Sweep the World

Chapter 1055: : Counterattack from the Emperor

? What is the situation of an eleven-year-old child in this day and age?

In an ordinary family, an eleven-year-old child has to take on some work, chopping wood, picking water, and sorting housework. When the farm is busy, he will follow the adults to plow or harvest.

Some wealthy families, at the age of eleven, are about the enlightenment stage. In addition to reading and literacy, they will participate in some family affairs, such as managing tenants and taking over some businesses.

The eleven-year-old of the rich and noble family has already passed the enlightenment stage. It is the years when they have entered intensive reading. During this period of time, their lives will be very regular. Outside of their daily routines, they will study, and occasionally they will be taken out by adults. Conduct social activities to lay the foundation for a more complex future.

To put it simply, in this society, there is absolutely no innocence at the age of eleven, and it is even more unlikely that there is nothing to do except eating, sleeping, and reading. Eleven-year-olds in different families have their own tasks, even because The difference between men and women has clearer tasks.

For boys in Han Chinese families, regardless of their family environment, poverty or wealth, there is a theme. The first concept of life that parents first cultivated for them is that they must have a sense of responsibility.

This sense of responsibility can be responsible for certain tasks in the family, or it can be filial piety to the elders and caring for younger peers.

In the long years, Zhu Xia has been handed down to rely on the values ​​recognized by generation after generation, including responsibility and filial piety, and filial piety usually comes first.

Of course, filial piety is not just a mouthful. The most practical way is to help parents take on some labor and reduce the burden on their parents. In the process, they mature and gradually become the parents of their children.

As men, they will also be imported into the concept that once they have the opportunity, they must seize it to make their family better. Usually it is to respond to the king's call, set foot on the battlefield to resist the enemy, and gain merits to become a human being.

In normal Zhuxia society, men are never afraid to step on the battlefield. On the contrary, they long to be summoned by the king, relying on this approach as an opportunity to change their life's destiny.

Taking care of family responsibilities, taking care of the elders and the young, and responding to the call of the emperor, they are the life values ​​of Han men in the classical society, and they are also the life trajectory of most men.

Compared with the responsibilities of men and the pursuit of merit, Han daughters will be more simple and boring.

As long as they are not from a wealthy family, their daughters will never go through the process of reading and literacy. They start to participate in labor from the moment they become sensible, and then they understand the life skills that their daughters should have in their work, and at the same time, what innocent romance is completely covered. Passing away.

Even in a wealthy family, teaching daughters to read and write is only to make them sensible, not to teach them how evil they are.

In general, wealthy people teach their daughters how to run a family and become a good helper. Their standards for choosing a spouse are usually not low.

The daughters of ordinary people who marry are consumed by labor and are innocent and romantic. Daughters who are not ordinary people mature early in a series of education. Whatever freedom and unrestrainedness, and even living for oneself, do not actually exist in the classics of Zhu Xia. society.

The dragon does not cross with the snake, and the phoenix does not interact with the maggot. They have always existed in society, and the family relationship will always be the mainstream.

Occasionally, the dragon married the pheasant, and the huang married the pheasant. It was a betrayal of his own class and was destined to be resisted, but one class would drool full of envy, and then be beautified and inherited by how many people do not know. Go down and become a story full of falsehood.

In that story, people from different strata, even if the ending is both dying of hatred after the combination, the two will definitely die in indomitability and sweetness, and will not describe the struggle and suffering they have experienced. For example, the superior class does not accept it, and the ordinary class repels them and becomes absolutely isolated.

"There are many suitable candidates, but not many fits." Cui Wan held a stack of scrolls full of distress: "The Xu family's daughter is the most suitable, but...the most inappropriate."

The daughter of the Xu family is of course the Xu family of Xu Zheng. He has many children. The youngest daughter is only ten years old. In terms of family background and age, she is a good candidate for the princess.

"The saint is in the prime of life." Tuobaxiu often visits Cui Wan in the past few days to participate in Liu Shen's selection of concubine: "It's not my sister who talks too much. I chose Xu's daughter. It's too early to get involved in military power."

"..." Cui Wan was distressed when she knew that it was bad: "Looking around, only the Sang girl is left."

"The Cui family has been fighting with the Sang family for so many years, and in recent years has been suppressed by your majesty." Tuoba Xiu really couldn't help it. After a few laughs, he said, "I really want to be relatives?"

Both families are based in the original Jizhou. If one side wants to grow, it will definitely squeeze the other side’s living space. It is inevitable that there will be competition. In many cases, the competition is even very fierce. There is no big scene of fighting. I don’t know how many people are It was dead silently.

Later, the battle between the Cui family and the Sang family was forcibly stopped by the emperor. At the same time, they would withdraw their forces in Jizhou. The Cui family operated Monan from the north, and the Sang family went southwest to enter the Indochina Peninsula.

Not only the Cui family and the Sang family, but with the exception of the Ji family who didn't manage to do much, the other big families with big business detached their power from the Han Empire and transferred to some new occupied areas to operate.

The emperor did not allow the families to engage in trouble in the homeland. They went outside but it did not mean that there was no competition. It was just that compared to the life and death when they were in the country, competition and cooperation coexisted outside. There was not much **** smell, but the relationship became more. It's complicated.

Cui Wan's teasing about Tuoba Xiu was not at all annoying. She was afraid of Tuoba Xiu before, because she was afraid that Tuoba Xiu gave birth to a prince, which would threaten Liu Shen's position as the crown prince.

So many years have passed, and Tuoba Xiu still has no son under his knees. It is difficult for the woman to be pregnant again when she is close to forty years old. Even if she is pregnant, she is still a boy. The newborn is at least eleven years old from Liu Shen. Under the premise that Liu Shen has become the prince, how many threats can he have after operating for at least 11 years?

Later, Cui Wan figured it out a little bit. She felt that she was too confused before. How could she ignore the fact that Tuoba Xiu was born? How about Tuoba Xiu's favor from the emperor? There is no Xianbei in the world. How about it, even with a son, Tuoba Xiu is destined not to sit on that unique throne.

After she figured it out, Cui Wan began to try her best to please Tuoba Xiu. On the premise that she would not threaten Liu Shen, she felt that Tuoba Xiu was favored by the emperor and was the shield for herself to block any rookie.

"Would you...my sister take a look at the noble concubine for me?" The noble concubine in Cui Wan's mouth is naturally Sangmiao. She can please Tuobaxiu, but she will never lower her status to Sangmiao. Regardless of dignity or status, she is based on the degree of threat: "Shen'er and Sangqing are still very suitable."

Tuoba Xiu smiled silently, and nodded as an agreement.

Cui Wan was naturally very happy to see Tuobaxiu's promise, and soon fell into her own thinking.

Tuoba Xiu's relationship with most people is quite good, and he doesn't specifically engage in any evil with whom. This was because she knew where her identity was special. At first, she didn't want to contact people, but later it was because of the Tuoba family.

There are no Xianbei people anymore. The Tuoba clan is the only one of the many Xianbei tribes who have the best command and calculation. Most of the clan members have become part of the Han people, not like those Xianbei tribes who have been destroyed or become slaves.

The world thinks it is Tuobaxiu's relationship, but she understands what kind of person Liu Yan is, and she may have some relationship in it, but it is definitely not the main reason.

Liu Yan is not a person who can be swayed by a woman. In the eyes of many people, he is as strong as iron, especially when it comes to dealing with foreign races.

From ancient times to the present, only Liu Yan has clearly issued an order to kill slaves (an order to kill Hu) in the body of a king. Those kings in the past have never done so before hating foreign races.

How could a king who could say "anyone who is not my race can kill" himself, how could he do something to change because of petting a woman.

So far, people in the world still mistakenly believe that Liu Yan is not against Tuoba Xianbei. The cruel origin of Tuoba Xiu, they really can’t imagine that Liu Yan is because Tuoba Xianbei has contributed to history in some ways, which led to Liu Yan. Don't treat each other.

Zhu Xia is a relatively simple nation. As long as the people obey one person, what kind of will the person is, and does not harm their own interests... or does not harm their own interests too severely, the people will basically follow. For example, if Liu Yan wants to clean up the alien races, first of all, everyone is eager for such a situation, and secondly, to be able to make merits in the cleaning process, he must be enthusiastic to follow.

Sang Qing is the youngest daughter of Sang Yu. She is only nine years old this year. At the same time she is three years younger than Liu Shen, she has not reached the age of marriage under the Han family system.

Cui Wan would choose Sang Qing. Obviously, there is no basis for the relationship between Liu Shen and Sang Qing, but she simply wants to strengthen Liu Shen's side.

"Sister can talk." Tuoba Xiu shook her head: "I'm afraid Shang Shuling will refuse."

"Why?" Cui Wan was really puzzled: "Princess, how honorable, why would you refuse?"

"Queen, why is Xu's daughter inappropriate?" Tuoba Xiu knows what it is like to be a mother, and just wants to give the best to her children, but ignores a lot of things: "The prince marries Xu's daughter, I am afraid that he might be suspected of being involved in military power. The Sang daughter’s family is recognized as the first family in the world, so what will it have?"

At this moment, Cui Wan really felt that Tuobaxiu's participation was a good thing.

"Say what my sister would think too much." Tuobaxiu asked very seriously: "My sister thinks that the saint is willing to register as a prince so early?"

Cui Wan was silent. She had thought about this aspect, but she had never subconsciously avoided it, and did not dare to think too deeply.

"The saint will not think that she is old." Tuoba Xiu shook her head, and said, "Speaking of disrespect, the saint has a prince when he is a mature man. The matter of setting up a prince will make the saint feel old. "

Cui Wan admitted that Tuobaxiu was telling the truth at a big risk, and had to force a smile on her face.

There is one thing, after registering as a prince, Liu Yan returned to the harem and never visited the queen again. At the same time, the concubine with the higher rank also looked up to receive Liu Yan.

From then on, Liu Yan went more to the lower-rank women Zhangtai. For the high-rank concubines, it was fortunate that Liu Yan did not spoil someone particularly frequently.

When Zhuo Xiang came in, seeing the two men silent, he hesitated and took out a notebook from his sleeve and said, "Your Majesty, this is a roster sent by the Ministry of Rites."

It is not only the emperor who can be called your majesty, the queen can also be called your majesty, because "sire" is originally a step to climb, especially the steps of the emperor's palace, the queen of the world is eligible to be called your majesty.

Then, the queens of the Han family are never called "Niang Niang". Whoever dares to call the Queen of the Han family "Niang Niang" is not enough for the Nine Clan to be killed.

"The roster?" Cui Wan was taken aback obviously, took a look at the roster, and seemed to have no reaction: "This is..."

Zhuo Xiang has read the roster beforehand and knows the list of draft picks sent by the courtesy department, but the courtesy department has surpassed this matter.

For a country, everything is governed by laws. Whose authority should be the authority. For example, the queen should raise the draft. The Ministry of Etiquette has sufficient rights to select some people to join the list, but the Ministry of Etiquette is not qualified to start the list. Draft.

Zhuo Xiang specifically said: "When the minister came over, I heard that Zhou Ming, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, had just passed away."

Cui Wan looked at the roster, with the signature of the person who signed it, isn't it Zhou Ming from the Ministry of Gifts? She reacted at once, Zhou Ming's death had already paid the price for Yueyue. If she refuses the draft or continues to pursue the courtesy department, then things will go in another direction.

"You have to follow suit." Cui Wan's face was red and white, and her hand holding the roster shook badly: "It's a grand deal."

Zhuo Xiang saluted and promised, but hesitated again and again without saying anything, then turned and left.

"Why is this the sage?" Cui Wan said to Tuoba Xiu incomparably miserable: "The minister did not force the sage to establish the crown..."

The queen is also the emperor's minister~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can call herself a concubine when she is self-effacing, but there is absolutely no such thing as a "concubine". In the Han Dynasty, "concubines" was a kind of surrender to China by the foreign barbarians, and only then came the phrase "where the sun and the moon are illuminated, and the rivers and rivers are all the concubines of the Han".

If the emperor’s queen and concubines call themselves "concubines", it is that they regard themselves as surrendered barbarians. Are the women in the harem that much illiterate or idiots would use this claim?

"..." Tuoba Xiu was speechless at first, then smiled and said, "It's fine."

Cui Wan was shocked more times today than before, and asked inexplicably: "Is this okay?"

"It's good not to target the prince." Tuoba Xiu pointed to herself and then to Cui Wan: "We are all old and faint, but the saint is still a dragon and a tiger. Isn't it good to have new colors?"

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