Sweep the World

Chapter 1094: : See the result soon

At this moment, the outer city of Peshawar already looks like a burning city!

The Sassanian army under siege was very brutal. Not only were all kinds of long-range equipment being thrown out or out of the altars and pots, some Sassanian soldiers who went in had a suicide attack, and the fire was able to spread so quickly. reason.

Because many places are already in raging fires, those places are naturally no longer suitable for fighting. One party is still throwing black oil and pots into the fire, while the other party is frantically getting water to put out the fire.

Not all places are burning big fires. Sassanid soldiers and Peshawar soldiers and civilians are still carrying out **** fights in these places where no big fires have occurred, and people are falling down at all times.

In some areas where the killings were extremely tragic, the alleys were simply blocked by piles of corpses, but the soldiers on both sides did not give up. They stepped on the corpses and attacked and counterattacked and contributed to the piles of corpses below. high.

The blood flowing out of the human body is really too much. The red blood flows along the lower ground. Once it is really unable to flow, it will gather into piles and become a blood puddle.

The smell of human blood is incomparable, and for some insects that like this smell...such as flies, it is simply an irresistible temptation.

I don’t know if all the flies in the city are attracted. They don’t care if so many people are screaming at each other and putting each other to death. They just stop on the blood while screaming. Seeing the mouthparts continuously sucking blood into the stomach, the two forelimbs kept rubbing happily.

If you can understand the expressions of flies, you will definitely see that every fly is smiling and contented.

The blood can not only make them swig, it can also become a nest for laying eggs. In a few days, every pair of flies should have thousands of offspring.

How many flies are there? What level of intoxication did they drink blood and drink? It was the people on both sides of the war. They could always trample some flies to death when they stepped on them with their big feet, and splashed with thick red blood, it was like a "crunch" one step at a time.

"Hurry up!"


The Sassanian soldiers are really unfamiliar with Peshawar’s traffic. After entering the residential area, they feel all kinds of uncomfortable. It seems that they have entered the maze and let alone. In the narrow alleys, there are stones that will hit their heads anytime and anywhere. Next, what is even more frightening is that there will be spears stabbed out of the wall.

A group of twenty-something Sasanian soldiers was chasing seven soldiers and civilians in Peshawar just now, but they were chased and lost after turning two turns.

The Sassanian soldier running at the forefront saw a hole in the front of the courtyard door, and he could pass through the buildings in the courtyard to the other alley on the opposite side, even if it was not for the purpose of continuing to hunt down the soldiers and civilians of Peshawar, they are now You have to walk when you see the road, if you are stuck in a winding alley.

"Be careful!"

Don't need to remind too much, the Sasanian soldiers who have entered the city and haven't died are some cautious people, because those who are not cautious are basically dead.

The urban area of ​​Peshawar is really too **. There is no straight passage over 30 meters. It is very rare to find an alley with a width of more than two meters. The narrowest alley is only forty centimeters wide. It has to be sideways to pass.

What makes the Sassanid soldiers speechless is that some alleys are simply blocked when they are walking, or they need to go through a certain building to get to another alley that is still not good.

"The people inside, we found you! If you don't come out, I just set fire!"

A Sassanid soldier was just frightening, but he didn't expect a dozen soldiers and civilians from Peshawar to flow out. As a result, another **** fight took place in this alley with a width of about one meter and two.

In this kind of alley, the difference between the number of people is only which one can afford to die, otherwise the most likely to be the two people in front of each other, the rest can only be yelled and watched when they are blocked.

In a small alley with a width of one meter and two, two groups of people from different camps howled and rushed up to each other. In a moment, the sound of weapons and clashing sounded, and from time to time there was the sound of sharp blades entering the flesh and the misery that followed. Called or snorted.

Fighting is when the people in front fall down, and the people behind do not hesitate to continue to enter the fighting state. They have no space to escape because they are head-to-head, and even if they want to surrender, they will not have a chance. Kill the enemy. Keep pushing forward, wanting to retreat, this is being squeezed by the people behind and having to continue forward.

"It's not good to be at home, nǎi children, what kind of battlefield will you learn from!"

The fighting in the alley was the victory of the Sassanid soldiers. They fell seven people. One soldier hacked the last woman from Peshawar to death. The end of this battle.

The woman in Peshawar who was killed by a scimitar was chopped with blood from her left shoulder to her right chest, and her clothes were naturally cut open. The side with no wounds can see the swelling during the feeding period.

Although it is a hostile state, unless it is truly indifferent or abnormal, no one will feel happy to kill a woman who is breastfeeding, but there will be no guilt.

On the battlefield, it was the appearance that either you killed me or I killed you. When you put your weapon on the battlefield, no one will be innocent.

There were only sixteen Sasanian soldiers left in this team. They panted and started again. They stepped on blood stains and corpses and did not take a few steps forward. However, many stones were dropped on their heads, and the front yard There are also new Peshawar soldiers and civilians.

If you have a metal helmet and shoulder armor, a small stone hits your head and your head jingles. If a stone is bigger, your neck will be in danger of twisting.

The key is that this team of Sassanid soldiers not only lacks metal helmets, they also don’t actually have armor. They are all painful and uncomfortable from being hit by small rocks, and even if they are hit on their heads, they are bleeding. They take the enemy above their heads. There was no way, but the soldiers who had not fallen down roared and charged forward.

Of the group of people that appeared in the yard, eight of the twelve were women or little girls, and only four were men. They had all kinds of weapons or no weapons at all. They faced the Sassanid soldiers with a desperate expression. The charge also followed the hedge.

This city offensive and defensive battle has not taken a long time to the present, especially for a city offensive and defensive battle that has been going on for a year or two or even longer, and it is only the next day.

However, the spread of fire everywhere in the city, the corpses and blood pools that can be seen everywhere, are enough to show that this city offensive and defensive battle is very cruel and bloody.

The men in the outer city of Peshawar almost died in several counterattacks. Then their mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters had to resist under double persecution.

They have seen the Persians set the city on fire, their men died in the hands of the Persians, and the hatred of the country and the family was entangled together.

They have also been persecuted by various people on their side. If they don't resist, they will either die under the enemy's raging flames, or they will be burned to death by their own people.

Maybe they still have another way to survive and then be sold as slaves in the Han Empire by the great masters?

In the outer residential areas of Peshawar, scenes of tragic or cruel scenes continue to appear, still under the dense smoke.

In fact, thickened smoke can also kill people. Both the enemy and us don't have to go so desperately. The **** residents will be choked to death by the smoke.

Then, as the fire continues to spread, what if the Sassanid soldiers kill in? Waiting for the fire to spread completely, there will be no follow-up troops when they rush in, they are also going to die in the city.

However, there is no reason in war. The two sides who have killed the red eye are moving blindly or waiting until they are choked to death by smoke or encounter the enemy's death in battle.

Standing on the edge of a balcony in the palace fortress, Ma Bin saw the west wall from 200 meters inward to 500 meters deep, with raging fire burning on each side.

"They don't have the confidence to break the city anymore." Zhou Bian said with a light smile: "The Persians burned too eagerly. In fact, as long as they attack for a little while, Peshawar is not enough."

After all, Peshawar’s regular defenders only look like 10,000, but they need to defend against the four walls, and the forces allocated in each direction are insufficient.

If the Sassanian commander is really smart, he would put in absolute superior force on all sides from the beginning. With the height of Peshawar's city wall and the speed of building the Sassanian siege equipment, he would fight for deaths and injuries of 10,000 or 20,000 people. It will force the Peshawar garrison to retreat to the city instead of defending the city wall.

"In fact, there is almost no difference." Ma Bin said, looking at the already foggy residential area: "The environment of this city is terrible, and it will be a nightmare for any army that has been attacking."

Ma Bin's subtext is that even if the Han army comes, it will be the same.

"How can we go to alley after building and building after building to compete?" Zhou Yan touched his chin and said, "Of course it was demolished violently, and it was all razed to the ground!"

The Han army can really do this, and the efficiency is not too low, that is, the time used to build the equipment in advance will be a bit long, or it is crazy to use gunpowder.

The burning city is still very far away from the palace. Even if it spreads repeatedly, it will take at least a day or so to burn to the side of the palace fortress.

Peshawar is not watching here, they know how to clear the compartment as soon as possible, and they don't know how many people are tearing down houses.

In fact, the Sassanian army siege of the city did not penetrate deep enough to set fire. It really lost confidence in the progress of the war. Such arson will have an effect, but the effect is to arouse the desperate resistance of the soldiers and civilians throughout Peshawar, and the rest is really hard to gain.

Fires are burning in the city on all sides, and the dense smoke obscures the line of sight to the outside of the city. Otherwise, the height of the palace fortress can actually be seen through a telescope for about twenty miles.

Fifteen or six miles northeast of Peshawar, the battle between the Han army and the Sassanid blocking army has entered the final stage.

The Han army, which is more powerful than the Sassanian army, is also in an advantageous position. Less than an hour and a half after the start of the war, most of the inconvenient Sassanian chariot troops have been wiped out, and they have entered the chase and fleeing Sassanids. Cavalry program.

Li Tan was quite satisfied with this battle, especially after obtaining the approximate data on the casualties of both sides, the bright smile on his face did not stop.

Thirty-two thousand various cavalry vs. three thousand chariots and 12,000 various cavalry. The Han army suffered more than 3,000 casualties, wiped out three thousand Sassanian chariots, and eliminated more than 6,000 Sassanian cavalry.

Comparing the number of people killed in battle, the number of soldiers killed on the spot of the Han army was about 1,600, but on the Sassan side, there were more than 13,000.

There are two Sassanian chariots, one for two people and the other for three or four people. This arm took a large proportion of the number of Sassanids killed.

The Han army chasing all the way kept encountering small groups of Sassanian cavalry on the road, whether it was reinforcements from the main Sassanian camp, or it was basically the same, it was crushed with the momentum after the big victory.

The battlefields after the war are widely distributed. In terms of vertical width and length, the width must exceed five kilometers, and the length is still increasing. After the war, there are corpses or wounds of people and horses, and the rest are miscellaneous. Things are also everywhere.

Thirty-two thousand cavalry is not all Li Tan has at hand, and there is a cavalry of more than 18,000 men behind him.

The cavalry units of the Han army that have entered the fighting state will all continue to advance towards Peshawar, and the battlefield will be handed over to the rest of the robe that follows.

In the battlefield after the battle, not everyone is actually dead. The instant mortality rate of the riding battle will be higher, but there will inevitably be wounds that did not die.

However, even if the horse is survived in a riding battle, most of the limbs will have problems. The more severe ones are broken, and the lighter ones are sprains and bruises. It is difficult to be counted as combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

The terrain becomes more and more simple as you get closer to Peshawar ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. It is difficult to see the forests, and most of the plants are also harvested clean.

The woods and plants were cut down and harvested by the Sassanian army. Otherwise, where did the siege equipment come from, and what should they use for cooking and boiling water?

The only thing that remains unchanged is that there will still be small undulating soil slopes, and there will even be a hill of one to two hundred meters, that is, the route is not blocked by the hill, and it is generally the topography of a map.

Li Tan, who is galloping, is watching Peshawar with thick smoke rising in the distance, constantly thinking.

Dospals Canaandina, who was in the main camp, didn't have to wait for the battle report ahead, but used his own eyes to see the black lines appearing on the distant horizon.

Dospals Canaandina did not let his troops who were going to block the Han army to retreat. There will be a large number of troops approaching. Either his own party has ripped off, or the Han army has already killed it, which means there is no difference at all.

What Dospals Canaandina needs to consider now is that Peshawar has not been defeated, and the Han army has killed it again. What should they do with this low morale unit.

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