Dayou Mountain is not safe now.

The people accompanying him were extremely nervous, fearing that a blind bear or a tiger would suddenly appear.

"Brother Qin, this air is really strange. It's almost autumn, and the air is still so fierce."

In the shade, Qian Xiangxing complained with sweat all over his head.

Especially with their equipment, it was even more outrageous.

Recently, when we went into the mountains to collect herbs, the harvest was decreasing every time, and various plants were withering rapidly.

The whole mountain looked particularly withered and yellow, and the trees were sunburned alive.

"If this continues, not only animals, but even people will find it difficult to survive."

Qin Lin frowned. This drought was really beyond everyone's expectations.

The original gurgling water has dried up and cracked.

"Listen to the hall master, if the harvest is not big this time, we may have to stop going into the mountains to collect treasures temporarily."

Li Qing on the side spoke slowly, and his mood was not very high.

"The hall master also mentioned to me that our Shanhe Gang may not have much food stored, and the price of food in various places has been soaring.

In some places, it has risen to one tael of silver per bucket, which is simply leaving people no way to survive."


This price can no longer be described as outrageous.

This is faster than robbing money.

Qin Lin couldn't help but think of the white jade rice in the space, the amount of which has exceeded 70,000 kilograms.

Wouldn't he be rich if he changed hands?

Of course, Qin Lin was just thinking about it. How could he bear to sell the white jade rice?

"Today's harvest is not big, let's go back as soon as possible."

Li Qing stopped thinking about those bad things and spoke slowly.

"Master, I have always been curious about a question. I wonder if Master can answer it for me?"

Qin Lin suddenly spoke.


Immediately, Qin Lin asked the question he had in his mind: "Dayou Mountain is so vast, why don't you stay in it for a few more days? I believe there must be a lot of rare medicinal materials in the deeper part."

"Someone once thought like you..."

Li Qing said meaningfully.

"Then what?" Qin Lin couldn't help but ask curiously.



Qin Lin's face was full of question marks.

"Dayou Mountain is very magical, and the environment in the mountain is different from the outside.

The previous gang leader had lofty ambitions and wanted to break into Dayu Mountain with his own strong strength to see if he could find some materials and treasures to help him break through his current realm.

There was no news from him after that.

Later, our gang established a rule that anyone who went into the mountain to collect herbs could not stay overnight in the mountain.

Of course, the most important thing is to prevent the attack of poisonous insects at night.

We suffered a great loss back then."

At this point, Li Qing's face was gloomy, as if he was recalling unpleasant past events.


A low roar broke the silence.

"Everyone be alert, gather together."

Qian Xiangyuan shouted in a low voice, and everyone gathered together, holding the tools in their hands and vigilantly scanning the surroundings.

"Left front!"

Qin Lin relied on his keen sense to determine the direction at the first time.

However, the dull footsteps coming from a distance were definitely a big guy.

Just as he thought.

When a pitch-black giant beast appeared in front of them, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

It was a black bear, and its height when standing upright was definitely more than four meters.

The strong sense of oppression made everyone's heart tremble.

"Old! How can a black bear be so big? It must weigh nearly two thousand kilograms."

Qian Xiangyuan only felt dryness in his mouth. With his own strength, it would be difficult to survive from the other party.

If he ran, there might be a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at everyone.

With his own strength, as long as he ran faster than these people, he would definitely survive.

"Disciple, follow me later." Li Qing looked solemn and whispered to Qin Lin.

At the same time, the giant black bear kept secreting saliva from its mouth.

This is not a good sign. This beast obviously regarded them as prey.

"We have been together for a while, and this group of people can still be saved."

Among the group of missing people, Qin Lin was the calmest. He had a strong intuition that the giant black bear in front of him was not his opponent.


With a roar, the huge body of the black bear rolled over like a tank.


Someone shouted.

The crowd scattered instantly.

"Qin Lin, follow me!"

Li Qing just shouted, and he was stunned.

Where are the people?

All of them ran away?


A crisp slap was particularly clear in the noisy environment.

"Fuck, Brother Qin is awesome!"

Qian Xiangyuan couldn't help but give a thumbs up, looking at Qin Lin with admiration.

On the other hand, the black bear that was slapped was really confused.

Who am I? Where am I? What happened just now?

It felt that its bear face was about to be slapped, and the piercing pain made it instantly furious.

Its eyes were fixed on the two-legged sheep that suddenly appeared in front of it.

"Master, you go first, I'll lead him away."

Qin Lin's voice echoed in Li Qing's ears, and he was stunned to see his apprentice lead the giant black bear away.

"This bastard is really desperate!"

Li Qing was anxious. He only had this precious disciple, and he couldn't let him die in the mountains.

Just when he was about to chase him, he was stopped by Qian Xiangyuan beside him.

"Master Li, don't worry. Didn't you notice that Brother Qin's body movements are extremely superb?"

Li Qing was stunned when he heard this. Qin Lin can do light skills?

Although he is not good at fighting, he found that Qin Lin's movements are light and agile, and the black bear can't do anything to him.

Qin Lin: Why don't I know that I can do light skills (????)

"Don't delay, let's retreat first, Brother Qin is not a reckless person!"

Qian Xiangyuan said in a deep voice, grabbed Li Qing and ran down the mountain.


"Don't say but, we can't let Brother Qin down."


On the other side, Qin Lin easily slid past the black bear.

He took a step and easily crossed more than ten meters, but the clumsy black bear chased him all the way behind him.

Since the breakthrough, Qin Lin's abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is now a human-shaped beast.

He ran for about an incense stick of time.

Qin Lin slowly stopped, his breath steady, silently looking at the black bear behind him who was almost smoking from exhaustion.

"Come and test my strength today."

Qin Lin showed an eager expression.

"No strength left?"

The black bear, who was almost exhausted, looked at the two-horned sheep in front of him who had stopped, and his face suddenly became ferocious.



Clear sky!

What happened?

What happened just now?

Am I flying?


The dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Qin Lin put away his fist, and with just one punch, he blasted away a black bear weighing nearly two thousand pounds.

The increase in physical strength made his speed reach an extremely terrifying level.

No need for any fancy moves.

Qin Lin completely crushed it with pure strength and speed.


Pain, it really hurts.

The black bear just came back to his senses from the dizziness, and felt a sharp pain in his jaw.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, and his mouth could no longer close.

"You are quite tough."

Qin Lin was a little surprised, and then showed a grim smile:

"In that case, please me well."


Familiar and strange Kong.

That damn Shizhongfu

Mom, I saw you!


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