Sweep the World

Chapter 1041: : A terrible battle that makes both sides uncomfortable

In the face of an enemy army that has fallen into a state of collapse, the most correct way is actually to persuade them to surrender.

The Han army naturally tried to persuade them to surrender, but they found that the enemy was surprisingly hard-spirited, unable to escape and would not surrender. On the contrary, they were desperately hysterical.

After the Persians and Romans decided to oppose the Han, they have been preaching the policies of the Han people, including the total castration of slaves by the Han Empire.

Defeated and captured is nothing to many races, and even some races are willing to be dogs for the victors after the war. The information they get is that the Hans rarely accept dog legs, and they will be castrated if they are slaves to the Hans. For this reason, except for a very small number of people from all races, they chose to kneel and surrender.

"The trend must be reversed!" Li Kuang has ordered the shield soldiers who have been charging forward to retreat and repair. He has obtained the results of some prisoner of war interrogations. He knows that Persian Sassan and Rome have been promoting the domineering side of the Han people and knows the seriousness of the matter. : "The hopeless enemy will inevitably resist and choose to the end. This should not happen."

The Han Empire is very strong, and the Han army is also very brave and good at fighting, but the war is doomed to bloodshed. Once every enemy fights the Han army with despair, there will be some unnecessary casualties if the Han army can fight.

In fact, a powerful enemy is not terrible, the most terrifying is an enemy with desperate willpower.

"Although most of them are facts, it should be reversed." Song Ping already has his own preliminary battle damage data: "Does Duhu want to be a model?"

What you really do is not important in many cases. It is to let people who want to know some information get the information they let them know.

The Han Empire would indeed castrate the slaves in a comprehensive manner, but this matter could not be "real hammered", causing the negative impact of increasing the enemy's desperate death.

"There should be a typical." Li Kuang thought of the Wusun people for the first time, and quickly vetoed it. He thought for a while, and said: "Properly arrange this group of prisoners so that all races can see that the big man is a state of etiquette."

Some armies treat prisoners of war more than their own soldiers. It is nothing more than psychological warfare. Even if they are defeated and surrendered, not only their personal safety can be guaranteed, but the small life may be better. Even better impression in my home country. In this way, it can weaken the enemy's will to die, and may even induce the enemy to take the initiative to surrender.

Song Ping knew exactly how to do it, and immediately responded.

Today’s battle started in the morning when the whites of the east were exposed. The frontal battle between the Han army and the anti-Han axis coalition took nearly two hours, and another hour was spent on the battle line of the "city wall" in the middle. It was at noon before entering the offensive state.

The camp of the Anti-Han Axis Coalition Forces is very large. Although the anti-Han Axis Coalition Forces confuse themselves, it took the Han army about two hours to advance about seven or eight miles. With the size of the entire camp, only three out of ten were captured. How about four?

Entering the barracks offensive and defensive battles, the casualties of the Han army were much higher than before. The two curved sword and shield soldiers who had been charging in the front finally retreated 1,706 people, of which 76 were seriously injured, and the rest More or less people have suffered minor injuries.

Song Ping had just received statistics on the losses and achievements of the sword and shield soldiers. The losses are those. The results that can be counted by ears are more than 4,000 people killed, and the verbal report of military achievements is about 6,000 or so enemy troops.

Song Ping thought that the results reported by the sword and shield soldiers were very reasonable. After all, the enemy was in chaos at the beginning and was squeezed to the point where it was difficult to retreat, and then counterattacked in a chaotic state.

The anti-Han axis coalition forces really squeezed themselves so that there was no way to retreat, causing their ally in the east to face the slaughter of the Han army. The tribes that were not on the front line of the battle with the Han army were fighting for their own survival. .

From the beginning of the battle to the present stage, Song Ping guessed that the enemy force that he had destroyed should be more than 30,000, and that the enemy forces are also killing each other every moment. He is quite certain that this anti-Han axis coalition is the main force of the coalition. Even if it is not completely abolished, it will take at least half a year to regain combat effectiveness after escaping.

"The opponent is too fucking, our people can't confirm the movement of their main force." Song Ping said this was absurd and at the same time a headache: "This battle has become a bad battle until now."

As a commander, Li Kuang has long confirmed that it is a bad battle.

It is not that Li Kuang has lost command of his own troops, but that there are too few troops and the enemy is too violent. Even if he is killing people very hard, the enemy is also killing each other, but he cannot effectively persuade him to surrender and it is difficult to end the war in a short time. It is to welcome the enemy who can escape in the constant killings and escape.

The reality is like this. If an army does not surrender in batches, and the number of troops reaches a certain level, it will not be possible to eliminate them in a short time even if they are violent.

There is only one possibility that a large-scale army will be wiped out in a short period of time, and that is that this army has lost its will to fight and surrendered in order.

Quite often there will always be a sentence, such as a certain army is defeated, or the whole army is wiped out in a very short time, then there will usually be "how many pigs are killed by the enemy, but also for X days." Such evaluations. Just because pigs will not surrender, they will run to safety or die before they stop. The army that surrendered under the command of the commander was all taken prisoner by the order.

A full army and a disabled army in Rome, carrying about ten thousand vassal races, were led by Marus from the camp.

The short-legged problem of the Romans is very fatal. Unlike those who flee on horseback, they flee towards the mountains and plains as soon as they leave the crowded area. They can only evacuate in a trotting posture [m.] among the fleeing large forces.

I don't know if it is out of pride or quality, the Romans maintained a relatively perfect formation even when they were escaping. This is very rare compared with all the defeated troops, including the Persians.

The Han army was held back by the stranded anti-Han Axis coalition forces. The scouts who dispersed were very difficult to conduct effective investigations because of the overall situation of the battlefield. It was difficult for the scouts to report effective intelligence. The news that the Romans fled the camp has not been reported to Li Kuang for the time being.

El Bata also escaped from the camp, but compared to Marus who can bring most of his troops, he can effectively control only less than 3,000 troops, and the rest are left in the camp. .

It makes no difference whether the anti-Han axis coalition has a commander or not. Their extremely mixed situation has prevented the Han army from advancing at a high speed in some ways.

Liu Shen was on the battlefield, facing the scene in front of him in a state of madness. What he saw was the horrible look everywhere. Not only the Han people were killing people, but the enemy forces were also killing each other. There were people everywhere falling down, but the space was a short time without any signs of "emptiness". It still looks so crowded.

After the Han riflemen entered the enemy barracks area, it was difficult to maintain a long array line due to the influence of the terrain. They are divided into several small teams, with their own vision.

Compared with the long array line before, the Han riflemen had a much higher chance of encountering impact after they were divided into several small groups.

That was the decrease in firepower density and the decrease in frequency of attacks, and then they faced an enemy that was so hysterical that even death could be ignored.

Very funny but realistic. The anti-Han axis coalition forces were so hysterical that they had forgotten their fears, ignoring the people in front of them and falling down in pieces, madly rushing and colliding with their legs, but they really rushed to be able to fight the Han riflemen. distance.

It’s just the anti-Han axis coalition forces that have lost their minds. They ignore the impact of death and just want to run out of a way to escape. After the collision with the Han riflemen, no one wanted to fight the Han soldiers at all. It was a collision. Open, continue to step forward and run wildly without dying.

"Quit, exit the camp!"

The messengers ran in various positions, conveying the latest orders issued by Qin Song.

Riflemen should not stay in such a battlefield. Their current numbers are still scarce. They are the seeds of army expansion. That is why they still maintain the title of Junji Mountain's school captain. They will be dismantled to various standing armies in the future and become firearms. The backbone of the division.

Qin Song ordered the Musketeers to retreat with the consent of Li Kuang.

As an overview of the situation, Li Kuang did not immediately respond after receiving Qin Song's request. It was the reinforcements from the rear that could take over the combat position of the riflemen, allowing the riflemen on the front line to retreat.

In fact, they are not reinforcements. They are the defenders Li Kuang originally stayed on the east bank of the Penchi River. Their original role was to prevent the unfavorable operations of crossing the river. Even if the troops crossing the river were defeated or even wiped out, they could still guarantee the defense of the river. The necessary force without loss.

After the anti-Han axis coalition forces collapsed, Li Kuang ordered the original reserve team to approach the battlefield and sent the order to the east bank of the Penchi River relatively late.

Li Kuang, who had found that he could not end the war in a short time, had a bit of brain pain and ordered the new troops on the battlefield to just make an advancing posture, continue to fear the enemy and let them kill each other, but do not rush to fight with them. .

"Our troops are too small!" Li Kuang didn't know how many times he said this. He smiled bitterly and said: "After winning the battle, the result is this kind of inability to advance and inability to retreat and inability to retreat."

"Duhu, after this battle, you have also become a famous general in the world." Song Ping didn't think he was complimenting: "You put in 10,000 troops, but you defeated more than 200,000 enemy troops. "

Because of this, Li Kuang felt aggrieved.

People always achieve a certain result they want, thinking that since they have done it, if they have more chips, they will definitely be able to do better, and after doing better, they will want to be perfect.

Li Kuang is now in such a situation. If he can defeat more than 200,000 enemy troops with 10,000 troops, he will not be reconciled to just defeat them. He is not greedy and cannot be supplemented by troops in a short period of time, resulting in depression.

The commander as the winner is depressed, so why should Marus and Erbata be the loser?

The commanders of the two anti-Han axis coalition forces never regained contact after leaving the camp where they left the mixed army, and they even chose to retreat in different directions.

El Bata retreated straight to the west. What he wanted to do most was to withdraw to the third line of defense, quickly take over the command of the third line of defense, and prepare to resist the approach of the Han army.

Marus chose to retreat to the north. He knew that he had short legs and that he might be overtaken if he retreated to the north. However, he still chose to do so because he knew that the wall could not stop the attack of the Han army at all. Go north to the grazing area of ​​the Allied Forces, get enough mobility animal power, and will not go back to the frontier of Hunet, and retreat directly to the Sassanian territory.

The different choice is because the countries behind it are different. The country where Albata is located is separated from the Han empire by a Hunite. But as long as there is still hope, even if it is only a weak hope, he will not give up trying to bring the Han The army resisted, as long as they could block the Han army for one more day, Sassan would have one more day of preparation time.

The Rome where Marus is located is far enough from the Han Empire, and we have to worry about the maritime expeditionary forces from the Han Empire. Unless it is the Sassanid who fell, or Rome will face the invasion of the Han Empire on the land for a long time.

There are people fleeing everywhere in the wilderness. Some are running on foot, and some are running wild on horseback. Everyone has either an expression of rejoicing that they have escaped from birth, or they have lingering fears on their faces.

Elbata tries to gather the defeated soldiers around him. Next, he will organize the arrangement of the third line of defense. The more troops, the better~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I know that the defeated soldiers are not a good choice, but what about one more head? Can it also consume one more arrow or one bullet for the Han army?

Elbata, who was hungry and wanted more troops, soon knew that the various races no longer pretended to be the so-called Persian authority, and that there were a lot of people who directly rejected it, and there were more weapons facing each other.

All ethnic groups have seen the power of the Han Empire and how they fear the Han Empire, so they hate the Persians who have drawn themselves into the anti-Han axis.

They were also afraid of the strength of the Persian Sassanids before. After experiencing such a big defeat, they saw that the Persians were so vulnerable in front of the Han people. Somehow they would give birth to the idea that "Persians are nothing but this", no If I dare to face the Han people, I dare to bite the Persians.

"Idiots! Those idiots!" Erbata didn't sneer in anger, but sneered: "They have joined the anti-Han camp. Will the Han people let them go? If you don't stand firmly with us and continue to fight against the Han people, more than just The Han will attack them, and we will not allow hostile bastards!"

Elbatar, who was running on horseback, suddenly saw a black line in front of him. At the same time, he saw the soldiers running towards that black line fall in pieces, and suddenly came over. No wonder there were so few Han troops before. It was the Han army who detoured back to the back of the battlefield.

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