Sweep the World

Chapter 1027: : Chic ideas

After the Persians realized the fact that no matter how they confessed, they would be blown up by the Han Empire sooner or later, they said that they would give up their sanity, all for the sake of fighting hard. If you die, you can make the Han Empire aware of its will to die and be jealous. The Persians feel that only in this way can they have a way to survive.

After having such a clear understanding, everyone from Shapur II to the people with lofty ideals in the private sector worked hard and worked with a hundred times more effort and enthusiasm to plan, and the spirit of fighting must make the plan more perfect.

When a country starts to do something with the will to die, the energy that bursts out is absolutely beyond imagination.

Shapur II told Constantius that Sassan should not take care of his back. We just want to concentrate our efforts to fight the Han Empire. It is of course best if you form an alliance sincerely. , We are dead, it is definitely your turn next.

Seriously speaking, the Romans are not as urgent as the Persians. Rome is too far away from the Han Empire. One is on the easternmost side of the World Island, and the other is on the westernmost side of the World Island. It is really about the Han Empire and the Han Empire. On the day Rome went to war, the countries between the two countries must be gone.

Although not so urgent in their hearts, the Romans were still quite uncomfortable with the "reasonable" requirements of the Han Empire. What leased ports and land concessions did not treat Rome as an empire.

For a long time, Roman talents were on the domineering side, robbing neighboring countries and tribes, and suddenly they became the "taken for granted" objects. For a while, they didn't react to it, and at the same time, they felt unprecedented humiliation. Also rose to the heart.

For the Romans to become a dominant nation, there must be wise men with long-term vision. Their advice to Constantius is that even if there is no deadly war with the Han Empire, the Han Empire should not be so indulgence. Since Sassan wanted to fight the Han Empire, it would be the right choice to perfect the Persians, and Rome should also participate.

This time, as the first direction to go to war, Sassan alone sent an army of 60,000 to Hunite.

These sixty thousand Sassanian troops were originally stationed in the eastern provinces and accounted for 60% of the eastern Sassanian troops.

Shapur II did not flood the garrison in the eastern provinces, mainly because the Arabs jumped too happily and needed to keep the necessary suppressive forces, and then he had to fight the Arabs.

In addition to Sassan’s 60,000 and Rome’s 60,000, in the first wave of troops going to the Han Empire, the Hunets were only less than 40,000, and the rest were troops from neighboring countries and tribes. The descendants of five thousand Northern Huns who came from the far northwest.

With 240,000 troops gathered, the Anti-Han Axis Alliance had only prepared three months' worth of food and grass, and then marched towards the east with a sullen head.

As long as it is an army united by many forces, although they are coalition forces, they really will not cooperate closely with each other. It is normal for some foreign troops to enter the territory of Hungary to burn, kill, and looting, and there are even different countries. The army did not fight before the Han army.

Along the way, because the Han people built a considerable number of fortresses, fortresses, and Fengsui, the army of 240,000 was still more than 50 miles away from the Han realm, but forty to 50,000 were scattered.

"Most of them are made up." Marus was the highest commander of Rome in this crusade. He looked at the so-called friendly forces on the left and right. A heavy loss. The 40,000 people gathered this time even count the old, weak, women and children. What can really be useful is the cavalry who claim to be the Hungarian."

The people who claim to be the Huns are descendants of the Northern Huns. They will come to the muddy waters. First, they are unable to continue westward recently, and then they hear the enemy of the ancestor marching westward, wondering what the enemy of the ancestor looks like. , Come and find out.

The Huns did not have their own writing, but they had a long-term entanglement with the pre-Han. The more the Hundred Years’ War reached the later stage, the more the Huns realized the power of the pre-Han. , Also left some records.

Among the relevant records, the Northern Huns inevitably wanted to describe the part of the hatred. It was almost as bad as how bad they were beaten, the more space they had to describe how strong the Han people were.

After so many years, there are actually less than three people who still recognize Chinese characters among the descendants of the Northern Huns, and they are all old people who are shamans.

The time is too long. Many descendants of the Northern Huns have never even heard of what happened to the ethnic group in the east. Only those in power will be passed on to that period of history from generation to generation.

It is precisely because the history is so long that many things are not forgotten and become a horror story. The leaders of this generation of Northern Huns had just experienced a terrible defeat in the westward march, and when they were about to lick their wounds, the Persians suddenly came over and talked about the Han Chinese marching westward. It was fine anyway. It was not about sending out many troops. So I got my thoughts of bringing five thousand cavalry over to take a look.

Altabar was very impressed by what Marus said. Except for the Sassanian and Roman troops, there is really only the Hungarian cavalry that looks like they can fight, and the rest are even possible to paddle... …It’s not possible, it’s definitely drowning.

"So, didn't we arrange for the waste to be left behind to besiege the Han army that we saw along the way?" Altaba felt that the Romans were still quite sincere about Rome's willingness to send two regular legions to participate in this war: "We The first group to face is the Han Empire regular army of less than 15,000, and perhaps a Han auxiliary army of no less than 50,000."

As for the servant army of the Western Regions, Al Taba didn't talk about it.

The last time Li Kuang pulled up a servant army of 250,000 Western Regions. After repeated investigations of intelligence, various countries discovered the fact that as long as there are no Western Regions supervised by Han, even those Western Regions’ weapons and equipment are not bad, but they are still affected by Hungary. The Nite rubbed easily on the ground.

The Western Regions can only display their combat effectiveness when there are Han leaders around them, but most of them are reflected in the premise of burning, killing and looting. When the two armies are facing each other, the scene is still bad.

"I heard that the Han people have been implementing the policy of reducing taxation in the Western Regions?" Marus felt it was necessary for Rome to learn from the Han people: "Most of the female Western Regions became Han women, and the male Western Regions were either thrown into the battlefield or detained. Captured into the hinterland of the Han Empire as a labor force?"

"The 250,000 Western Regions who invaded Hunite last time, only less than 130,000 ran back." Altaba didn't know how to evaluate those Western Regions, even burning, killing, looting and looting. There was such a big loss: "It may be that the Western Regions are really useless. The Hans no longer have any concealment. They are indeed unscrupulously reducing the number of males in the Western Regions."

Marus subconsciously touched his chin.

The population of the Roman tribe who had gone through the civil war suffered a sharp decline, but the number of foreign races from the surroundings pouring into Rome was soaring, not the kind of slaves, but the status quo of rushing into Rome and living as free people.

The number of citizens of Rome has always been small, and the population of Roman ethnicity was only more than 20 million when it was at its highest.

Constantius became a unique Augustus. He heard that the Han Empire had a national policy of a population census every three years. He believed that it was necessary to find out how many citizens and ethnicities there were in Rome. They were in the Han Empire. It was done once in the fifteenth year of Yuanshuo.

The census conducted in Rome did not get the cooperation of nobles from all over the world. It is not only Zhu Xia's clan, aristocratic family, and powerful people who can hide the population, but people who can benefit from hiding the population will do it.

Constantius worked very hard to do one thing. It took a whole year before and after. The data obtained was full of water, but there was also a data.

During the 16th year of Yuanshuo of the Han Empire, Constantius obtained data that the number of citizens in his country reached 1.87 million, but the ethnic group was only about 7 million.

Citizens of Rome are potential sources of troops, or they join the army to become citizens, or they may have acquired citizenship by their ancestors a long time ago.

Constantius didn’t know whether to laugh or cry in the face of the census data. The 1.87 million citizens represented the number of soldiers that could be recruited. The key is how the ethnicity is only 7 million?

The reason is that even if the citizens of Rome have not entered the army, they have their own benefits. The part that belongs to the ethnic group needs to pay taxes. This results in the data that there are so many citizens but the ethnicity seems so abnormal.

According to Constantius’s guess, not only the number of citizens has water, but the ethnic group has more water. He made a calculation by himself. The number of people who can be recruited as soldiers will not exceed 400,000, and the number of ethnicities will not be less than 20 million.

Because of Rome's long-standing habit of using slaves, there should be about forty to fifty million slaves in the country. The number of free citizens who were not slaves but settled in Rome should not be less than 20 million.

If it were that data, Rome would be an exaggeration with a population data approaching 100 million, but in fact it would be really useless. On the contrary, it would be an extremely dangerous signal for Rome.

"So Augustus is already considering a new policy to attract freedmen to become fighters." Marus said these are a signal: "We are the first Roman army to come east, and there will be a second. , The third batch...the dispatch will not stop if necessary."

But Al Taba is not so excited, the force organized troops, don't expect how high combat effectiveness can be, even the fighting will will definitely be negative.

Will those forces that are forcibly organized have any effect? Probably that is to drive to the battlefield, let the Han people consume some strength when killing those guys, break some military equipment, consume the Han people's rations, and so on.

Isn't Sassan doing something similar? For example, the Arabs are mainly forced to be used as cannon fodder, and even some small tribes in the territory have not been spared.

Sassan has even made relevant preparations for the most critical situation, waiting for the official outbreak of the war, the next policy is to let the whole country enter the moment of mobilization.

"In fact, it will be very useful." Marus said mysteriously: "The strong will crush the chicken for a long time, and the strong will become the chicken after a long time."

This situation has happened more than once in Roman history. It is clearly an elite army that has fought against enemies like chickens for a long time. The longer the time, the more elite Roman legions before, the more and more they become later. Vegetable chicken.

It’s definitely not because of that elite army wasting soldiers in the battle. It’s repeatedly crushing and winning, and it didn’t suffer much loss. It just happened that the more it beats itself, the more it becomes more and more pitiful. Simply scrapped as a whole.

It was the first time Altaba heard such an argument. As soon as his eyes lit up, he said, "Is there any evidence?"

Marus said that Altaba loves to believe it or not. Anyway, he kept driving out the cannon fodder to let the Han army kill. As many cannon fodder as Rome and Sassan died, he would surely prove the correctness of his statement in the end.

"I will suggest it to your majesty." Al Taba became very interested in the back: "If that is the case, no matter how many people are sacrificed, it is worthwhile."

The Sassanids are well prepared to kill a million Persians on the battlefield. Even the Persians can die a million. How could the non-Persians in the Sassanids not die more? The same will kill people. If the level of the Han army can be lowered, those dead people will have an unexpected effect.

"Of course, you can't do that in the first stage." Marus is still quite sensible: "According to your investigation, the current strength of the Anxi Defense Mansion will not be too much. There are not many firearms installed yet, so there is a good chance that it will be able to enter. Within the Han Empire."

Altaba said: "The domineering thinking of the Han people is destined to choose the battlefield outside the border when they learn that we are attacking. It is a pity that the Han people, despite their dominance, are cautious and exposed. If they can carry out an ambush. if……"

Within three hundred miles as a buffer zone, there are some mountains ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and more of them are flat terrain.

The vegetation on this side is not dense, the woods are generally not wide enough, and even if they can hide their soldiers in the woods, they dare not do that.

The Han army has a history of large-scale arson. Listening to Ding Ling’s account, the Han people once set fire on the grassland regardless of the fact that it was a horrible scene where hundreds of miles of the grassland were full of fires, resulting in the Rouran tribal alliance, which had a good relationship with the Han people. Jumped straight upside down.

Al Taba's guess was not wrong at all. Li Kuang, who knew that the enemy had committed the crime, did not choose to defend because of his lack of troops.

"The intelligence sent back by the scouts ahead." Artaba delivered the report: "Anxi Duhu has arrived on the west bank of the Penchi River. He has brought two divisions and 30,000 Han auxiliary soldiers."

"A division in the Han Empire is about 5,000 people?" After reading the information, Marus had to convince the Han Chinese to be domineering: "They must know that we will not be less than 200,000, and they dare to use 40,000 to fight us. ?"

Altaba said with an expression of exclamation: "Because they are Han Chinese."

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