Sweep the World

Chapter 1035: : Fierce battle is in full swing

? As Liu Shen who is on the battlefield for the first time, he can hear his heavy breathing, and the vigorous and fast beating heartbeat.

Liu Shen's queue is in the fourth sequence of the entire queue, which is relatively late. He understands that this must be the result of deliberate arrangement. The position is the kind of distance that even if the enemy shoots an arrow, if the enemy can really break through the front three to the column, it is in the fourth sequence. The location can also have enough time to evacuate.

Being able to go to war has given Liu Shen the greatest satisfaction. He really doesn’t just want to experience life in the army. He has a deep desire to participate in battle. He also understands how important a prince who has really participated in the battle is for the prince’s throne. .

If the status of the eldest son of the empire allows Liu Shen to have an 80% chance of becoming a prince, participating in a battle in person will be a greater bonus, increasing the chance of becoming a prince to more than 90%.

Although Liu Shen was young, he grew up in the royal family and he matured prematurely.

No one said to Liu Shen...or analyzed it. But he was quite aware that his father would never choose a person who is not close to the military as the prince. He should be afraid that the military will alienate the royal family. More importantly, once the next ruler of the empire has trouble with the military. It will affect the overall layout of the empire.

Therefore, Liu Shen had no opinion at all about being sent to the army at the age of eleven, on the contrary, he was extremely happy.

Two armies separated by kilometers.

The Han army is divided into three parts. Riflemen armed with flintlocks are lined up on the front, the left and right wings are composed of various types of cold weapons, and the rear is artillery.

On the side of the anti-Han axis coalition forces, a red Roman legion occupies the left side, and a gray Sassanian legion occupies the right side. It is a horizontal column formation. It seems that the thickness is not small. It is composed of two empires. At the forefront, behind them are armed men of all races who have no formation at all.

Compared with the Han Empire, Persian Sassanid and Rome, all ethnic groups do not have the qualifications to be called the army, but can only be regarded as armed men.

That is not only the gap in the layout, but in fact all aspects including the layout, the most obvious of which is the organization and discipline.

"Very traditional Legion vs. battle line." Marus has a telescope in his hand. He keeps patrolling in the dark green, and said with a heavy expression: "At least five thousand firearms can be seen from the rear. To their artillery position."

The telescope is no longer unique to the Han Empire. It was produced in the eighth year of Yuanshuo. It was strictly controlled, but after so many years, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not be acquired. It is not available in other countries. Mastering the manufacturing technology, holdings are very rare.

El Bata also has a telescope in his hand, the style is exactly the same as the one in Malus's hand.

There are two ways for Rome and Sassan to obtain telescopes. One is to buy from countries that are at war with the Han Empire, and the other is to purchase them from the Han Empire.

Knowing the importance of the telescope, the Han Empire originally didn’t want to sell it. It’s just that the prices offered by the two countries were too tempting. Furthermore, they were planning to paralyze the two countries. They refused everything if they were not good. After negotiation, it was a minority. A batch.

In fact, even the warships of the Han Empire were sold to various countries.

"Artillery..." Erbata's cheek twitched: "No less than eighty artillery pieces."

Didn't they drive the armed men of all ethnic groups as the first to charge troops this time, was it because the Han army dispatched bronze cannons?

Those ignorant people of all ethnic groups regard the firearms invented and made by the Han people as weapons of the gods.

For example, the Han army used firearms yesterday, and the original good situation was immediately reversed. In fact, there are not many people who really died under firearms. Many people trampled or killed each other before they collapsed, but they really did. Is afraid of firearms!

"The interval between the firing of the Han's artillery is about three to five minutes." Marus looked at Erbata and said sincerely: "Our army is too slow and can only rely on you."

The front of the Persian Sassanian army is a nearly 800-time chariot. On the left and right sides are traditional archers and light cavalry. There are about a thousand heavy cavalry and infantry in the back position.

In countries in the world today, chariots are still regarded as a powerful army. For example, the Sassanid has a huge chariot force, and Rome, which can’t play cavalry, also has its own chariot force. The rest of the regional powers are powerful. Formation will also grit your teeth to form a chariot unit.

A long-horned trumpet sounded like a lavish sound. It was a military instrument used by the Persians for more than two thousand years.

The neighing of war horses and the constant roaring of war horns resounded across the battlefield, and the eight hundred Persian chariots in front of the army were driven.

The Persian chariot is driven by two groups of healthy horses. The car body is shaped like a spoon. The wheels on both sides have serrated spikes that cross out. They are constantly wringing when the wheels roll.

The huge drums of war were struck in the army formation of the Han army, followed by the sound of thunder-like bronze cannons.

The projectiles were driven out of the barrel by the thrust of the gunpowder explosion, and they shot out with all the heat, rolling their bodies in mid-air, and the fuse was burning in a "crazy" manner.

The fired bombs will detonate the explosive at the core of the projectile when the fuze is burned out. Generally, they will explode at a height of three or four meters above the ground, and blast lead pellets toward the periphery in a circular manner.

Just now a bronze gun with a caliber of 120 mm was launched. The projectile flew more than 1,200 meters in less than 30 seconds. It exploded over the unmoved unit of the Anti-Han Axis Coalition, and the lead shot swept across it. Next, the blossoming blood flowers bloomed from the human body, and they also caused patches of miserable howls and groans.

Marus saw the covered awakening with his own eyes. The people in the explosion area were swept down in patches, and each projectile could cover about ten meters. After the explosion, the people in that area fell to the ground in patches.

"The artillery shooting range of the Han Empire is farther than in our data." Elbata was very grateful that he did not play the flag: "Should we step back some distance?"

The reason why they didn't play the general flag was that they were deliberately targeted by the Han army two days ago and had a psychological shadow, and then they were afraid of being saturated and covered by the Han army's artillery fire.

If it is really covered by artillery fire, it is equivalent to the end of the war at the beginning. Not only will the army of the country lose its command and will disintegrate, the armed men of all ethnic groups will definitely run faster than anyone else, and they will simply not be able to fly the flag.

It is the right thing to ensure his own safety in order to command the troops. Marus despises when he wants to retreat temporarily in the face of Erbata.

The main general can only advance and cannot retreat in wartime, but the Persians have repeatedly engaged in a vigorous battle but the main general retreats, allowing the enemy to seize the opportunity every time to defeat the Persian army, which is clearly not at an absolute disadvantage.

The most famous is the battle between Darius and Alexander. The situation on the battlefield is that the Persian army is pushing the Macedonian army to retreat. Darius only discovered that a cavalry was charging straight towards him. As the ruler, Darius retreated and directly caused the Persian generals to be stunned. , Alexander spread the rumors that Darius had escaped, and the Persian army, which was already in the upper hand, turned around and ran away.

A war that would have been won because of a ruler's timidity or misjudgment, not only did not harvest the fruits of victory, but swallowed the painful consequences. Similar things are not uncommon in the history of wars, but the Persians are really the nation that appears the most.

"The Han army did not move." Marus chose to ignore Erbata's proposal: "They are just using their weapon's advantage to carry out the necessary deterrence."

There are only 18 bronze guns of 120 millimeters like that of the Captain of the Junji Mountain. Even if every bronze gun fired can cause dozens of deaths and injuries to the enemy. As a unit of the enemy, it is impossible to wipe out the enemy until the gun barrel blows up.

The existence of the bronze cannon is more of a deterrent effect, and then it is to seize the opportunity to bombard a certain area that needs support to stabilize the front line that may collapse.

Waiting for the type of cannon to develop to a certain stage before it is qualified to influence the course of a war. For example, a cannonball can sweep a range of tens of meters, or it is more powerful, has a higher rate of fire, and has a longer range.

After the Persian chariot unit charged, it was about 800 meters away from the front of the Han army, and the other types of bronze guns of the Han army also fired successively.

The number of projectiles that continue to sweep and explode is not exaggerated. Their role is only to interfere with the Persian chariot.

"They deaf the war spurs." Yang Rui put down the telescope in his hand and said to Li Kuang: "It should not only be the horse that pulls the chariot, but the rest of the cavalry mounts should also be like this."

After the appearance of the firearms, the warhorses did have to undergo special training so that they would no longer be afraid of loud explosions, including the movement of ammunition exploding.

The Persians didn't know how to train the horses correctly to make them lose their fear of firearms. Their method is quite simple and rude, stabbing the deaf horse and blindfolding the horse's eyes.

The openings of the bronze cannons will definitely cause damage to the Persian chariot troops, but the effect is not obvious. When nearly sixty bronze cannons of various types fired the most in one round, nine Persian chariots were destroyed. The Persian chariot is just a drop in the bucket.

The rifle array line was already busy when the Persian chariot launched the charge. They placed the prepared row of horses at the front of the array line from eighty meters to the nearest ten meters, and it didn’t take long for the entire line to be in front of it. At the mercy of four obstacle lines composed of refusing horses.

The two-winged Han army was also doing the same thing, and at the same time the few bed crossbows also started shooting themselves.

Just now Liu Shen was holding his horse and placing it, returning to the back and looking forward from the gap of the human wall, he happened to see the riflemen in the front row firing a volley amidst the sound of whistle.

The twelve-style flintlock has a range of up to 400 meters, but that is only the longest range. The effective range is only 120 meters. After the effective range of more than 120 meters, the projectiles actually don’t exist anymore. The powerful lethality, even if it hits the target, is just a bit of a bite.

The riflemen who had finished shooting backed back. They were already ready to shoot the second row for too strong aiming. They pulled the trigger at the whistle of the officer, and they also backed back after shooting.

With the vision of the Persian chariot soldiers, the long distance made them watch the Han army lift up the obstacle line to set up the obstacle line, and saw the long row of rows to reject the horse. Apart from scolding the Han army as timid as a mouse, Just look stunned and desperate for the next fate.

A chariot without axles does not have any small turning maneuvers after galloping. It is a large roundabout way to turn.

At the same time, the Persian chariot does not have a brake device. They used to have a tendency to run wildly, and they could only stop the horse by restricting the horse to reduce its speed until the previous kinetic energy was used up. It is impossible to say when you want to stop.

"The artillery position should be located on the array line." Xu Guang looked at the Persian chariot that crashed into the horse and looked terrible. He turned his head and said to Liu Shen: "The artillery can fire shotguns. The range is a little closer, only 50%. There are only meters, but it covers a wide area."

There are not many opportunities for the Han army to use bronze cannons, and for the time being, they have not sorted out a set of combat methods that can fit their own positioning.

When it comes to using bronze cannons, many generals actually use them as a tool of intimidation, instead of unleashing the true power of bronze cannons.

"The enemy's cavalry charged." Liu Shen didn't understand the use of bronze cannons, even if he knew how to use it to be the most effective, he wouldn't comment on it. He said blankly: "We have a chance to shoot."

The second wave of assault is still the Persian army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which seems to be the kind of sullen head that has no formation at all.

The short legs of Rome, after the second wave of the Persian army charge, they formed a large column of skirmishers with nearly a thousand people in a row, and started their own advancement as they trot.

The impediment line that was temporarily placed by the Han army played a very important role. The menacing charge of the 800 Persian chariots was contained. They were destroyed by artillery fire. More than 30 vehicles were destroyed by artillery. Nearly a hundred vehicles slammed into the horse-rejection front. , The remaining ones continued to rush on the road where their companions came out with blood, but facing the platoon of guns of the Han riflemen, there were only less than twenty rifles that successfully rushed into the Han army. Pawn array line.

Not far from Liu Shen’s left, a Persian chariot collided. The rifleman on the other side did not make any evasion, but accepted the impact like that. The horse hit the wall of people blocking the way, and the remaining impact. It only advanced about four meters further, and was subsequently overwhelmed by the riflemen.

It’s not that the riflemen can’t dodge, but their tactics do not allow them to evade. Once a phalanx moves, the entire riflemen’s array line will be messed up, and the consequences may not be as simple as damaging dozens of people. Suffered.

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