Sweep the World

Chapter 1066: : We are invincible!

Above the sea, all types of ships have laid down their sails, and every ship is a busy scene.

There is no natural deep-water port on the edge of this coastline. The Persians did not build an artificial port. The warship carrying the landing troops could not get too close to the coastline. They stopped about two hundred meters outside the coast and then put down the boat.

The current situation is that the ships carrying the landing forces are closest to the coastline, and the gunboats are also in a state of waiting for orders.

When the expeditionary fleet arrived, it had been found on land.

After seeing such a huge fleet coming from the small fishing village on the coast, the villagers immediately fled.

"They are mobilizing." Huan Wen can use the telescope to take a closer look at the situation on the land: "The Persians are still very fast."

The expeditionary fleet had already sent ships over this sea area for observation. It was clear that the Persians were temporarily mobilizing troops, and how much time it took the Persians to build an observation post was all under control.

The cape is on the edge of the Sassanian border, and the expeditionary fleet has made such a big disturbance in Two Satrap, how could it not be noticed?

Sassan had long known about the expedition sent by the Han Empire, but could not confirm the target of the expedition fleet of the Han Empire.

Without confirmation, it is impossible for the Sassanids to set up positions on all of their long coastlines. They can only station heavy troops in important coastal cities, and stationed some guard troops in other less important places.

Luck is on the edge of the cape of Two Satrap, and there is no big city within a hundred miles. Only because the fleet of the Han Empire landed on the opposite cape, Sassan made an emergency mobilization. They mobilized necessary troops from nearby cities to garrison.

About two days ago, the first unit was pulled from a city called Mule. They did not choose to build a camp on the coast, but carefully chose the station within thirty miles inland.

Sassan attached great importance to the intelligence collection of the Han Empire, and probably confirmed the farthest shelling distance of the Han Empire gunship. They knew that the maximum shelling distance of the Han Empire’s gunboats was 16 hanli. It was originally possible to set up the camp at about 20 hanli along the coast, but in order to leave the necessary safety zone, it was pulled back ten hanli.

Knowing that the expeditionary fleet of the Han Empire landed and invaded the two Satraps, Sassan’s southern governor Larry Harila made a new arrangement while nervous.

Monitoring the movement of the expeditionary fleet of the Han Empire is something that Larry Harila must pay attention to. They cannot observe the Han army too close, but it is not difficult to set up observation posts along their coastline.

Every observation post set up by the Persians has the ability to send the police. They discovered that when the fleet of the Han Empire was heading towards their own borders, the first one that lit up the smoke and sounded the alarm was on the side of Two Satrap. Go up, and then one observation station after another lit up the smoke.

Looking from the sea, one after another plumes of smoke rise to the sky every three hundred meters or so. The scene is quite spectacular.

The Persians discovered that the fleet of the Han Empire stopped on the sea outside Luck. They were very nervous and began to mobilize their troops. If they could fully grasp the movement of the Persians, they would find that there were horse-riding messengers everywhere within a hundred miles. Running to various barracks, and then one after another Sassanian army began the fastest assembly. It didn't take long to pull out the camp and march in unanimously in the direction of Luck.

"Hurry up!"

Liu Ming stepped on the plank, and more than one officer's urging sound rang in his ears.

They set off from the cape and arrived at a place called Luck in less than half a day.

People who do not have telescopes to observe the land can only see some moving figures on the land from a distance. It does not seem to be too many, and it is impossible to determine whether it is an armed person.

The first group of Han soldiers has boarded the war boats, and they are adjusting the formation of the war boats on the periphery.

A picture soon appeared on the surface of the sea, a war boat followed by another, forming an elongated formation, and they formed a large strip in the shape of a whirlpool while they were constantly moving.

Liu Ming is not the first to see such a picture, every time he sees it, he feels deeply shocked.

How should the navy invade a country from the sea? How should the landing force be used? The Han Empire did not actually have much experience before invading the Gupta Empire.

During the invasion of the Gupta Empire, the confrontation at sea was not fierce, and the landing battle was actually not that tragic. However, the navy of the Han Empire still learned some useful experience and slowly planned out the rules.

It seems that they are constantly following a war boat in a circle. They use such actions to form a formation while moving, and gradually turn into a charging formation facing the coastline.

The drums were sounded, and the first battle boat charged towards the landing under the crew’s oars, and then the entire battle boat formed a triangular formation to charge.

"All back to the cabin!" Xin Ling shouted loudly as he stood at the hatch, "The next batch is our turn to land!"

The warship under their feet did not re-lift its sails. It was the sailors on the boat that were paddling the oars, and the boat was moving towards the coastline.

There are human figures everywhere in the cabin, and soldiers can be seen constantly checking themselves in the dim light.

After Liu Ming found his position, it was also the final inspection before the war, mainly to check the box containing gunpowder and projectiles, to see if the oil bag wrapped outside was fixed, and to check whether the firearms were properly wrapped.

There is no plastic now, so naturally there is no plastic bag to wrap it. It can only be wrapped in oiled paper layer by layer, but it is only to prevent being splashed by water. Once it is completely immersed in water, it will still be soaked.

The first group of troops to land was cold weapon soldiers. At the forefront of the assault formation were very traditional sword and shield soldiers. When they leaned within about 100 meters of the coastline, there were bursts of gunfire behind them.

Of course, it was the naval gun that fired. The main gun was not used, but the secondary gun on the side of the ship was firing rhythmically.

The target of the shelling was about two hundred Persian soldiers who prevented their own troops from landing. The number of archers in the arms is the largest. There are already Persian archers shooting arrows at the warships of the Han army.

The first projectile exploded on the head of the Persian archer. I don't know how many shrapnel was lased with the explosion, and it swept down a piece of Persian soldiers in an instant.

The coastline was quickly bombarded with a cloud of smoke, and it was impossible to tell how many Persian soldiers who blocked the landing were still alive.

However, even if there are still Persian soldiers alive, they probably don't have the intention to stop the Han army from landing on the beach. Should they turn around and escape?

Only two gunboats carried out secondary artillery shelling, and they stopped after the landing force approached the beach for seventy meters.

The bottom of the first battle boat touched the shallows, and the Han soldiers on it jerked along with the battle boat. After stabilizing their bodies, they leaped to both sides and fell to the point where they could wet their calves. On the beach.

A large group of Han soldiers rushed to the beach. When they got to the beach, the smoke had not completely dissipated. The five men formed a charging formation, advancing slowly.

On the beach after the shelling, the wounded and surviving Persian soldiers were howling and groaning. The Persian soldiers who were not dead or injured were frightened. Some of the Persian soldiers who remained somewhat sane ran inland, while others were running around.

Wang Ji was in the smoke, and apart from the clapping of the waves, his ears were howls and horrified roars. There were four other robes beside him, and they formed a semicircular formation slowly advancing inland.

A vague but fast running figure appeared in Wang Ji's field of vision, and he could hear the running figure howling like a beast.

The sound of a shield hitting the human body, and then a movement of a knife cutting into the flesh, brought a rapid scream and the sound of a person's breath before dying.

Without any psychological burden, Wang Ji stepped on the corpse of the enemy killed by the robe. After five steps forward, he could be regarded as out of the smoke area. Looking forward, he could see some Persian soldiers who were fleeing, and also saw them shooting in this direction. With arrows that went out, occasionally a Persian soldier who was running was hit by the arrow and fell to the ground.

Luck is naturally called by the locals, and the Han people have not yet given a new name for this place.

There is not much difference between the environment in Luck and the two Satrap countries. A large area of ​​it is earthy red, and there is no green shade.

The first group of 800 soldiers of the Han army landed successfully. They were divided into two teams. One team formed a semicircle alert on the beach, and the other team continued to march inland.

Huan Wen, who was on top of the flagship, didn't have much feeling for the troop's successful landing. It would only attract his attention if the landing was not successful.

"That group of enemy troops should be gathered at nearby checkpoints, right?" Huan Wen is still constantly observing the surroundings. Due to the flat terrain and the absence of a patch of jungle, the telescope can observe the end of the horizon: "Enemies around you There are a lot of them. It seems that they have already estimated our landing?"

Yuan Qiao is writing and painting on a map. Looking at the map is not the place like Leke?

"The landing here is just a feint, mainly to attract them to focus their troops in this direction." Yuan Qiao took a charcoal pencil and drew a straight line on the map. The arrow stopped at a coastline called Mirpur by a Persian. City: "Are you sure you want His Royal Highness Ming to stay here?"

"Is there any problem?" Huan Wen had a faint smile on his face: "Sasan will soon discover that the real target of our attack is Milble. They will not desperately attack the troops on Luck's side. If it is true, His Highness Ming The accident is only related to luck. Besides, the fleet is not fully deployed, and they can't stand it but can withdraw to the sea."

In other words, Yuan Qiao said, since Huan Wen didn't even cover up and did not wait to see Liu Ming, he would not have extra suggestions.

In fact, Yuan Qiao could understand why Huan Wen made the avoidance of suspicion so obvious. The Han Empire restored the classical enfeoffment. They were not ministers without the slightest private arms.

The children of the imperial family will be crowned kings, and the crowned kings of the Han Empire will still have kings with real power outside the mainland. As courtiers, they are not willing to guess why the emperor did this, but they have to think about the prince who will have real power. Too much involvement, how will the next generation of emperors think of themselves.

Among the second group of troops that landed was Liu Ming. They went ashore very easily, and then left the beach under the orders of Shangguan.

"Only our team?" Liu Ming observed that there were nearly two thousand soldiers landing, but there was only a team of firearms soldiers: "The fleet has no signs of sending troops to land. It will not be us alone. Stay here, right?"

Xin Ling happened to hear Liu Ming questioning his own soldiers, and said in a dull voice: "Obviously we are a decoy force, and no more troops will land."

"..." Liu Ming's expression was dull at first, and then he nodded: "That is to withstand the Persian attack until the main force completes his task."

The Han army that had landed, the peripheral soldiers cleared out the Persians in the area, the scouts were dispersed, and the remaining soldiers were looking for things they could use to start building defense lines.

There will still be landing troops behind, but only the necessary supplies are delivered to the land, and people will not stay.

Above the sea, the gunboat began its actions again.

This time, all the gunboats fired on the land. The object of their shelling was the Persian army that appeared in groups within range.

The farther away, the lower the gunship's hit rate, especially the large-caliber main gun, the hit rate is really not good, but as long as the hit can definitely level a large area of ​​Persian soldiers.

The Persian army that was hit by a violent attack immediately fell into a stunned look. It would be better if they were all infantry. The animal-powered army would run wildly and trample in the face of livestock.

The landing troops saw such a scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Persian army approaching in the distance was originally a bit aggressive, especially the cavalry approaching very fast, but it became a piece of scattered sand during the shelling, and used faster The speed has always fled from the road.

"It's not only in terms of army engagement..." Xin Ling raised his head proudly: "No matter what kind of battlefield the big man faces, he is invincible!"

It should be said that there are enough bronze guns of various calibers, gunpowder and projectiles, no matter what kind of battlefield, the Han army will be invincible.

The real situation is that if you are fighting with the Han army, unless you have the mentality of taking yourself as a dead person, you are not afraid of the coverage of artillery in a long-range charge, dare to face the dense bullets at close range, and rush to the Han army to be able to fight melee. Distance, otherwise the battle is usually over before it starts.

"Leave two gunboats." Huan Wen sneered a few times when he saw the Persian army that had just appeared and retreated, and then curbed his contemptuous attitude, and said in a solemn voice: "The rest set sail again!"

Yuan Qiaolue felt speechless, he finally knew that Huan Wen at least dared not let Liu Ming have an accident.


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