Sweep the World

Chapter 1068: : Sassan who goes all out

Unless it is one's own person, even sometimes even if it is one's own person, the military defense line will not allow anyone to break through during a war. It is based on the rule of who is close to kill whom.

There were no Arabs or Serbs who died in the hands of the Persians. They fell one after another when they were close to the Han army camp on the beach, including Ibn Abdul.

If you rush forward, you will die, and you will die when you retreat. The difference is that you die in the hands of someone. After the cannon fodder has no hope of life, you will have a mental breakdown.

The Arabs who know that they are dead want to say who they hate most now is the Han who thinks that they can bring hope of life. They were told by Ibn Abdul that they could survive as long as they went to the Han side, but the truth was that they were showing an extremely cruel thing, and the Han people did not take them seriously.

In many cases, what you think depends first on your own needs and what you want to achieve. Others do not follow their own ideas, and somehow they feel resentment.

The Hans have never given any promises to this group of Arabs. Everything is nothing but the extravagant hopes of the Arabs themselves in despair.

"It's a bit like a charge." Liu Ming could see the hideousness on the faces of those running here: "Weakness is the original sin, no matter where it is."

The number of Arabs caught in the middle of the battlefield and alive has been declining, and the number of Serbs has been even smaller.

Because of the distance and the extended gunfire of the Han Empire gunboats on the sea, the Persians did not shoot arrows a long time ago.

The crossbowmen of the Han army stopped firing arrows under orders.

"Let them try the line of defense." Chen Zhan visually observed that there are only less than a thousand people who are approaching the line of defense: "Always have a try."

Most Arabs are crazy, howling and running, with obvious despair on their faces.

The sound of artillery on the battlefield was still roaring, but it was the Persian army that was bombarded.

After the Arabs discovered that there were no arrows coming, some people immediately showed ecstatic expressions. They deeply remembered Ibn Abdul's explanation, and immediately shouted: "I will make the Arabs!"

Some Han soldiers heard the shouts, but some people actually understood them because of their accents.

"Who are the Arabs?"

"have no idea."

"How do you think they think we will not kill Arabs?"

"Listen to the order."

Only a few high-ranking Han empires know who the Arabs are, and they are still a very strange nation to the Hans.

Han people are not very interested in how many other ethnic groups there are. Most Han people have only two senses, one is the same Han as themselves, and the other is a foreign race.

If the Han people need to distinguish between alien races, under the current situation, they will distinguish between alien races and enemy alien races.

A foreign race belonging to the enemy category, most Han people only know that there are Romans and Persians. It will be clearer that these two nations are because Rome and Sassan took the lead in organizing the anti-Han axis. They belong to the two countries that must be eliminated as long as the Han people are still capable.

As for the Arabs? Those who know the Arabs best are Liu Yan and Wang Meng.

Liu Yan's impression of Arabs is relatively straightforward, only divided into two categories: local tyrants and aaaal.

Wang Meng knew the Arabs because of the experience of the mission. The Arabs he knew were divided into two categories. One was to stand up against the Persian rule, and the other was to numbly accept slavery.

Chen Zhan belongs to Han people who don't know what Arabs are, but even if they know, they don't have any extra thoughts. He now has only one responsibility, which is to guard this camp.

The Arabs and Serbs approaching a fence, with ecstasy on their faces, kept cheering and beckoning to the Han army standing still in the distance.

"Coming soon!" Rao Lide drew his saber from his waist and shouted, "Prepare!"

The Han army on the side of the first fence was mainly equipped with cold weapons, and a few were temporarily converted into grenadier roles.

Soldiers equipped with firearms like Liu Ming are not on the first fence. They are behind the third dirt wall, which is a little different from the long-range arms.

The first person to approach the fence was not an Arab, but a Serb race. The joy on his face was ended by a gun head, and the posture of opening his hands to embrace something was frozen, and then fell to the ground as a corpse.

brother? Only the Hans themselves can become brothers in this world, and not all Hans love each other.

Only a few years have passed since the tragedy experienced by the Han people? It is when the aliens are least trusted. To say that there is no strong hostility to all alien races, but there is absolutely no trust, and friendliness is only given to a very small number of alien races, such as obedient Japanese.

I don't know that the Arabs who jumped out there, there were warring Serbs, they belonged to the kind of role that even killed the mistakes in the perception of the Han.

Now these Han soldiers are tasked with guarding the camp. Faced with an unknown alien rushing over, they will definitely not hesitate when they stabbed out a weapon because the opponent shouted a few brothers with a serious accent.

For this group of cannon fodder drawn by the Persians, they experienced two great joys and great sorrows in a short half an hour. The first time was naturally covered by shelling and arrow rain when they were a little farther away. At that time, they would wonder if the Han people hadn't heard clearly what they were shouting. The second time it was close enough, and they tried very hard to show that they were not hostile, one by one they showed their smiles and opened their arms to welcome the new students.

The Han really gave this group of cannon fodder a new life, but killed them and sent them to the possible reincarnation temple.

"The Han people are indeed cruel!" Silopal looked at the people who rushed up and were killed by the Han soldiers. He couldn't help but twitched his lips: "Our plan failed before it even started."

The over 3,000 cannon fodder that was driven to hit the Han army camp on the beach was indeed mostly real cannon fodder, and there would still be close to one hundred Persians arranged by the manpower. If they can successfully enter the camp of the Han army, they will become internal response, destroying at the right time, or combining inside and outside.

Why did they deliberately bring in Arabs from the north? In addition to the real need for cannon fodder, don’t you know that the Han people are indeed investing in Arabs and plan to use the psychology of the Arabs to use the Hans to facilitate the placement of some people?

"Did they have insight into our plan?" Rosper asked in a bewildered voice, "Or do they not care who they killed?"

Siropal could not answer this question.

There were only about a thousand Han troops on the beach. They were building camps almost under the noses of the Persians. They pulled up a fence at a very fast speed, and then built at least seven earth walls in two days.

The Han people are very fast in the construction of civil engineering, and it seems that the Persians are a bit stunned, but the Persians think about the legendary Han people and they are soon relieved.

In the understanding of the Persians, the Han people have always been a powerful existence and have extremely high attainments in civil engineering.

If you read the history books of the Persians, maybe it was more than four hundred years ago? There is a record from the Persians that the Han Chinese appeared in the direction of the Western Regions and built a city wall that was more than a thousand miles long in less than three years.

That happened in the Western Han Dynasty. Huo Qubing opened up the Hexi Corridor and approached the Western Regions. It was not only a big news for the Huns, but also a big event for the rest of the ethnic groups who knew that the Han people were fighting against the Huns.

At that time, the Parthians already knew about the existence of the Western Han Empire from the Dayue people, but they didn't have a deep understanding of how strong the Western Han Empire was.

The Parthians still knew that the Huns were defeated and defeated again in the face of the Western Han Empire. Considering that the Huns could rampage in the Western Regions, and that the Huns were able to defeat even Kangju and Dawan, they calculated the fact that the Western Han Empire was definitely a powerful country. .

Within a short period of three years, a city wall over a thousand miles in length was built. After repeated reflections, the Parthians came to the conclusion that they would never be able to do it. They don't know how the Han people did it, but it doesn't prevent them from having a good understanding of the Han people in civil engineering.

The Western Han Dynasty built a side wall on the edge of the Western Regions. It is a real thing that the length of the wall exceeds a thousand miles within three years, but the price is that the nearby aliens have almost disappeared, especially the various Qiang people.

It can be said that there is a builder's body in every meter of the Great Wall with a length of more than a thousand miles, but because it is not a relationship of the same clan, the history books are not as big as the Great Wall built by the Emperor Shi.

The Persians built a powerful country on the corpses of the Parthians. They inherited a lot of things from the Parthians, including territory, culture and history, etc., and the Parthians aspired to become allies of the Han people. Nian has also been inherited.

"There are not many Han people here, and it is not their main direction of invasion." Siropal looked at the sea with only black spots in the distance: "There are not many ships at sea, which also shows this."

Sassan was very vigilant for the Han Empire to invade from the sea, and Luke immediately reacted the most fiercely when there was a slight disturbance on his side.

Of course, the Persians knew that there was no big city worthy of the Han Empire's invasion on Lek. The reaction was too fierce to mobilize thirty or forty thousand troops within a short period of four or five days. They will have such a big action, but it is because Luke became the first place where the Han army invaded from the sea.

"They left these ships, and more ships went north." Rospathan looked to the north and said, "The closest big city to Lek is Milpur."

The coastline of Sassanian is very long, and the large coastal cities are also not few. There are actually no large coastal cities in the area close to the two Satrap directions. Only the area close to the Gulf (Persian Gulf) has more large coastal cities. City.

Like all countries in the world, the Sassanian coast is an economically developed area, and because of the large environmental changes in each region, the proportion of coastal cities to the entire country's economy is even more exaggerated.

"We were originally going to concentrate our troops on the east to deal with the possible invasion of the Han Empire." Silopal's face was painful. If he did not find that the Han Empire had formed an expeditionary fleet, he would be one of the generals who would go to the east: "New Of the 300,000 troops trained, nearly 250,000 were urgently deployed to large coastal cities. If the Han Empire invades from the east this year, it will really retreat directly to the desert as reportedly."

Shapur II really didn't make a fuss. He said that recruiting a million army was really doing that, and he didn't get muddled in the slightest. He pulled up Rome to form an anti-Han axis and started doing that.

The Persian Sassanian was knowing that the Han Empire attached great importance to the census. It was probably carried out in the 14th year of Yuanshuo in the Han Empire. It was just because there was no relevant experience, and Sassan was not a centralized country. Procrastination is again after a period of game between the central and local governments. In the 16th year of Yuanshuo, a census was completed without knowing whether the data is true or false.

After nearly three years of census, the population of the Persian tribe collected to Shapur II is more than 63.27 million. This data does not include the rest of the ethnic groups in the Sassanids. If you count it, you should add 14 million people.

The concealment of people during the census is something that happens in every country. The data obtained by Shapur II is of course full of water.

In fact, the total population of Sassanid is absolutely more than 90 million, but like many feudal dynasties, it is impossible for the central government to use all the population of the country.

It’s 359 AD, and it’s not the time when Persian Sassan has the largest population. In the next ten years, waiting for Shapur II to completely conquer the Middle East. The total population of Persian Sassan will exceed 120 million. During this period, the population of Rome dropped from a little over 100 million to less than 80 million.

The current stage is actually the period of the rapid rise of the Persian Sassanids~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the Han Empire without Liu Yan intervenes, Shapur II will repeatedly defeat the Romans during this period and bring the Arab uprisings Suppress it.

It was the Persian Sassanid during this period, and Shapur II had more than one million violent soldiers on more than one occasion. At most, the violent soldiers reached more than 1.6 million.

The truth is that Persians have never been unfamiliar with violent soldiers. As early as hundreds of years ago, it was an empire ruled by Persians. Several generations of Darius have had millions of violent soldiers.

"The strength of the eastern front battlefield will not be less than 1.2 million. If they cannot withstand the offensive of the Han army, they will withdraw to the edge of the desert, or to the side of the desert." Siropal was still a little confused and didn't understand. Why do those great aristocrats think that the strength of 1.2 million will not be able to withstand the Han army: "The strength of this side will also reach 500,000. Counting the strength of the northern front, our total strength is more than 2 million."

Two million troops sounded exaggerated? But this is the unique operation of the Persians, even Zhu Xia who likes to play the big army can't compare with...

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