Sweep the World

Chapter 1084: : Are they dependent on each other?

When the eastern sky turned fishy white, the sun had not yet appeared in the field of vision, and it would take a while for the first sunrise to appear.

Peshawar’s siege party became a minor trouble in the second half, especially after the two siege towers were damaged.

As the defender, the Peshawar garrison wanted to relax several times. It may be that the Sassanian commander had noticed it and made a new big move, forcing the Peshawar garrison to pay attention. There is no actual action when there is a big move.

The Peshawar garrison naturally did not dare to take it lightly.

The Sassanid side can make dozens of false movements, but as long as the Peshawar defenders really relax, and the Sassanid side only needs to make a real move and seize the opportunity, breaking the city becomes possible.

There is another reason why Peshawar’s defenders dare not relax. There are still a large number of Sassanid soldiers under the wall. Although these Sasanian soldiers did not work hard anymore, they were undoubtedly a real threat.

After the sky began to brighten, the first rays of sunlight appeared on the battlefield. With sufficient light, the traces of the battle last night were clearly seen.

The area of ​​about two hundred meters close to the city wall was the battlefield. A hundred and fifty meters away from the city wall were scattered corpses lying down. They were all soldiers who died in the Sassanid side, and the number of corpses would increase as they approached the city wall.

What seemed the most tragic was the side of the city wall where the war dead were piled up in piles, and there may be undead wounds buried.

Too much blood flowed to one piece, and it became a pool of blood flowing to a low-lying place. Countless flies are moving on the blood and water, and a very obvious "buzzing" sound can be heard.

What can be called miserable is some areas where fires broke out. The corpses were burned so that they could not recognize the enemy and us. Many of them were directly burned into ashes. Some parts were burned, leaving some unscorched spots, making people look more disgusting anyway.

With plenty of light, Sassan's side rang the sound of a gong.

A burst of relief seemed to cheer from the Sasanian soldiers on the edge of the city wall. They could be regarded as receiving a signal to retreat, and they no longer need to stay in this place full of corpses and stench.

When the sound of the gong was struck, the Peshawar defenders also cheered. They believed that they had won a staged victory in this offensive and defensive battle, and they had enough reasons to cheer.

"The city gate is blocked by itself..." Zhou Yan looked at the Sassanid troops who had not retreated: "Otherwise it would be a good opportunity to go out of the city to pursue them."

Although there were no bright spots in the offensive and defensive battle in the second half, Zhou Bian and Ma Bin still did not sleep all night, but Luhmaru sent too many to rest in the middle of the night.

Ma Bin's focus is not on the retreating Sasanian soldiers. He pointed to the Sasanian camp and said: "The fire and cooking began at night, and the soldiers who had finished eating have already begun to gather."

They have brought binoculars over, so they can see more clearly from a distance.

Sassan is indeed organizing new troops, or the camps on all sides are preparing, it seems that they do not intend to give the Peshawar defenders much breathing time.

After the day comes, there is enough light to see things, even without a telescope, you can see that there are many siege equipment on the Sassan side, especially the siege towers that are not difficult to build but seem to be very useful. There are seventeen in the west alone.

"Seven in the north and six in the south. We can't see the east." Ma Bin visually inspected the number of soldiers being assembled: "The west is no less than 5,000, the north and the south are no less than 2,000, and the east should be no less than 5,000. This is the same force."

The Sassanian army that is approaching the city looks like 60,000 to 70 thousand. The number that was lost before was about two to three thousand. For an army of six to seven thousand, the loss of two to three thousand is not It's big.

"Is that a catapult?" Zhou Bian pointed to a machine that was being pushed. It was covered with cloth, but some outlines could be seen: "Those are all catapults?"

Ma Bin looked through the binoculars in the direction Zhou Bian knew, and said, "It is indeed a catapult. But why did they hide and not use it for siege?"

To be honest, Ma Bin was a little surprised that the Persians could make so many siege equipment in one day and one night, especially even the catapult.

They have been paying attention to the Sassanid army, and they are pretty sure that the Sassanid army did not carry siege equipment when it came.

With such speed and execution, it must be admitted that the Persians do have what they should be as an empire, and it can even be said to be very surprising.

"Our words..." Ma Bin said with no certainty: "Maybe it can be done, but it shouldn't be better than the Persians."

Zhou Jian has always been a front-line officer, and said: "According to our catapult model, the construction period will not be less than two days."

So the question is, what is the style of the Sassanid army outside the city, how far is their catapult, and how far can they project multiple objects?

"Maybe it was a semi-finished product that didn't go into the war." Zhou Bian also made a private guess: "Otherwise, isn't the siege equipment built to facilitate the siege? It doesn't make sense to build it and not put it into use."

Before there were other ideas, Ma Bin agreed with Zhou Jian's statement.

The group of Sasanian soldiers who had stayed by the wall last night retreated, leaving behind a messy battlefield.

Some of the injuries found were retreating Persians and were taken back. The bodies of the war dead were not cleaned up. Given the current weather conditions, if they have not been cleaned up for more than two days, they should be stinking.

The sound of the horn of the sound of the fate was blown from the Sassanid camp, and a knight holding a white flag slowly approached the city wall.

Zhou Pian asked: "Would you like to hear something."

"No need." Ma Bin guessed: "It should be a request for a temporary truce to clean up the battlefield."

Zhou Bian said: "The Xiaoyue people probably won't agree."

Peshawar’s defensive action made his own response. A figure who looked like a general, opened his bow and shot arrows to turn the Sassanid knight holding the white flag off his horse.

As the Sassanid knight fell, the Peshawar defenders burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"They see it very clearly." Ma Bin said with a smile: "The Persians came here because they were not kind. Unless Jidala is willing to surrender, no amount of goodwill will change anything."

Failure to clean up the traces of the war will have an impact on both offensive and defensive parties, but it will have a greater impact on the offensive side.

The majority of the corpses in the city came from the Sassanid side. The newly-invested troops saw such a scene, especially some people died in terrible conditions, and they should be timid before being beaten.

In addition to the psychological pressure, those traces became part of the obstacles, and many sections of the city wall were not cleared out, and even the siege ladder was erected.

The knight holding the white flag was shot to death, and roars erupted from the Sassanian camp.

A Persian who looked like a general rode out alone, rode his horse to about two hundred meters outside the wall of Peshawar, raised his throat and shouted a bunch of words that he didn't know what it was, and then roared a few times before controlling the horse and returning.

"If someone dared to do such a thing in Dahan's city..." Zhou Yan glanced left and right: "Without a cannon, a crossbow can make him a corpse."

You can't see the bed crossbow on the wall of Jiduo Luo, but there are so many bed crossbows in several places in the palace fortress. It shows that Jidoruo has the bed crossbow equipment, but it is not easy to manufacture, or it does not have the technology to manufacture it at all, and it is imported from a foreign country?

The Persians were obviously angry. Not only were the horns of the desperate sound blown with frequent movement, the crisp drums were also beaten to the sky, and then the roar of tens of thousands of people filled the whole world.

Amidst all kinds of movements, the Peshawar garrison was taking advantage of the rare gap to change defenses in batches, and they themselves were clearing the debris on the city wall.

The corpses left over from the death of the enemy were not thrown down the city, but they were collected and didn't know what they were going to do.

The corpses of the rookies who died in the battle were thrown roughly into the inner city, and some people were carried away by ox carts.

"Jidoruo..." Ma Bin took those conditions in his eyes: "At least his attitude towards war is worthy of vigilance."

"The Xiaoyue people are also a relatively old nation." Zhou Bian did not comment on the others, saying: "Their long history has survived in the cracks, can survive, and can grow again in this land. Set the rules of survival."

It can be seen that Jidoruo has his own rules of survival. For example, the leader of the country knows how to motivate the morale of the army, and he even used the set of sending women to the battlefield.

Looking at it again, it was clearly surrounded by six or seven times more troops than one's own, and the defending army did not experience a significant low morale, which means that there are probably not many such experiences.

It is very difficult that all the soldiers and civilians in Peshawar, almost capable people, have joined the service for the war, and quite a few young men and women are preparing to join the defense and fight.

"The Jiduo family should be very much loved." What Ma Bin didn't understand was: "The invading Sassanian army came all the way like no one. What is the reason?"

Zhou Bian thought for a while and said, "Luhmaru Jiduo mentioned more than once that there will be King Qin armed."

"I found out." Ma Bin thought for a while and said: "Lukhmaru Jieduo is looking forward to the reinforcements of the big man, but he did not show urgency."

This means that Luhmaru Jiduo is actually not desperate for Peshawar being approached by soldiers, and it seems that it is not surprising that the Sassanid invasion can attack Peshawar all at once, especially since there is no obvious sense of urgency, no matter from whichever. In all respects, they all seem to be dependent.

"According to our estimates, the total population of Jidolo is about 400,000..." Ma Bin said in a rather incomprehensible way: "It is the gathering of young people who dare to fight, and the number will not exceed 60,000 at most. There really is a King of Qin. The army coming to Peshawar can really help reverse the situation?"

It's not that there are no rivers around Peshawar, but it's not a big river system, and it's not a rainy season. It's obviously unreliable to make any water attacks.

This city is on a plain, and the nearest mountainous area is thirty miles away. The vegetation is denser, but it doesn't seem to be so easy to attack by fire or something!

Zhou Bian understood Ma Bin's meaning, and said in confusion, "Could it be that Luhmaru. In addition to the big man, there are reinforcements from other countries?"

Ma Bin has not forgotten this, Luhmaru Zhiduo said before that they and the two satraps, Abiro, Hunite, Kashmir and so on are united against Sassan.

Now that the Hunite exists in name only, the two satraps are simply the side of the anti-Han axis. It is not wrong that Abiro and Kashmir are neighbors of Jidara, but according to the information known to the Han Empire, Abiro and Kashmir can be Not a powerful country.

According to the intelligence information of the Han Empire, both Abiro and Kashmir belonged to small countries and few people. Even if they were desperate to save Shidara, they could send more than 50,000 coalition forces together. Lungs out.

The more confused Ma Bin and Zhou Bian communicate, the more confused they are.

Outside the city, Sassan’s siege troops have already begun to advance.

This time, the Sassanid army pressed on the siege tower made in one shot, and depending on the offensive situation, the troops selected to attack were obviously different from last night.

In other words, last night was a night battle, and the Sassanian commander was unable to carry out more control or regulation, which caused the offensive to be so messy.

The advancing Sassanid troops, no matter which wall it is, it can be seen that they are in a state of no hurry.

Of course, the infantry who walked in the forefront would be the infantry carrying wooden ladders. They were not mixed in with the rest of the group of soldiers, they were a single column.

Slightly behind, about five rows are sword and shield players with a shield in one hand and a sword in one hand. They are wearing a kind of leather armor that looks simple, and they can maintain the order of the queue when advancing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ give people one This kind of feeling should be elite. In front of them, there are rows of shield carts being pushed forward. Should they be used as a barrier to the rear crossbowmen?

Behind the five rows of sword and shield players are ten rows of bow and crossbowmen. They are holding bows or crossbows in their hands, but they have a sword hanging from their waists.

The next thicker layer is the melee-type arms. Due to the inconsistency of the weapons, it looks a little messy, but it still keeps the order and advances.

Finally, there are heavy siege equipment. Except for the siege tower, some are actually similar to the siege equipment on Zhuxia's side. The wells resembling a siege tower, wait a minute.

It is that the Persians seem to pay more attention to siege towers. The number of other types of siege equipment is very small. Perhaps it will be gradually increased as the war progresses, and even new and sharper siege equipment will appear.

"We seem to have overlooked a bit." Zhou Bian thought about something, and suddenly said in surprise: "Jidoruo has a crossbow, why didn't I see the Persians use it?"

Ma Bin was obviously stunned. He hadn't thought of this before. . Sogou

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