Sweep the World

Chapter 1029: : Things are getting bigger

The current of the Penchi River is not turbulent, especially assuming that the river section of the pontoon bridge should be said to be quite mild.

The construction of a pontoon bridge is the same. A floating object is used as the foundation, and then a bridge deck that can be passed through is laid to provide a bridge deck for cross-strait communication.

Although it seems a very simple project, there are still not many countries (nations) that can do it today. The simplest thing is that it can't be done without a certain civilization, let alone quickly build a stable floating bridge.

The less civilized the country (nation), the less able to do any major project. This can be said to be a kind of human truth, and the truth is the same whether it was before or after a long time.

A division of the Han army came to the West Bank via a pontoon bridge. Some officers walked around the West Bank, and soon they came up with a plan.

They will build fortifications on the West Bank. Whether it is setting up fences, earth walls or digging trenches, they will inevitably involve some knowledge of civil engineering.

The soldiers of the regular army will go to help, but the real work is the auxiliary army.

A considerable number of auxiliary soldiers were not the first to do those tasks. They had accumulated considerable experience before, and the division of labor was quickly completed.

"Let's go to the woods to cut the wood." The guy in Badong's hand changed to an axe: "Anyway, they are going to be bald. firewood."

Since this place will soon become a battlefield, it is inevitable to cut down the surrounding woods. In addition to the large amount of wood needed by our own troops, they are more unwilling to leave it to the enemy to use it.

Tai Shiming held a saw in his hand, which looked like a bow, and was also called a bow saw.

The Han army presupposed the pontoon side as a battlefield. Depending on how much time they have left, they would chop up the available wood in the surrounding area. It is conceivable that this area will become a bare piece in the next few years. I don’t know. What impact will it have on the ecology?

Zhu Xia was never unfamiliar with war. Whether it was a national war or a civil war, as long as a place was presumed to be a battlefield, the surrounding woods would definitely fall into the blood mold.

Once a certain place breaks out all the year round, even if the place was densely forested before, it will inevitably become a "white ground" after a few battles. Gradually, it will be difficult to see patches of woods in that place, resulting in irreversible changes in the water and soil environment. The phenomenon of soil erosion occurs, some of which are self-healing by nature, and some places become bare yellow ground.

Truck after truck of wood was transported back to the camp, and more people chopped and chopped the felled wood and made various things from the wood.

"Ordinary refusal is a tripod support frame, the pier and the tip are all cut with spikes, the two supporting legs are straightened, and the other is inclined..." Ba Dong likes Tai Shiming very much and doesn't mind teaching more. Some knowledge: "Just like this, the wood that is leaning forward has the lethality, and it will cause great damage to the enemy horses coming in. This thing will be called refusal."

Juma distinguishes between single unit and row, and it depends on where it will be placed.

Like the refusal horse placed near the passage, it usually uses a single refusal horse. Soldiers like to display it irregularly, so that it is not a question of whether the enemy cavalry can escape with the spirit. Stop.

Rows of horses are generally coordinated with the fence, and they are mainly placed in rows in front of the fence to prevent enemy troops from using cavalry to crash into the fence and cause damage, forcing the enemy to walk even if they want to destroy the fence. Come.

In any military operation, the rejection of horses is an inconspicuous gadget, but it has repeatedly made great achievements. With their blocking, long-range troops can play a greater role.

"When a large-scale refusal is done, we will make a small refusal in a moment." Ba Dong gestured to the size with his hands: "In fact, it is the iron tribulus with wooden structure."

The output of pig iron in the Han Empire is the largest in the world, but there are too many places where pig iron is needed, and it is hard to guarantee that it will be sufficient in all aspects.

The shape of the iron tribulus is a sharp object with four corners, which can be made of metal or wood.

At present, only the war horses of the Han Empire are equipped with horseshoes in the world, and other countries have not yet discovered that they can put "shoes" on horseshoes.

In fact, even if a horse is put on a horseshoe, it will be finished if it is stepped on the iron tribulus. A horseshoe without a horseshoe, let alone an iron tribulus, can cause a lot of damage to the horseshoe.

Therefore, if there are too many small gravels on the road, it is also a big trouble for the cavalry, and there are really not so many suitable battlefields for the cavalry.

At the age of Aether Shiming, at the age of sixteen, he participated in the "two-quarter military training" in the village, but he couldn't learn a lot of knowledge. He is very impressed by his older uncle who knows what he should do and can do the work so well and fast.

"We are auxiliary soldiers, and that's what we do." Batong said with a smile: "This is something that has been passed down from generation to generation. People who don't understand come to the barracks and learn what they need to do from their predecessors. Do more. A few times, you will become the person who teaches the younger generation. But, try to be the person who doesn't need to do these tasks, you know?"

Tai Shiming looked at the pawns passing by, looked at the uniforms they wore, looked at their unsmiling faces, the chicken nodded to Ba Dong like a chicken.

This is west of the Western Regions and originally belonged to the Hunets.

The Hunites who originally lived on a piece of land mainly used grazing, and the civilization level was not high, and there were no towns in the surrounding area.

The river here is hard to see the sights of the Han Empire. For example, there are boats floating on the river. It should be said that there is no decent boat in the river section of dozens of miles.

"The enemy can't collect boats. The only way to cross the river is to make rafts." Huo Dongjian collected the boats on the river, or the boats made after the arrival of the Han people: "Twelve miles away from us. There is a relatively shallow river beach outside, and the riverbed will be exposed in summer."

The bed of a river is deep or shallow, and there will be some natural changes according to the relationship between different seasons, precipitation, and so on.

"It is impossible that all the enemy troops over 200,000 are Hunyites." Li Kuang understood when he knew the number of enemy troops. It must be a major change in the international situation: "We must do a good job in fighting here for a long time. There must be no omissions in the preparations!"

Mastering the size correlations that may be beneficial to the enemy on the battlefield is a necessary quality for a commander. The more you understand the terrain, the better.

Huo Dong has been here on duty for more than a year, and he would carry out activities along the river bank whenever he had the opportunity, and he had a lot of information on hand.

"Upstream must always pay attention." Li Kuang pointed to the turning point of the ‘U’ on the sand table: "We are not easy to move at this place, but the enemy can rely on our own position advantage."

Li Kuang was worried that the enemy would choose to build the dam. Whether the enemy wanted to attack by water or build a dam to lower the water level downstream, it would not be a good thing for them.

Huo Dong didn't silly go to make any ticket, saying that the enemy army is a gang of barbarians, who knows so much.

It's not wrong that the Han people are the dominant ethnic group in the world, but if they treat the other races as fools, they really become the stupidest fools.

"There is an observation post over there." Huo Dong asked: "Does it need to build a fortress there?"

Li Kuang glanced at Huo Dong strangely.

That place is not a small area, but a very large area, and the length of the river that can be built is even more exaggerated.

There are fewer troops to be stationed, and it is of no use.

There are more troops sent to station, and that side is likely to become the main battlefield.

"Always pay attention." Li Kuang withdrew his gaze, looked at the sand table, and asked: "The enemy still stays in place and doesn't move?"

The scouts on the Han side have detected some intelligence, including the discovery of the Sassanian and Roman flags, and the two great empires have sent troops eastward.

This news is very useful to Li Kuang, enabling him to more clearly judge what kind of war he is about to face.

As for what purpose Sassan and Rome, including other countries, formed the coalition forces and performed actual war behaviors, it is not what Li Kuang cares about. What he needs to do is to guess the scale of the war, and then ask How much reinforcement is requested by the center.

"The enemy still didn't move." Huo Dong also knew that Sassan and Rome had entered the war. His only emotion was excitement, but there was another war broke out. It might be an unprecedented battle: "They didn't rob before you led the army. Crossing the Chihe River, I should wait for the follow-up troops to arrive and concentrate their superior forces on the attack."

Li Kuang felt somewhat fortunate about this.

The previous news was that the invading enemy was only 80,000. Even though Hunet was maimed, if he could still make up 80,000 paces if he tried his best, Li Kuangzhen didn't think much about the direction of the formation of coalition forces.

Waiting for further information to be sent back, the number of enemy troops discovered has increased from 80,000 to more than 200,000, and Li Kuang has led the troops to Penchi River.

Didn't the enemy immediately press on? On the contrary, Li Kuang's inner pressure has increased. He couldn't judge the final number of the enemy army. After all, it was the coalition forces of so many countries. Even Rome, thousands of miles away, sent troops to expedition. You can imagine how sincere their alliance this time is.

If there is not only one standing army in his hand, Li Kuang will choose to take the initiative to go up, so as not to let the enemy gather so comfortably.

It is a pity that Li Kuang can only use the size of a standing army, and only two divisions are drawn to the front line. There is really not much capital to disrupt the layout of the enemy's army.

Forty thousand auxiliary troops? They are all auxiliary soldiers. In terms of organization, the ranks of county soldiers are not as good as the ranks of county soldiers. It is still useful to fight a dozen positional battles. The field battle in the swimming mode is that the Han people don't die too fast enough.

"The formation of the servant army should be faster!" Li Kuang spoke to the commander of the army Shi Songping: "Within three months, I will see the 200,000 servant army arrive on the front line."

Every unit of the Han army has a long history. If the prefix "follow the army" is added to the front of the long history, in addition to the role similar to the chief of staff, it is also the "steward" of the unit.

Song Ping raised his brows and answered with some embarrassment, "No!"

In the entire Anxi Duhufu's jurisdiction, the number of Western Regions is still unknown if there are 1.5 million left. Because of the Han Empire’s policy of reducing taxes on the Western Regions, men from the Western Regions were killed or captured all the time. It was not so easy to pull out a 200,000 cannon fodder within three months.

Li Kuang certainly knows that there are difficulties, but no matter how difficult it is, he must do it!

Obviously, so many countries have joined forces. As the protruding part to the west, Anzai Protectorate will inevitably become a strategic-level military unit in the future.

It is a war that will not know how long it will last, and it is even difficult to judge that the war will be fought within or outside the jurisdiction of the Anxi Duhu Mansion. The existence of the Western Regions will become a threat that cannot be ignored. If the Western Regions cause chaos, Anxi The fun in Dogofu can be a little bigger.

Song Ping obviously knew the consequences, and he was silent for a while and promised: "I will start writing immediately to urge the rear."

Li Kuang nodded cautiously, even urging.

Li Kuang at the present moment does not care at all about the methods used. What he wants is to let the potential threats be eliminated. If the enemy army does not attack, there will be internal problems. With their current strength, evil results will inevitably occur.

"We are here to build a defense line." Li Kuang kept patrolling the sand table. After reading the sand table, he walked to the shelf of the mountains and rivers map hanging across the Anxi Prefecture: "Except for the Penchi River defense line, Congling..."

The central government’s decision to expand the Anzai Prefecture’s establishment has been passed, and Li Kuang has not been notified yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But even if the central government decides to expand the Anxi Prefecture to the size of three standing armies, the deployment of troops will definitely be. It takes time, and with the highest priority, it will take another month for the additional reinforcements to arrive at the earliest, which is equivalent to the current limited force of the Anzai Protectorate to deal with the current situation.

Li Kuang felt that it was necessary to build a line of defense in the abdomen to prevent the front line from getting worse, and the rear was not prepared to block the advance of the enemy.

There are not many routes suitable for marching in the Western Regions. In fact, there are only two routes suitable for marching by large-scale troops, all of which are shown as long corridors. In this way, there are not too many directions to prevent in advance, just because it is difficult to build a pass because of the related terrain.

"Lu Cheng, Tieshan, Shule..." Li Kuang frowned, "We all need to increase the standard of urban defense."

There are many cities in the Western Regions. Almost all of them have military value. Some cities in special locations have higher military value, such as the ones named by Li Kuang. Generally, as long as the cities are not lost, the enemy will not dare. Go around easily.

"We need reinforcements..." Song Ping said the most critical question: "The more the better the reinforcements."

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