Hans participating in the riots.

"Those are the remnants of the southern gentry who have been dealt with in repeated attacks." Cai You has sorted out the information and passed the information to Ji Chang, saying: "The farther ones are left by Huan Wen killing, and the more recent ones were punished for breaking the law. Hard labor."

Huan Wen did not kill many people in the south of the Yangtze River, and the prisoners were only a few. He killed too hard, because he killed a group of people who hindered the stability of the rule, but also involved some people who were not guilty of death, leaving a lot of problems and troubles.

"Big Han has always had hidden worries in the south, so it's okay to burst out." The news that Ji Chang knows is that the number of Han people involved in judgment on the Dongting Lake has been increasing, and it has increased to more than two thousand in just one month: "No outbreak. It's a hidden danger, and it won't be after the outbreak."

As a left-behind servant, Cai You represents the emperor.

The Chinese book ordered Ji Chang to stay behind. He did not have the title of supervising the country, but was doing things to supervise the country.

Of course, there must be someone staying at the center, but the official documents everywhere are actually in duplicate. One copy is sent to Chang'an, and the other is bound to be sent to the Tianzi Xingyuan.

"Before we thought it was the result of the castration wave." A mocking expression appeared on Cai You's face: "I didn't expect it to be that simple."

"The base of Shaofu's gunpowder production has not been attacked for the time being." Ji Chang also showed a mocking expression. Although he was surprised by what happened, he also felt reasonable: "Say they are irrational, but they dare to do so. Do. But that can also be explained. Dahan is far stronger than them at present, and they will have no resistance in a few years."

It is said that the facts have been obtained to prove that the frequent riots in the Han Empire are related to various countries, of which Rome and Sassan are the most active.

"The big man originally wanted to live in peace for a few years, but he was very safe." Cai You said uncomfortably: "The big man builds a country for the New Year. Whenever he wants to deal with and develop internal affairs, he will always jump out of the enemy."

It seems that this is really the case?

During the 6th year of Yuanshuo, the central government held good meetings and decided to temporarily stop the external campaign to concentrate on internal affairs. As a result, the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty took the initiative to launch an offensive.

In the ninth year of Yuanshuo, the central government once again decided to focus on the restoration of domestic people's livelihood. As a result, Murong Yanguo and Tuoba Daiguo blatantly launched an invasion.

From the ninth year of Yuanshuo to the thirteenth year of Yuanshuo, many people tried their best to change the national policy, and finally let the emperor support to deal with internal affairs first. This time, in order not to make any moths, even willing to let the military take the initiative to find Hunite and Xigaoche unhappy, the result is that the whole world is attacking Han.

"Your Majesty still decides not to return to the capital?" Ji Chang just asked, somewhat puzzled: "What is your Majesty's thoughts after such a big incident?"

If there were only one or two riots, it would probably not happen to disturb the emperor.

The problem is that large and small riots have occurred in various parts of the country, and there are real evidence to show that it is all countries. Then the next step must be to respond.

"Your Majesty's meaning is to let us handle domestic affairs by ourselves." Cai You said distressedly: "Let us leave the external affairs alone."

The chief officer and the next-level subordinate officials from the general's mansion were all accompanied on the tour, and the highest official left was just an attendant.

The officer's rank is not low, but he really doesn't have the authority to transfer troops, let alone issue any orders to overseas troops.

The domestic army and the left-behind servants also have no right to mobilize, so they can only be suppressed by the county lieutenants or captains everywhere.

What Cai You can do is to transfer the decision from the central point to the emperor's line.

Ji Chang did some things to clean up his hands.

"You said..." Cai You really couldn't hold back, and asked: "Your Majesty has already made his mind and decided to go on tour?"

Ji Chang didn't want to guess more, he thought there were some possibilities, but the possibility was not high.

If Liu Yan had already seen insights, he would have to respond in advance.

Looking at the current response methods, all localities have targeted measures after the riots, and it doesn't look like they were arranged in advance.

If you come again, judging by Liu Yan's character, if something is discovered in advance, it is impossible not to take necessary measures against those Gentiles.

As for what disputes will arise when arresting or killing foreigners without real evidence, not only Liu Yan, as the emperor, will not take it seriously, it can even be said that even the most ordinary people will not think it is too big. matter.

"Orders have been issued to the localities." Ji Chang has the right to do those things: "People who are not of Han nationality should be brought together to control them."

Still the same sentence, no one would think that it is a matter of rough treatment of Gentiles. Usually, we don't go rough, because there is no need to be rough. If anything happens, it's not that the Han people have no so-called human rights in the Han Empire.

Cai You said dullly: "I hope the military will not be too cruel this time. The big man still needs those slaves."

Ji Chang could only smile at this, and did not expect the military to be soft. He has already begun to plan a plan, where to choose to make up for the lack of labor.

"It looks like this at home, overseas..." Cai You said worriedly: "It is conceivable that it will be more serious."

Ji Chang waved his hand: "You and I stay behind and focus on the country."

In other words, Cai You knew that if he was caught off guard, even if the overseas enclaves were lost, he could only call back later. He was worried that the loss was too serious, and he especially suspected that the military would take this opportunity to go into war. If that was the case, it would be a joke to properly fix the internal affairs.

Asanyang is tens of thousands of miles away.

One of the gunboats, the "Xingyang" sailing on rough seas, had just received a report from Captain Liang Min, and the watchman discovered that two ships had collided at a forty-five degree left side of the bow.

"One is a Daqin ship, and the other is a Persian ship." Xiao Xin was an intelligence officer, and it was discovered that he had personally reported to the captain: "They have already lit a smoke column for help."

"Such a large sea area can still collide." Liang Min had no idea of ​​going to rescue at all, and said with a joke: "Are they blind?"

Xiao Xin certainly wouldn't suggest that the captain go to rescue.

If one of them is a Han Chinese ship, they will not hesitate, and will definitely go to rescue. It is all foreign ships. Whether they can save it depends on their feelings.

"This route is very prosperous." Chen Tan was the first officer of this gunboat. After taking a rest, he came to the flagship room and asked when he heard the news: "Isn't a ship going to save people?"

Anyway, it’s not a Han Chinese boat, just talk about it as a new thing.

They did not forget what had just happened in a while, and the watchman reported again that they found the two ships collided again, but the two ships that collided this time seemed to belong to the Han Chinese.

"What's the situation?" Liang Min looked at Xiao Xin and asked, "Today's wind and ocean currents are very abnormal?"

This is the sea, not a small inland river. How careless or accidental in nature that cannot be controlled by humans, would cause two ships to collide in such a vast sea area?

Xiao Xin walked to a place full of pipes, opened one of the covers, and asked loudly, "Captain sailor, check ocean current data."

It didn't take long for the tube to respond, but there was no abnormality in the ocean current.

Those pipes lead to various places of the ship, and the flagship room uses these pipes to communicate with people who are on the same ship but in different locations.

The style of the boat is Han, and whether the crew on it is Han must be close enough to get a closer look.

Today, the "Xingyang" had no mission that could not be delayed, and Liang Min ordered the warship to sail to the location where the accident occurred.

About half an hour later, the "Xingyang" came to the sea area where the accident occurred, and it was possible to see the two ships with the naked eye, one of which had sunk and let anyone flood the deck.

"There are people with us." Chen Tan was watching with a binoculars: "It's just that we don't have many people watching."

There are some Han Chinese ship owners who run ocean merchants who will use Gentiles on a large scale. Liang Min did not have too much thoughts and ordered the boats to be put down.

Liang Min said: "It would be best if the unsinkable one can be installed. If there is no other way, we will take our people."

As for the Gentiles? It’s fine if there are other ships coming to the rescue. The ship sinks before the other ships come to rescue. They are lucky if they can hold the float. If they sink down, even if their life is not good, the "Xingyang" will not pick up any foreign countries. People on board.

When the "Xingyang" approached within 100 meters, the two ships involved in the accident could already be heard cheering.

Qin Gui looked like a very aggressive man, and yelled depressively to his companions around him: "It's coming soon, no one who is special, don't hold back!"

The twenty or so Han people present had different expressions on their faces, some were tangled, some twitched their cheeks to look hideously.

"With this vote, I will never want to set foot on the Han soil."

"With money, where can't you stay comfortable?"

"If I say that, I feel uncomfortable in my heart."

"Kill all, who knew we did it?"

The discussion stopped when the three small boats approached. They were either silent or shouting for help or thanks.

More foreigners did not dare to meet the eyes of the Han soldiers on the three small boats.

The Han army didn't think much about the appearance of the alien. Some of their soldiers serving overseas are too accustomed to the fear of the aliens.

"What's your situation?" The person who asked Huang Yi was Qin Gui: "Is such a big sea, how can I get hit?"

Qin Gui said with a sullen expression: "The waves were too big, and the ship broke through the waves without time to react, so they ran into them."

Huang didn't say much when he heard it.

The sea is not the same as an inland river. When there are strong winds and waves, there is nothing unusual about ships sailing below average sea level.

That was when the sea was swept away, the sea level dropped at the location where the ship was, sometimes it could drop by seven or eight meters~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then the waves broke up and suddenly rose above the average water level.

If that's the case, hitting a ship that appeared suddenly, it can only be said to be bad luck.

"How many Han people are there?" Huang Yi didn't see the abnormalities of some people, thinking it was a sudden accident, and didn't think much about it. He got the answer and greeted: "Swim here by yourself. In addition, restrain those alien races. The warship can only carry their own people, and no alien race can board."

"Naturally, natural..." Qin Gui greeted his comrades and plunged into the sea first. As he swam, he shouted something in unknowing local dialects. The translation was: "Don't behave abnormally when you get to the warship. Do it. Soldiers will definitely put us in the cabin and do it directly when we get to the cabin."

No one of the Han soldiers who came to think much about it, their duty was to come and rescue the Han.

As for the ship that would not be silent at all, Hassan saw the three small boats continue to rescue people and said to the people next to him: "God cares for us, and the'Xingyang' really has no other ships to follow."

Hadi San tried his best to conceal his excitement: "I thought I was lucky to get the gunpowder. I didn't expect it to be possible to grab a gunboat!"

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