Sweep the World

Chapter 513: : The Death of the Little Court (6)

Any system or class has an end, nothing will last forever.

There is a saying in the "Tao De Jing" that "the day and the middle of the world will move, the monthly profit will be the loss, the extreme of the material will be reversed, and the extreme of prosperity will decline", which fully describes the evolution of the family.

The aristocratic family did not have a bad reputation at the beginning, on the contrary, the aristocratic family was the pioneer and creator at the time, and the expansion of China's territory was led by them.

Do you know how Huaxia's surname came from in the first place? A group of people conquered a certain place. For example, the name of the land was "Zhao", and the king awarded the pioneer "Zhao" this land, and a family with the surname "Zhao" also appeared.

Because of the name and surname of the fief, the surname of each family in the pre-Qin period was not fixed, but changed with the conversion of the fief. In other words, the early Chinese surname is a pioneering history, and any surname has a trace of war between Chinese ancestors and foreign races.

Until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the aristocratic family developed to its peak, when the emperor of the Han Dynasty ruled the country and the Yellow Turban rebellion made the world's family tycoons a powerful recruiter, and the situation has long been chaotic and segregated. Dong Zhuo's rebellion was actually a struggle between the Hanmen in the Xiliang area and the Kwantung family. It is difficult to tell the truth in history, and the family forces will naturally win.

In the early days of Cao Cao’s founding, Cao Mengde’s subordinates, in addition to his relatives, were the majority of the servants who belonged to the poor family. At first, only the Yingchuan Xun clan fell under the shogunate. In all places, courts, and because of the successive deaths of Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia, the family under his command raised their heads in an all-round way.

The aristocratic family developed to the extreme in the Cao Pi period, that is, Cao Cao used the strategy of the poor family to stop Cao Pi throughout his life, which also allowed the later Cao Wei to be usurped by the Sima family to establish the foundation.

The Sima family was only able to usurp Cao Wei Jiangshan with the support of the overwhelming majority of aristocratic families. By this time, the aristocratic family had no enemies. Naturally, it was able to be extremely luxurious. After that, the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng system came into being.

There is only one core of the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng system, which redefines the ancient and pre-Qin social system of "born with a seed", which means that whatever is born is doomed to a lifelong trajectory. Those who have the lower class cannot make progress, and those who do not have the upper class can enjoy the life of high-ranking officials. Riches.

It may be that history is making a joke. During the period when China was creating "born with seeds", a country called Guishuang on the land west of the Tianshan Mountains was also making a similar system.

Guishuang is a descendant of the Dayue clan. After being expelled by the Huns, they first went to the Western Regions. After being untenable in the Western Regions, they retreated to the Indian subcontinent, and the Guishuang dynasty was built after destroying more than a dozen countries. This dynasty believes that the whole country believes in religion, and believes that every class should have a solidified population. For example, the ruler is always the ruler, and the untouchables should be untouchables for generations. After being refined, they are divided into nobles, officials, warriors, people, and slaves. , Is the caste system.

Perhaps it was unfortunate, and perhaps also lucky. The "Eight Kings Rebellion" occurred in Sima 1 Jin Kingdom due to the power struggle, and the great country was put in the hands of the Hu people, and the process of "Born to Seed" in the Central Plains was interrupted. If Sima and Jin were prosperous, China might be like India, making “born with seeds” a system that no longer cuts off. In the future, there will be two countries in the Eastern Continent that are destined to be born with a class of life.

Most aristocratic families fled to the south of the Yangtze River with the "clothed South Crossing" and continued to live their lives of drunkenness and dreams, but not all the aristocratic families were really bad, but the aspiring families were always rejected, and it happened repeatedly. Although it is possible to regain the things that have been abandoned in the Central Plains.

The so-called "the country has no foreign enemies and perpetual death" is true for both classes and people. The process of "born to have a seed" was interrupted, some families began to reflect, and some thoughts that had been discarded returned to certain families, and the thought of integrity naturally continued.

Xie Ai was also born in a family. If I simply thought that the people who came before were going to counterattack, I saw most people retreat under the impact of the cavalry. People who looked like family members were killed as if they were dead. , I probably know why.

The number of people who came to counterattack was about two to three thousand. After leaving the cover of the Jin army archers on the outer wall, they were confused by the Han army cavalry just one impact. The vast majority of people ran away crying, but only a few samurai continued to fight with the family, but they were quickly overwhelmed.

Huan Yun can believe that Xie Ai has noticed it. He said, "It should be done."

You can't spy on the family with common sense. Sometimes it's better to die some people than not to die. Those who died will open the way for the family to survive, depending on whether or not Xie Ai is fulfilled.

The Han government regarded this southern expedition as a southern invasion. The official record also used the southern invasion instead of the southern invasion. It was both a war of recovery and a war of aggression. You can imagine what the strategy is, and destroying more families is one of the strategies. .

Seeing that Xie Ai was unmoved, Huan Yun said: "Leaving these people and waiting may make the stone city defenders see the general benevolence, but they can be suppressed without fighting."

"Order..." Xie Ai was moved by Huan Yun: "Capture it."

There are not few people who avoid becoming a ghost under the sword, and Yin Kang is one of them. After he was escorted to Xie Ai's side, he did not act so impassioned. He and many family members looked at Xie Ai in silence, and of course there was Huan Yun who was riding a war horse beside Xie Ai.

"Wait, but someone is willing to commit crimes and meritorious service?" Xie Ai did not order the people to be tied up, but he didn't have a very good expression: "Can you tell the defenders in the city to cast off the people who are in the dark?"

No one from the family, including Yin Kang, said anything, and they remained silent.

"General, don't be in a hurry." Huan Yun said with a smile, "Maybe the defenders in the city will descend after a while."

The aristocratic family will not do something meaningless, including sending people to death for no reason. Everything will inevitably have ulterior motives behind it.

Xie Ai is not stupid, he can even be said to be a very smart person. He knew that if all the people who were to be killed in the future were killed, those families would resign, but that would mean resignation. He even knew that if he didn't kill, the family would give a big gift.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of pairs of eyes, the banner of the Jin army at the highest point in Stone Town was lowered, and then the flags everywhere were removed. It didn’t take long for the horses to be blocked and the fences to be pushed aside. They left the fortification zone under the leadership of him. After they walked out, they knelt on the ground.

"General." Huan Yun said with a smile, "This is a surprise."

Xie Ai asked the lieutenant to come forward to accept the surrender. Although his face was smiling, there was no joy in his heart. He only felt that the family in Jiangnan was completely decayed, and there really was no national justice.

The surrender of Stone Town was in full view, and the Han army was naturally full of joy. Those who stood in the camp of Han with Huan Yun also cheered enthusiastically. The shock and anger belonged to those who were still standing in the camp of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. people.

The surrender of the defenders of Stone City without a fight is an effect, which indicates that the originally neutral family has also begun to change the direction of the wind. Those who want to resist to the end are bad news.

First came the Stone City. The Jin forces outside Jilongshan and Zhongshan all surrendered one after another. The effect was that the defenders of the outer Guocheng wall also broke out in chaos.

Xie Ai led the army to take advantage of the chaos and took down the West Gate, but wanted to re-enter but encountered desperate resistance. Not only on their way, Fu Wei's subordinate who came from the direction of Zhongshan successfully seized Beilimen, and they also encountered strong resistance to re-enter.

Knowing that the Han army had captured the Xilimen and Beilimen of the Outer Guocheng wall, those who were in Datongmen were of course wailing. They were desperate and tried their best to gather their strength to fight to the death, in despair. The burst of power was a bit useful, and it really blocked the Han army.

"It's just a fight to the death." Huan Yun had no doubts about the final victory, but some doubts: "General, when will the follow-up army arrive?"

Yu Yi also said, "If it is prolonged for a long time, I am afraid there will be changes."

Only about 20,000 Han troops arrived in Jiankang City. Although it is helpful, it is not enough to be sincere for Jiankang City with a population of one million.

Xie Ai has not yet been able to count how many people are on the side of Han. The one with statistics is the 60,000 to 70,000 armed forces on hand by Huan Yun and Yu Yi.

The current Jiankang City has been completely chaotic, and fighting is happening everywhere. With a limited number of 8 to 90 thousand people, it is difficult to control the outer city. If you don’t fully control the outer city and want to enter the interior, you are facing what you just did. What happened, the aggressiveness was blocked, and the outside was constantly attacked, but the main force entered the outer Guocheng but was surrounded from the outside.

"Wang Xizhi went to the front to take over the military power?" Xie Ai asked after getting the answer: "How about this person?"

"Wang Yishao is the master of Yunei calligraphy." Huan Yun knew what Xie Ai was asking, but he couldn't say: "Whether the king is or depends on the decision of the general to bring the king."

The Yu family was forced to start, but because of Yu Yi's hesitation, he gave way to the Huan family because of Yu Yi's hesitation.

Huan's gate clan was led by Huan Yun to return to Han because of Huan Wen's decision. This is a decisive family, and it is determined not to be shaken by the world. It ignores the notoriety and rebels to return to the Han. It is nothing more than the belief that the Han country ruled by Liu Yan will dominate the world. The family can be better developed.

The Wang clan was once prosperous for a while, although it was weak, it was still the first clan to the south of the Yangtze River. Their long-term concealed strategy of keeping a low profile is like letting the family style tend to weaken.

Although the Wang family’s family members have sent their family lines to Han, so far there has been no obvious bias towards Han. Obviously, as Huan Yun said, the Wang family’s family members are waiting for Liu Yan’s attitude before proceeding. One-step choice.

To say that Xie Ai wanted to take Jiankang in one go, and waited for Jiankang to come to realise a point. Although the small imperial court did not end in civil chaos, it was still not easy to take Jiankang easily. He knew that quick success would not accomplish the conversion strategy, so he contacted Fu Wei and the two Han troops controlled the two gates of the outer Guoguo and stopped invading inward. The first thing to do was to calm the chaos outside.

Chu Suanzi and others who returned to Miyagi, they learned that the Han army was no longer eager to march into Miyagi.

There were too few Han troops. Although the rebels were organized, it was difficult to unify their orders. If the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty could create a chance to win once, it might be able to expel the invading Han troops, including the rebels, out of the city with high morale.

To regain the whole city of Jiankang and expel the Han army and the rebels, there should be people in the city dedicated to resisting the Han army, far better than before. Next is to wait for Wang Xizhi to lead the army back. It is not impossible for internal and external echoes to win. Victory will inevitably boost the morale of the small court. On the contrary, the morale of the Han army should be low. possible.

Now...As long as wise people know that the ending is almost doomed, those who should make the decision can no longer hesitate.

"The stalemate in the city, even if Yi Shao led the army to return, he would still be unable to look after the head and tail." Chu Pai could see clearly: "We are disadvantaged and there are other things. The stalemate will make more gentry take refuge in the pseudo-Han, Xilimen. The outside is an example."

Chu Suanzi looked at the ministers who continued to quarrel after returning to the Miyagi Hall. She had to endure it for a long time and finally couldn't help it. She asked, "If the country is to die, what will happen to my mother and son?"

Facing his own daughter, Chu Bao couldn't tell him about it. He might have thought about it a long time ago. He replied: "The King of Han had accepted Wang Ranmin, and he had never treated him harshly. He treated him very favorably."

"Ran Min has general talents, and the King of Han loves them and uses them. It is bold and bold. Dan'er is a young child." Chu Suanzi asked again: "Daughter waits on the pillow seat, can Dan'er have no worries all his life?"

Chu Pai felt a little complicated about the possibility that his daughter might be occupied. He replied: "You may get a peace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ destroying a country and dominating concubines, it can be said that it is a normal state in Chinese history. The monarchs of the previous dynasties basically did this. The difference is whether the concubine of the subjugated country will be favored or favored after being occupied. Many kings will usually play with the queen of the subjugated country for a period of time after annihilating the enemy country. Here to enjoy the pride after victory.

Chu Suanzi said frankly that she knew what fate she would have after the country was subjugated, and she was also confident in her appearance. What she is not sure about is whether she has the ability to take care of Liu Yan, so as to get a trace of parsimoniousness, not to be thrown away after being toyed with, like those king women who have subjugated their own tragic fate are also helpless to the family and children. beneficial.

"If the country is destroyed..." Chu Suanzi had an angry expression on his face: "What will happen to the family?"

"The Chu family's honor and disgrace are all in the garlic. The Huan family and the other rebel officials may be rewarded, and the rest may be destroyed." Chu Pai spoke with a very calm attitude. After speaking, he was silent for a while before continuing: "The father will not be an official in the future, and the garlic can rely on Xie's Anshi."

The two father and daughter stayed aside and whispered, and the following quarrel had already come to fruition. Looking at the people who came out more and more, their faces were serious, and the rest were screaming. You can tell what the result will be from the screaming.

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