Sweep the World

Chapter 1043: : Xu Guang's suggestion

The Erbata team was targeted by the Han cavalry. It was repeatedly entangled and wasted a lot of time. After getting rid of the entanglement, they were hung behind their tails and had to make detours until they reached the third line of defense, the garrison on the line of defense. Almost all escaped.

The hard work is a line of defense constructed with huge manpower and material resources. The enemy's large forces are still far away, but the defenders on the line of defense ran away first? Such things are not uncommon in history.

No matter how strong the line of defense is, people with the courage need to be stationed in order to play the role of the line of defense, otherwise it is actually a dead thing.

Elbata consciously did not have the ability to use less than three thousand troops to resist the aggressive Han army on the line of defense. After he found that the defenders on the line had basically escaped, he originally wanted to set it on fire. The problem is that The clenched cavalry of the Han army came again, and as a result, he glanced at the line of defense with tears, and embarked on an escape journey again sullenly.

The defense line and barracks built by the anti-Han Axis coalition forces time-consuming and laborious, it became the new owner's resident after the arrival of the Han army.

"This is already in the territory of Hunite, far away from the main residence of the Duhu Mansion, but it can be used as a material reserve base." Li Kuang has already inspected and found that the camp is actually quite well-built, just built. The wall of the city faces the east, and the necessary walls need to be added to the west: “In fact, the city can be built on the basis of the camp.”

After the Penchi River, the Han Empire had only a few small fortresses, fortresses, and beacons on this side, and there were no other large gathering points for permanent fortifications.

The eastern part of the Hunets are all nomadic tribes, and the eastern part is not even a fixed settlement, they are all groups that live by grass.

The Han Empire needed a forward base in the territory of Hunite. It originally needed to be built from scratch and obtained a basic camp. Naturally, it is more time-saving and labor-saving to strengthen it on this basis.

"Naturally, it is possible." Song Ping thought for a while, and continued: "It just needs a big change."

There are some risks in using camps built by the enemy as a forward base, including the fact that the camp is built by the enemy, and the enemy must have the weaknesses of the camp.

It is not even ruled out that there are more dangerous hidden dangers, such as the possibility that the enemy has dug a tunnel. Once there are tunnels, the enemy will definitely use tunnels when they counterattack.

Li Kuang did not ignore those risks, and nodded to Song Ping and said, "Leave it to Chang Shi."

Once this camp really has a back hand left by the anti-Han Axis coalition forces, they will definitely not be reconciled to use it in some small tricks, and they will use it as a killer.

That is just a necessary safeguard. In fact, as long as the Han army keeps advancing forward and pushes the front all the way to the west, there are some tricks in this camp, and the enemy can only use it to the extreme when its soldiers are close.

They "accepted" the camp that the anti-Han Axis coalition forces had so hard to build. Such a situation in the fighting was tantamount to the destruction of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces' intention to attack the Anxi Prefecture.

The main force of the anti-Han axis coalition forces collapsed, but the anti-Han axis coalition forces in this area have more than one unit, and there are more or less other anti-Han axis coalition forces around the main battlefield.

Li Kuang faces two choices next.

The first one is to continue to advance westward with the main force, as far as it can be, forcing the Anti-Han Axis to organize an army to stop again, keeping the initiative in the battle situation in its hands.

Another option is to stabilize the battle line at the current position and dismantle the troops in hand to attack those enemy forces that have not had time to deal with before, so as to maximize the results of this battle.

"I think that expanding the battle result is the best choice." Song Ping gave his own opinion: "Our troops are too small, and the longer the front, the greater the danger."

Li Kuang hesitated because of this.

Even though they seem to defeat the main force of the enemy easily, it is actually just an imbalanced manifestation of the use of firearms. The enemy's m so easy to collapse is mostly due to the deterrence of firearms.

If there were no normal warfare using firearms, the Han army would not be able to directly attack the fortifications of the city walls built by the enemy as if they had firearms. A detour attack would be the right choice.

Under the attack of the Han army, the enemy's city wall fortifications did not even sustain the first wave of offensive, leading to the psychological collapse of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces.

The two armies make warrior spirit first, and the first thing to do is to attack the morale of the other side. The first wave of attacks will have a great effect, and the morale of both sides will change.

Now the morale of the anti-Han axis coalition forces has completely collapsed, falling to the point where there is almost no lower limit, but in fact this is only temporary and full of uncertainty.

"Alright." Li Kuang accepted Song Ping's opinion and explained why Song Ping didn't say: "It's too tight to force them to feel they have no way to survive. It's really undesirable."

Song Ping responded with a smile.

The main reason was that the number of Han troops involved in the war was insufficient. There were only 23,000 people in the regular army, which were divided into seven parts.

Li Kuang gathered the 14,000 regular army into sharp knives, but just this little force was completely insufficient. He continued to advance westward. The more westward one can predict that the enemy’s desperate determination will increase. At the same time, the enemy has always They are all in a quantitative advantage, and they really want to form a situation of loneliness and depth. They don't have to worry about lack of food, but the supply of ammunition for the firearms will become a big problem.

Song Ping needs to do a lot of things next, including the verification and recording of military exploits, the reconstruction of the camp, the replenishment of logistics and military supplies, and the fortification of diplomatic relations with various small countries and small tribes.

The army chief of the Han empire was a steward, basically helping the chief and generals to do miscellaneous tasks. If the military commander's history is stronger in strategy, he will give the military a compliment for doing miscellaneous tasks.

Song Ping knew very well that what he was good at was not about strategy, but about handling and coordinating chores.

The key is that there really is no master of strategy in the Han Empire. It is mainly related to the fighting style of the Han army. The Han army usually fights with the enemy in a face-to-face manner. Long-term habits are formed, and the Han army is gradually turning the habits into rigid.

When an army wins in the same way over and over again, they will firmly believe that that style of play is best for them, and the result will be a fixed combat style.

If such a unit is suddenly brought under the command of different styles of commanders, and the combat style suddenly changes, only the truly outstanding generals can exert their combat effectiveness, otherwise it will usually reduce the combat effectiveness of such units or even be annihilated. .

The simple reason is that an army that is clearly capable of fighting in frontal combat is dismantled and deployed to the enemy's rear to fight guerrillas. It is really not that suitable!

In the following, this group of Han troops in Anxi Duhufu left 6,000 regular troops and 15,000 county soldiers, and the rest were split out to join the reinforcements of their own forces that were still behind the front line. The enemy forces began to clean up.

Liu Shen's unit, who had only been rested for a short night, was at the time when they were ordered to pull out the flintlock guns.

"Fifty or sixty shots of the barrel have been worn out, and there is no longer any accuracy." Ji Hai was wiping the body of the gun, and muttered a little: "Why don't we only have fifty or sixty shots, there are hundreds of them."

The 12-style flintlock currently used by the Han army. After it has been hit more than 130 times, the barrel is in danger of cracking at any time. In fact, after a major battle, the barrel should be replaced. .

Firearms naturally carry replacement barrels, and they will inevitably have flintlock guns in stock.

However, the flintlock rifle used as a reserve is only used in emergencies, and usually choose to replace the barrel.

As riflemen, they must have training on barrel replacement, at least master the technique of barrel replacement, but compared to professional maintenance logistics soldiers, the speed and perfection will definitely be much worse.

Liu Shen was doing the job of replacing the gun barrel, not his own gun, but helping the soldiers under his command. He frowned when he heard Ji Hai's complaint. If Ji Hai didn't stop his hands while complaining, he would inevitably scold him.

As a "second-generation" Ji Hai, he was too detached in certain behaviors. He was a qualified soldier, but not a soldier that would be liked by officers. He himself knew this, but he really didn't have any prospects for the development of the army, and he wouldn't do anything to cause trouble, but he didn't plan to change his broken thoughts.

"Speed ​​faster!" Liu Shen looked around and shouted to a busy robe: "We only have half an hour."

After they came down from the battlefield, they were ordered to rest, mainly to restore their state as soon as possible, and to prepare for the possibility of participating in the war again at any moment.

The order to start again was issued at 9 o'clock in the morning, and the departure time was 1:30 noon after lunch.

"This one is beyond repair, register it..." Liu Shen put the flintlock in his hand on the table to be repaired, and said to the soldier standing nearby: "Go to the quartermaster and get a new one. ."

I don't know how the soldier used the firearm, but the front barrel of the gun turned out to be obviously bent. This kind of damage is not that they can repair now, only sent to the logistics department.

"Tutorial, I..." Zhao Xiu said nervously: "When I stabbed the enemy soldier, I didn't find the bayonet to fall off, so I..."

After repeated blows to the barrel, the metal will definitely soften, and then it will be slammed to the ground. It is not a funny thing that the impact force will bend the barrel.

Similar situations have not happened frequently. Although Liu Shen is helpless, he can hardly demand anything. When people are desperate, they can't pay attention to too many details. What kind of guy is in his hand is what he uses, and he also knows that it is good to stab a bayonet according to training. Up.

Ten minutes before the opening deadline, Liu Shen gave up on the difficult-to-maintain flintlock, and reported directly to the Quartermaster Department.

They did not reduce their personnel during the battle. There are still so many people when they came, but there are 37 firearms that need to be replaced.

"So much?" Qin Song saw the data submitted by Liu Shen, frowned and looked at Liu Shen, first with a question, and then nodded: "It's correct."

Liu Shen turned and left in shame. He knew just now that his own village did not need to use the most stored firearms, but at the same time they were not the fiercest participating in the war.

The other tun, which has always been at the forefront of the battle line, needed to use only forty-six stored firearms. It was basically because the gun barrels were scrapped because of the fire, but it was not the soldiers' mistakes that caused the firearms to be scrapped.

"Our Royal Highness has done a good job." Zhao Ping smiled and stamped the data sheet: "As a nobleman on the battlefield, he can follow orders and command troops to exert effective combat effectiveness... "

Qin Song glanced at Zhao Ping, knowing that Zhao Ping would have a different face if he changed him, and he even had to reprimand him just now, but this is reality.

They will certainly take some special care of Liu Shen, and it is impossible to really ignore Liu Shen's identity. If you really ignore Liu Shen's special identity, you would be really stupid.

Of course, even if they take care of Liu Shen, they usually don't do it too obvious. They don't care about other people in the army, or they don't want to hurt Liu Shen's self-esteem.

When Liu Shen returned to the army, the expression on his face was very helpless and depressed. Of course he knew that he was taken care of by special care, and he was really ashamed of not taking it as something to be proud of.

"Tuning chief?" Xu Guang saw what Liu Shen was feeling, and said, "I will develop it soon, and I must concentrate on the management of the troops."

Liu Shen was too young to hide some things, so he told Xu Guang about his thoughts.

"His Royal Highness is a nobleman after all..." Xu Guang changed his name and said straightforwardly: "As a nobleman on the battlefield, not as a supervising army, let alone staying behind absolutely safe, your Highness is the only one. It is a bit imperfect. , But this is the truth. If you change things to perfection, your Highness should be disappointed, right?"

Liu Shen thought about it for a while. It's the same reason~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If everything is perfect, doesn't it mean everything has been deliberately arranged? He will become a big joke when he enters the military. This life journey will not be a good story, on the contrary, it will become a "achievement project" that will be ridiculed by future generations.

"I can probably only take part in this battle." Liu Shen was young, but he knew something that should be understood: "Mother knows that I am going to the battlefield, so she will definitely cry and plead with her father. Even the ministers will also pay to their father. Admonish. Then..."

Xu Guang's eyes were fascinated. He didn't know what the emperor would think, and he couldn't even guess what the emperor would respond, but that would definitely not be a good thing for Liu Shen.

"Tutorial." Xu Guang changed his name again and said with extreme earnestness: "Once your Majesty asks if you want to go back, you should probably choose to stay, and at least participate in this war throughout the whole process."

They were sent over by their fathers. The best friendship with Liu Shen was that they couldn't even have a familiar face. With the history of serving as soldiers under Liu Shen's command, the help they would get in the future was definitely not small.

Of course Xu Guang cannot guarantee that Liu Shen is not in danger on the battlefield. It is also selfish to suggest Liu Shen stay, but he really hopes that Liu Shen will have more experience. Fortunately, after he is on the Dabao, he will be deeper and more practical in the war. Understanding.

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