Sweep the World

Chapter 1077: : Special East

To say which dynasty of the Xia Dynasty used the cavalry most sharply, it would undoubtedly be the mid-term of Liu Che's reign in the Western Han Dynasty.

  Earlier, that is, during the Warring States Period, Zhao Guo learned how to ride and walk horses alone by the Hu people. That is to say, Zhao Guo's solo riding and walking horses were too strong for a short time.

   Until the reforms under Liu Che's reign, even if it was Zhao Guo, who carried out military reforms and played solo, Zhu Xia still played with chariots and infantry as the main force.

   The current time is nearly five hundred years after the time when the cavalry of Zhu Xia was shining brightly. Many cavalry tactics in the Western Han Dynasty, even if they did not experience the fall of the Central Plains to the Hulu rule, basically did not leave much.

  The cavalry tactics of the Han Empire are actually the same as the cavalry generals of the Western Han Dynasty. They were learned from previous opponents, and then they made their own summary and optimization to form their own style of play.

   There are not too many tactics for cavalry, and there are only four major categories.

  Wolves guerrilla tactics: The cavalry attaches to the enemy, but does not engage in battle, but keeps harassing. Because the infantry cannot cope with the cavalry without formation, the enemy is forced to maintain the formation at all times, degrading its morale and exhausting its physical strength. When the enemy is tired, the cavalry is divided into several small groups to attack, causing the enemy to escape in chaos, and the cavalry kills and injures the enemy in the process of chasing.

  Flanking tactics: The cavalry moved dumplings and planted dumplings on the side to commemorate the Bang Xi Baolongyi, bypassing the enemy's main line, attacking weak points, or attacking the joints between the enemy lines, rushing away from the enemy, and creating chaos.

   Heavy Cavalry Charge Tactics: This tactic requires cavalry men and horses to be heavily armored, armed with spears, charge when approaching the enemy, and reach the maximum speed when treating the enemy, mainly relying on powerful speed inertia to hit the enemy.

   Kite tactics: The approach of the enemy is not to charge, but to throw around the enemy's line. If the enemy advances, then retreat. The enemy stops and continues to project, or allows the enemy to pursue and shoot backwards, always keeping the distance and using long-range weapons to attack.

   Li Jun didn't have heavy cavalry on hand, and he didn't even have cavalry. Naturally, he couldn't play the impact tactics of heavy cavalry.

   There are four types of cavalry tactics. Each cavalry commander will also make some very necessary adjustments based on his own understanding...or command ability.

  The Habayashi army was evacuating, and it looked like a mess, but it wasn't the kind of dispersal and undisciplined rout.

  Sassanian cavalry is the group that is chasing the most vigorously. At this moment, they seem to have been beaten with blood. They have the confidence to win, and their mind is to catch up with the Han army and kill with their weapons.

   It's really because of being so happy and excited. When the sassanian cavalry of various types were chasing, they looked at the speed of the horses under the hips, and gradually opened up the distance, and then divided into several echelons.

   The Sasanian infantry chasing on foot, they shouted louder than anyone else, and ran forward with their legs.

   The Sassanian infantry was not divided into several echelons so quickly, that is, there was no formation when chasing. Anyway, they just rushed forward "aaaaaaaaal", and then there was no robe familiar enough to cooperate with each other.

  Habibullah, of course, discovered the situation of his own army. After repeated confirmation, he concluded that the withdrawal of the Han army was real.

   "Can't chase too far." Habibullah said cautiously: "It has succeeded in stimulating morale and returning courage and murder to the warriors. It is already the greatest victory to achieve this!"

The terrible name originated from the Han Empire, coupled with the Persians’ records of the Hans in their own history books are too mysterious. Before they could really fight the Han army, from generals to soldiers, everyone was Very guilty conscience.

   The earliest knowledge of the Persians about the Han people was inherited from the Parthians, and then the Parthians were eager to form an alliance with the Han people. The Han people in the record were extremely tall.

   Afterwards, the Persians came into contact with the Han people themselves, and during the Eastern Han Dynasty they also tentatively moved eastward to the Western Regions. At that time, the Persians dispatched about 5,000 elite and more than 50,000 soldiers from the vassal country, but they were almost wiped out by the Eastern Han army of less than 2,000 with about 30,000 soldiers.

It was only a trial that the Persians confirmed that the Hans are not easy to mess with. For a long time, the perception is that the Hans are really too tall and can only be friends with them, not enemies, right? ...

How many years ago was   ? It seems like it was five or six years ago. The Persians of the present age take the initiative to contact the Han people again with endless beauty.

   This time they didn't have the brain to use the method of sending troops again. They formally sent an envoy with the imperial family as their envoys to visit Chang'an, the capital of the Han Empire, for state affairs.

This time, a national envoy from the west of Central Asia went tens of thousands of miles away, arrived at the capital of Zhuxia very formally and handed over the letter of credence. The Persians did what the Parthians did not do. The reason for the visit Like the Parthians, there are demands for alliance.

   The Persians are still IQ online, and there is no intention to form an alliance right away, or they should be looked at by the Han with a caring and mentally handicapped look like the Parthians in the past.

  The friction between the Han Empire and the Gupta Empire was considered by the Persians to be an excellent opportunity.

   The Persians enthusiastically put forward the proposal of the "Five Nation Alliance", ignoring the Han Empire's indifference to a certain extent, and after forming the "Five Nation Alliance", they considered themselves one step closer to forming a true all-round alliance with the Han Empire.

According to the relationship, the Gupta Empire is closer to Rome. Sassan wanted to make the Gupta Empire a long time ago, and he repeatedly attacked from the land to the south. Before he could even touch the Gupta Empire, he was divided by Satrap and Gidoro. The kingdom was stopped, only because it was unhappy to rely on the navy to find the Gupta Empire, but in the sea contest, the Gupta Empire had the advantage.

  According to Sasanian's speculation, no matter how powerful the Han Empire is, it is not easy to cross the sea to expedition to the Gupta Empire, and it may even be a failure.

What Sassan never dreamed of was that it took less than three years for the Han Empire to completely destroy the Gupta Empire from the sea contest to the actual landing. It was not that the Han Empire might fail in their imagination, nor did it. Dragged on for ten years or more.

   If the Sassanian voyage is actually closer to the Gupta Empire than the Han Empire, the sea conditions from the Sassanian coast to the Gupta Empire will be better.

If they really want to organize a cross-sea expedition against the Gupta Empire, it is not impossible to bite their teeth. That is, the sea warfare and non-combat attrition will inevitably result in heavy losses. It is probably to send the landing troops to the Gupta Empire, and then It's time to let the landing troops resign.

   It is precisely because they can bite their teeth to carry out a cross-sea expedition to death. Sassan will make a cross-sea expedition to the Han Empire and really destroy the Gupta Empire, discovering that the Han Empire is far stronger than they thought.

If the Han Empire is only strong and does not have a border between the two sides, there is no historical grievance, and the current relationship between the two sides is friendly, and there seems to be no conflict in the Sassanids, they will only be more eager to form an alliance with the Han Empire. .

In the fifteenth year of Yuanshuo, the Han Empire proposed to lease ports and coastal areas, and even inland cities to seek concessions. It was like a stick knocking on Sassan’s forehead. After a period of dazedness, he agreed to go back, but was also knocked awake. Up.

   It is always wishful thinking that the Persians seek to become full ally with the Hans. They want to form an alliance with the Hans, nothing more than to fight against the Romans, and then the benefits of trade.

Sassan, who was knocked on a sap, woke up. Because of the longing relationship, the weakened Han Empire wiped out so many countries and races. It can be regarded as being seriously valued, discarding wishful thinking, and thinking with malicious intent. Suddenly discovered that the expansion and dominance of the Han Empire would definitely be a more dangerous country than the Romans.

   It is not coincidentally that the Han people moved westward again, and did not stop the pace of the westward movement after regaining the Western Regions. Let alone the invasion of Hunite, they also used force for the Xigaoche.

  At this point, even the Persians who are not clear-headed should have a clear idea of ​​what kind of country the Han Empire is.

  Habibullah is actually one of the people who disagrees from the beginning to the end that there should be too many official contacts with the Han Empire. He believes that communication with the Han Empire should be limited to business, and that is the most advantageous way of communication.

   In fact, whether it was during the Parthian Empire or the early Sassanid period, the Han people had not had civil strife, and the eastern Sassanids had always been enjoying the dividends from the trade with the Han people.

   It is no exaggeration to say that the Parthian Empire was able to survive the war with the Romans for so long, mainly because it monopolized the land trade with the Han, especially the silk obtained from the Han and sold to the Romans at a high price.

   The Aldahir family was able to overthrow the Parthian Empire and establish the Sassanian Empire, in fact, thanks to the huge profits generated by the Han Chinese trade.

  The internal strife on the Han side, and after another five riots, in fact, the Persians have not been in contact with Han merchants for one or two hundred years, and they have not even seen even a single piece of silk.

   The Persians once again traded with the Han in the thirteenth year of Yuanshuo. The reopened trade route came from the sea, not the traditional Silk Road once again.

   This time the Persians could no longer stand in the way, and they could no longer monopolize the products from the Han people. Naturally, they could no longer blackmail the Romans. This was the most painful thing for Habibullah as the governor of the eastern Sassanids.

Without interest, new threats may arise from too much contact with the Han Empire. As one of the few high-ranking persons who opposed contact with the Han Empire, Habibullah waited for Shapur II to wake up, and Habibullah seemed to have become a reality. One of Sassan’s wise men has not only strengthened the rights at hand, but also increased his prestige.

  As the governor of the east, Habibullah’s family is naturally not much weaker.

There is a curse-like existence in this area, whether it is the Persian Empire of Darius, the Parthian Empire of Assathis, or even the Sassanian Empire of Ardashir. The governors of the east are ambitious.

   What some eastern governors want is to be the emperor, and firmly control the eastern province.

  Some eastern governors would want to go further, for example, the emperor will take turns to do a big show to my house next year.

   Aldahir is a further example of success. He gave the follow-up Eastern Governor a clear path.

   The ambition of the Eastern Governor is never a big secret in this land. Several governors have used Zhu Xia's allusion to say that the heart of Sima Zhao is well known to everyone.

For this reason, the way the royal families such as Darius, Assathis, and Aldassil get along with the governor of the east has never been simple. What is strange is that they know the "impure" of the governor of the east, but the three royal families are I haven't touched it at all.

   If you look at the division of the provinces and analyze the strengths of all aspects of the eastern provinces, you will probably know why the royals in three different periods did not do anything.

  Different imperial families or rulers, the power of the eastern provinces accounted for at least 20% of each dynasty, and some of the eastern provinces entered the period of trade prosperity and even accounted for 40-50% of the overall national power.

   Under this status quo, no matter how tough the king is, when he thinks that he will really win or lose, it is very likely that the country will be divided, and even the maintenance of unity may become history. After repeated calculations, he will have to abandon the start of the civil war.

   At this stage, the eastern provinces of Sassanid, because the trade with the east has long been broken, the eastern provinces should be the weakest time. Calculated by data, the eastern provinces can account for 15% of Sassan's overall strength.

Because of their own mistakes, the Aldahir family completely gave up treatment later, from a crazy kneeling licking to a pathological hostility~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to pull the whole Sassan into a scene. It didn't happen so quickly, maybe it was in a war that would never happen.

Habibullah learned from a secret channel that the ruling family of Aldashir was determined to abandon the entire east. His first thought was that Shapur II was crazy, and then the Sassanid West was ill-intentioned, and the Sassanid Central Definitely happy to see it happen.

   If Sassan really wants to organize defenses in the central region, various resources will definitely continue to be tilted to the central region. Even if the central nobles are not so greedy to keep their senses, they can definitely eat their mouths full of oil.

   Those families in the central region may get the most benefit, and those families in the west are also safe, and only the east is the one who paid or destroyed!

  Habibra and other eastern families, how could they be willing to see that situation happen?

   Under the current general situation, they can't jump back on Aldaxi, they can only do their best to arm themselves.

Habibullah’s idea of ​​fighting the Han army this time is very realistic. It is estimated that the difficulty of winning is far greater than directly challenging Aldahir. Maintaining a stalemate... or surrender as a last resort, how can you let the Han army know first? I'm not easy to mess with, if it's impossible that I don't even have the qualifications to surrender, right?

   "Let them stop." Habibullah still has a telescope: "There is something wrong with the Han army."

   Fighting is absolutely necessary, and it is not allowed to fight without any factors.

  The key is...Don't be easily solved by the Han army, otherwise no matter what plan you have, it is most likely to stop at the plan.

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