Sweep the World

Chapter 1074: : Before the war

The Western Expeditionary Army of the Han Empire came to Jilongpo and did not continue to advance westward. The reason was that the current force was not suitable for marching. Then there were "outsiders" in the surrounding area, and the Kingdom of Gidoror and the Kashmir area were not resolved. Threat of instability in the back.

In fact, there is another factor, and that is Xigao.

The Hunets survived a great battle. The Alan people in their country fled to the Aral Sea and went to join the Alan tribe there. The descendants of the Northern Huns followed Adiabatra. They didn't want to continue to fight with the Han people. I heard that the people in the west were weaker, and they returned to their origins as a whole tribe.

The mere existence of Hunite has been out no matter how it looks, the next goal of the Han Empire to be solved is Xigaoche.

As an enemy of the Han Empire, Xigaoche appeared on the stage in the ninth year of Yuanshuo. As the countries and tribes opposing the Han Empire continued to disappear, Xigaoche survived so far because of the distance and the marsh sea.

The Han Empire has already invaded the territory of Hunite, and it no longer needs to cross a swamp area about 300 miles in length to attack Xigaoche. Under this premise, the not-so-small Hunite was so vulnerable to the Han Empire, Xigaoche chose to abandon its habitat and move westward.

The Junji Mountain Captain's Department was set up, initially to guard against the West High Car and the Rouran Tribal Alliance, and naturally also had the task of monitoring the Western Regions.

The Rouran tribal alliance was resolved, and the Western Regions returned to the embrace of Zhu Xia. The remaining duties of the Junji Mountain Captain's Department were aimed at Xi Gaoche.

The Han people originally didn’t understand that Junji Mountain was a swampland spanning more than 300 miles to the west and northwest, and they didn’t know that they could march only in the short summer. After knowing this, the lieutenant department of Junji Mountain actually There is no need for it anymore.

The military unit behind the Junji Mountain Captain's Department was chosen to form the first firearms division. It was precisely as a Captain's Department that they seemed a bit redundant. On the premise of not abolishing, Junji Mountain is also an important strategic location. Choose here. It is quite appropriate to build a firearms division.

In the 14th year of Yuanshuo, the Han people explored three iron mines and one copper mine in Junji Mountain, and the saltpeter mine was also explored.

Three iron ore mines, one of which is a super-large iron ore, was smelted after mining, and it was discovered that the ore of this super-large iron ore was very good.

At that time, the Prime Minister’s Mansion came up with a suggestion, considering that the Han Empire will inevitably move westward in the future, is it necessary to use the resources on the Junji Mountain to build an industrial zone on the spot?

Taking into account the distance between Chang'an and the Persian Sassanids, and the resources of Chang'an are transported from various places, the resources that will be used in the western expedition are huge, and it is indeed necessary to build an industrial zone in the front.

In the fifteenth year of Yuanshuo, the fourth firearms construction base was completed in Junji Mountain, and it was put into production after one and a half years of construction.

So far, although Junji Mountain still cannot produce finished firearms and bronze guns, it mainly produces parts and components, but it can be done to maintain the equipment of the frontline troops.

In fact, there is only one industrial zone in Chang'an that has a full set of production lines to make firearms, and the remaining three are artificially restricted.

There was only one factory capable of making gunpowder fifteen years ago in Yuanshuo, in the Qinling Mountains. In the seventeenth year of Yuanshuo, the number had soared to six. The reason was naturally that with the formation of the army to install firearms, the gunpowder needed to be used increased unabated. There were no more gunpowder production plants, and the firearms could only be used as stingers Up.

Junji Mountain is no longer considered an overseas territory, but includes the vast grasslands and is regarded as part of the native land.

The General’s Mansion had previously put forward an opinion, hoping to build a firearm and gunpowder manufacturing plant in the three continents. Their discussion was rejected only when it reached the province.

The production method of gunpowder has always been strictly protected by the Han Empire, and the level of secrecy is much higher than that of flintlock and bronze guns.

If there is no gunpowder, what is the use of flintlock and bronze guns made by various countries?

Xie An now has more than 38,000 firearms troops, and the number of bronze guns of various calibers has reached a staggering 480.

Bronze guns used in land warfare, including gunners and logistics personnel, regardless of their caliber, require at least ten people to serve them. As the caliber increases, more personnel are needed. For example, a 180mm caliber used in land warfare requires two things to serve.

The use of bronze cannons on land is not about installing, fixing, loading, or firing. Each bronze cannon must have dedicated logistics support personnel, such as transporting gunpowder and shells, and performing maintenance and repairs.

That's just a human being. The 75mm bronze gun with the smallest caliber requires two mule horses for animal power; the 220mm bronze gun with the largest caliber requires six mule horses. This is not a spare animal power, which shows how laborious it is to move the bronze cannon on land.

The flintlock troops are better, mainly because the riflemen do not need people to serve, but they still need a huge logistics force.

The firearms division has not been fully staffed yet. There are more than 38,000 soldiers but there are nearly 30,000 auxiliary personnel. The reason is that once the more sophisticated weapons fail, it is not like a gap in a knife and gun, and then repairing or polishing can continue. To use, what is needed is professional maintenance.

Xie An, who was touring the firearms camp, saw Xie Ai walking quickly and standing in place.

"General." Xie Ai saluted and said: "The scout reported that the Persians had separated a partial division and deduced from the marching route that they were going to Gidoror."

The two armies, separated by a hundred and twenty miles, have a large number of eyes watching each other anytime and anywhere, but they can't escape the prying eyes of each other if they are a little disturbed.

"Unsurprisingly." Xie An was not too surprised by this: "What is Chang Shi's opinion?"

"The scout also reported that the enemy had made a move to clean up the camp, which was expected to be to respond to the partial division." Xie Ai did not hesitate too much, suggesting: "The enemy's partial division to Jidoruo is beneficial to the big man, so you don't need to react. As the enemy advances eastward, our army cannot fail to express it."

The fact that the troops on the westward march did not continue to the west does not mean that the Persians will fail to respond to any movement.

"So..." Xie An had a plan early, but he would communicate with Xie Ai based on his character. Seeing Xie Ai had already expressed his opinion, he nodded and said, "He sent the Yulin army to fight."

The Han Empire had only two troops with special designations, namely the Huben Army and the Yulin Army.

In the early days, the Huben Army, as a heavy cavalry, had a very strong sense of existence, and it did indeed reflect their value on the battlefield, but as the gunpowder was thrown into the war, they became passive.

The Habayashi Army was the first mixed unit of the Han Empire with turf, archer, and light cavalry. It was also the first standing army with a staff of more than 15,000.

Like the Tiger Ben Army, the Habayashi Army was the main force in the early days and would appear on all major battlefields.

Unlike the Tiger Ben Army, even if the Han Army began to use gunpowder, the Yulin Army was still active in various battlefields, that is, it was no longer the absolute main force.

Li Jun, who received the military order, showed an expression of overjoy and said to the visitor: "Please reply to the general, Yulin will definitely not let the general down."

As a general of the Habayashi Army, Li Jun, like other cold weapon generals, felt a lot of pressure on the emergence of firearms. What can comfortably be a little bit more comforting is that compared to infantry, they are a cavalry-based army. , Even the emergence of firearms has its own use.

"Wings for the country, like the prosperous forest!"

Shouting slogans, the knight-controlled horse filed out from the gate, followed by a workhorse and another pair of horses.

The Habayashi Army’s current manpower is 32,000 people, and Xie An’s order is for the Habayashi Army to fight alone to deal with the nearly 150,000 Persian troops that have already moved.

After leaving the camp, the Yulin Army began to gather based on their own arms, and soon separated the camps of Tussauds, Archers, Hussars, and Baggage Units, and then the light cavalry took the lead and headed west.

Although they are cavalry, they are equipped with a large number of carriages.

Of course, the cavalry's squadrons also need to have a high enough movement speed. They carry related things including combat supplies and living supplies for the combat troops, as well as the supplies needed for the establishment of the camp.

An army is never that simple. There are too many details. If a general is poor in overall planning and does not have a qualified assistant, the army will fall apart every minute, and then it will fall apart.

The action of the Habayashi army pulling out of the battalion must be seen by the Persian scouts.

In the following there will be another chase and escape between the scouts, depending on what the Persian scouts who discovered the intelligence go back, the news will be known to the rear.

With 32,000 soldiers and more than 8,000 auxiliary soldiers, plus the number of horses no less than 120,000, a large black shadow moving westward from a bird's-eye view from a high altitude.

This large black shadow is splitting itself. About four thousand light cavalry and two thousand archers leave the formation. They form a group for every two thousand light cavalry and one thousand archers, and then two new ones are formed. Shadow, advancing to the west at a very fast speed.

Li Jun personally led all the assault cavalry and the remaining troops to march at a normal speed. They will soon get a distance from the two separated troops, and then they will maintain a distance of about 30 miles until they encounter the enemy. Until contact.

A hundred and twenty away, the Sassanian army had been busy for six or seven hours before they were able to prepare everything they should take away from the camp.

Prior to this, there was a group of 60,000 infantrymen who went ahead. They were 1,000 heavy cavalry, 3,000 archers, and 20,000 ordinary cavalry. The rest were infantry on foot.

Because it is a mix of walking and riding, their marching speed is not fast, probably at a speed of about seven or eight miles per hour.

The overall appearance of this area is a barren surface, but it is not limited to desert or Gobi. There are vegetation formed by weeds on the ground, but there are no patches of woods. There are at most a dozen trees. More is a lone tree.

Because the Persians are the host, they will have a more comprehensive grasp of the terrain. Planning the marching route is to be as close as possible to the place where there is a water source. Don't let the Han army die later, but a large number of people died of thirst.

After the Han army came, the first thing they did was to draw the map. The map was not very standard. The approximate terrain of the mountains and rivers was drawn, and the water sources were also marked. The main reason was to pay more attention to the distribution of water sources. To facilitate the march.

The two enemy troops are marching toward each other. If there is no change in speed, and night falls without stopping the camp, the vanguards of both sides will probably come into contact in about eight hours.

In this area, a large number of scouts were scattered between the Han army and the Sassanian side. The two armies did not go to war, but the squad and the squad fought very frequently.

The Han army has made special statistics. The number of damaged scouts has exceeded 300, of which 60 or 70 are missing.

Persia also has statistics, but the data is not clear to single digits by the Han army, and their own calculations have lost more than two thousand people.

This is the empire. There were so many scouts just before the war. If it were a small country, it would be difficult to say whether there were two thousand troops in the country, let alone the number of scouts.

Time was passing, but at this moment Tiangong made a joke with the two marching troops.

"Why suddenly it was dark clouds." Li Jun looked up at the sky, his eyes saw the light in the dark clouds, the next moment a lightning struck down, and then his ears heard the thunder of thunder: "The whole army stopped, and the engineers immediately built the camp! "

In terms of altitude, this area should be counted as a plateau.

The Han army is not so unfamiliar with the climate of the plateau, especially Li Jun, who has repeatedly participated in the Northern Expedition, is well aware of the horror of thunderstorms on the plateau.

In fact, even if there is no thunder and lightning, but it will rain, unless it is under the premise of a hundred thousand rush, otherwise the march will be terminated.

After so many years ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after catching a cold in the rain, there is no quick-acting cold medicine, even if Chinese herbal medicine is used to treat diseases, it takes a slow process.

It was about ten minutes apart, and the two armies seventy to eighty miles apart stopped marching. The scouts among them were all hurriedly looking for a place to hide from the rain unless they were in the fighting phase.

The conditions of the Han army scouts are definitely better than those of the Persian army. They will find a place with a gentler terrain, away from trees to avoid being struck by lightning, and then take out the linen blanket from the auxiliary horse's package and put it on first, and then take it out with the tent. Cover it with the same cloth.

God doesn't wait for people on the ground to be ready to rain again. After the first drop of rain fell, the entire sky seemed to be cracked, and it was pouring rain in an instant.

Li Jun’s tent was of course one of the first to be erected. Standing on the side of the tent, he frowned and watched the urgent and heavy rain: "This rain is really coming at an untimely time!"

is not it? Obviously it was an aggressive march, but it had to stop halfway. If someone was superstitious, he would be able to associate it in a disadvantageous direction.

. Sogou

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