Sweep the World

Chapter 1025: : I always feel something is wrong

"A hundred miles west of the Penchi River, a large group of enemy cavalry was found!"

"Light a beacon!"

The Penchi River is west of Congling and is no longer part of Congling.

The Han Empire used to say that Northwestern Xinjiang was Xiliang. After the restoration of the Western Regions, the official name was Anxi Duhufu, but the folks used the name Northwestern Xinjiang in the former Western Regions.

The northwestern frontier is now much larger and wider than when it was in Xiliang, but the living environment is much worse.

Also, the Western Regions were originally an environment full of deserts and Gobi. In the past, the small tribes relied on oasis to establish their own political power. Almost every large oasis supported a kingdom, and the small oasis allowed people to establish a small city-state.

A good place is controlled and occupied by the strong. This is a matter of course. The previous kingdoms and city-states have been wiped out under the force of the Han Empire. There are no longer so many powers. Now even if there are powers, they belong to the category of horse thieves.

The former Protector of the Western Regions, and the Protector of Anxi now, has never relaxed the killing of bandits, but there are so many horse thieves that can be eliminated with a lot of power, usually the kind of hiding in the desert. The horse thief at the place, the Han army would suppress such horse thief when they found it, but they would not follow up in circles in the desert.

For the Han army, the natural environment is far more dangerous than the enemy army.

Fighting or something, the Han army is confident that it can face enemies of any level, but nature...

The last time Li Kuang led an army to conquer Hunite, not to mention how many enemy troops were killed and how many materials were plundered, but artificially created a buffer zone of nearly three hundred miles.

The Han army was based on its own needs, either within its original borders, or simply didn’t regard Hunet as a sovereign state, and built Fengshou wherever it fits, even if the terrain is good enough. To build a fortress.

To the west of the Penchi River, it is actually a basin. Compared with Anxi Duhu Mansion, the other side is a place full of green.

The Hunets shrank back more than three hundred miles under the threat of the Han army, and they shrank almost to the west bank of the Amu Darya.

When the original owner of the land escaped, the land became a land of no owner. The Han people and Guiyi Hu people in the Anxi Duhu prefecture looked like: Well, such a good land, don’t plant (graze) spots. What a pity!

The result was not bad. The Han people repeatedly tested the attitude of the Anxi Protectorate. Seeing that the Anxi Protectorate didn't want to care at all, Sa Huan rushed over.

With the Han people as the beginning, the Guiyi Hu people said that what the Han people did, we must follow, and then hula la ran away with a large group of people.

"The information came from the Chinese with water, and our scouts are already suitable."

"how many?"

"The number of cavalry found is no less than 80,000, and there are still unknown number of enemy troops in the rear."

"The Hunets are looking for death!"

The beacon of the fort has been ignited, and the beacon or the fortress and the fort in the rear continue to ignite the beacon in a relay mode to convey military information to the rear.

A long time ago, such scenes often took place in various sections of the Great Wall. Once you saw the beacon fire rising into the sky every few miles from the Great Wall section, it represented an invasion by the Hulu army.

It's just a change of region, but the meaning is the same.

Anxi Duhu Mansion is located in the shogunate of Gumo. After receiving the report, Li Kuang stunned for a moment.

"The Hunets took the initiative to launch an offensive?" Li Kuang couldn't understand it completely, and wondered: "Are they self-defeating?"

Last time, they smashed into the territory of Hunite, and how many Hunite troops they killed was not the most important thing, because they almost beat up most of the Hunite to white ground.

Almost half of the territory's altars and pots were shattered. Even in a semi-agricultural and semi-nomadic country like Hunet, it would not suffer as badly as a farming nation, but it would not be far from paralysis.

Fortunately, Hunite is a semi-agricultural and semi-nomadic country. At the same time, the western part of the farming area has not been ravaged by the Han army. Otherwise, there is no need to wait for the second attack by the Han army.

How long has this passed? It should be less than a year, what is wrong with the Hunets, and they have to take the initiative to provoke a war! ?

"What happened?" Li Kuang has been busy returning to the Hu people recently, and he has not paid enough attention to the half-crippled country of Hunite: "Is there anything I haven't noticed?"

Zhao Chang was actually at a loss. What he knew was that Hunet was still shrinking some time ago, and he really didn't understand what madness Glombardez had to gather his army to take the initiative to commit crimes.

Glenbard is the current king of the Hunets, the Huns and related nomads are called Shanyu, and the Alan and those who are mainly farming are called the king.

Hunet itself is a multi-ethnic country. The east is dominated by nomadic tribes, and the west is the farming area. In fact, they do not have a rigorous system, and they usually take care of their own affairs.

Every year when the winter enters, some leaders of sufficient weight will be summoned by Glenbard to the plains in the southeast of the Aral Sea. The second purpose of dividing the tax share is to discuss some big and small matters.

"There are 80,000 troopers that have been discovered, and there are still an unknown number of enemy troops?" Li Kuang felt that this was very wrong: "The last time we wiped out seven or eighty thousand Hunite troops, the Hunite died in the war. People will not be less than 300,000. They can still gather 80,000 steps, or even more?"

Zhao Chang also felt that something was wrong.

According to the information provided by the Anxi Protectorate on Hunite, Hunite is a country with a population of approximately 1.2 to 300,000. There have been so many young and middle-aged people before, and almost two out of ten young people have disappeared in the entire country. In the prime of life, at least 80,000 or more were recruited in less than a year?

"Glenbartis did this, even if they could win a small victory, what about it?" Li Kuang said according to his own understanding: "For a country like Hunnet, young people die 30-40%, and they can still exist. Go down?"

Don't say it's Hunet. If you replace it with young people in any country, you will die three or four out of ten. Basically, they will not be exterminated by the outside. The country should also become horrible, and it is destined to perish the country.

"Glenbardis is a capable man!" Zhao Chang sighed: "At least he can do this."

In the face of a monarch with no execution ability, he would have to sit on the throne in the face of the last miserable defeat, and even be kicked down to the throne to beheaded, but Glenbartis was still the ruler of Hunet.

Here is a time difference. The news of the domestic riots has not yet reached the Anxi Protectorate. Li Kuang and Zhao Chang studied for a long time. Didn’t they think that Hunite was not crazy, but Rome, Sassan, etc. National support and "blood supplement".

The army marching in the territory of Hunite has 80,000 paces that have been discovered by the Han army. This eighty-thousand-man cavalry is not all of the Hunite army. In fact, a considerable number of them are from various allied countries.

If Li Kuang knew that the countries headed by Rome and Sassanid formed the anti-Han axis, why would he counter-attack against Hunnet in less than a year, and be able to form at least 80,000 paces, and even maintain military logistics, etc. If you are confused, you will get the answer.

If calculated in terms of time, the current time node is the fourth day after the slave riot broke out in Wuyang County.

If the planning steps of the anti-Han alliance were adopted, the formation of coalition forces would be earlier than inciting the slaves in the Han Empire to riot, that is, before the slaves rioted, the countries were actually secretly mobilizing troops.

The Persians took the lead, and after contacting the Romans, it was a hit. The two countries did not take much action after reaching an agreement, but first planned the direction of production.

Many Han people are now out of the country, but if you go to a certain country, it is really difficult to establish an efficient intelligence system in a short period of time.

If the Sassanian and Roman movements are too big, the Han people will be aware of some clues under special attention. The problem is that the Persians and Romans are not stupid. Even if they want to make big movements, they choose to be more remote. It is carried out locally, so that it will not go under the eyes of the Han people.

Waiting for the Han people to discover the changes between Sassan and Rome, even if they want to pass the news back, it will take time.

It will take at least two months to send information from Sassanid to the Han Empire by sea, and at least one year by land.

In Rome, no one knows how much time it takes by land, because no one has ever traveled by land.

From the sea route, it takes a year and two or three months to send news from Rome back to the country. As for whether it is two months a year or three months a year, it depends on the weather conditions on the route. .

Sassan and Rome reached an agreement probably in the fifteenth year of Yuanshuo. They spent a year and a half in their own domestic preparations, and they did not contact other countries until the beginning of Yuanshuo's seventeenth year.

The attitude shown by the Han Empire was too domineering, and its behavior towards certain countries could only be fair and unreasonable.

If Sassan or Rome alone came forward and said that they wanted to resist the hegemony of the Han Empire, one of the countries contacted would shake their heads.

They are not stupid. Whether it is Sassanid or Rome, no matter how you look at it, they will be rubbed on the ground by the Han Empire. How frustrated would they be to follow the muddy water?

If Sassanid and Rome unite, and then some regional powers are brought together, it is probably a model of two plus five or more, the nature of the matter is somewhat different.

Since the Han Empire appeared in the field of vision of various countries, they knew that the Han Empire was very strong, and any country would be rubbed against the ground under the condition of one-on-one. It was the kind of ignoring how far away the distance was. The Han Empire could catch anyone. A beating reality.

The Persians have stated that if the war is going smoothly, the coalition forces of various countries may be able to enter the Western Regions and take advantage of the complex terrain of Congling to conduct a tug of war there.

Many countries...including Sassan himself, in fact, everyone knows that things will not be so easy. They may be able to take advantage of surprises in the early stage. However, they will have this kind of tug-of-war in the Han Empire. Conjecture.

The Persians' reliable guarantee is that even if they use the power of the whole country, they will at least block the Han people to the east of the Medes on land.

Medes is the central province of Sassanid, which is equivalent to saying that the Persians have made relevant psychological preparations and may lose the eastern territories east of Medes after the war with the Han Empire.

Most of the eastern borders of Persia are the Gobi or desert, and only the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea have a suitable environment for survival. They dare to make such a guarantee because humans cannot stand the desert or Gobi that spans hundreds of miles. At the same time, they have built long and deep fortifications in the two long and narrow corridors of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

If the first wave of troops formally engages with the Anxi Prefecture of the Han Empire, Sassan will mobilize the whole country in the next moment, training the young and middle-aged in the country is a necessary procedure, and then the most populous Arab ethnic group will be strengthened. .

Sassan’s own population should be 50 or 60 million, and it is not the first time that it is a matter of life and death to pull up an army of one million. There are at least four or five million Arabs in their territory. No matter how much you cannon fodder, how can you make up four or five million?

Shapur II has stated to Constantius that as long as the allies can keep up in terms of funding and military supplies, Sassan will have no pressure to pull up an army of two million people. He even said that if the other countries are pulled into the water, no matter how many countries gather together, they can gather a force of 500,000 people.

The Persian army that has entered the Hunite army, of the 80,000 stepping horses discovered by the Han army, 30,000 of them belonged to Sassanid. This is also Shapur II's reassurance for Glenn Bardiz, saying that Sassan is definitely playing this time, not trying to fool Hunet.

At the same time, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Rome has five legions that have entered the territory of Hunet, two of which are authentic Roman legions, and the other three are auxiliary legions from vassal races. Their total strength has reached 60,000, which is actually not a small number for Rome.

Some other countries and tribes have a total of over one hundred thousand. They belong to the kind of enemy army that has not been noticed by the Anxi Protectorate for the time being.

There is nothing complicated about what Li Kuang and Zhao Chang need to consider now. Since Glenn Bards doesn’t want to live and voluntarily provokes war, the Anxi Protectorate is of course rallying troops and must teach Glenn Bards how to behave. .

What the Anxi Protectorate needs to consider is whether facing Glenbardes's unhappiness, this time they simply wiped out the invading enemy forces, or rushed into Hunite again.

"The Hunites are crazy, Dingling must be able to move, right?" Zhao Chang said happily, touching his chin, "They are brothers and sisters, and they have established a deep friendship in a short time. Glenbardis If you take action, you will never forget to get on the West High Car."

Li Kuang had thought of this a long time ago. He was also happy to have a war, but he didn't really understand why the other party was going crazy.

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