How did Qin Lin become so strong.

"Why don't you call someone over and ask."

Someone speaks!

"That's inappropriate!" Cao Fang, the leader of the Herb Collection Hall, frowned and said, "Now that Qin Lin is very powerful, this trip will definitely make people unhappy.

If not, the gain will outweigh the loss. "

He Long also wanted to know the secret of Qin Lin's strength, but the strength displayed by the other party was something even he could handle with ease.

If it is because of a misunderstanding, such a master is pushed to the opposite side.

I'm afraid the gain outweighs the loss.

"Qin Lin suddenly became so tyrannical. He must have been given no opportunity to talk about it.

If you can share it with us, maybe everyone can become a first-class person, or even the first to be strong.

By then, no one from our Shanhe Gang in Pingyang County or even the entire Zhao Kingdom would dare to provoke us. "

"What's your plan, Han Song? Don't think we don't know."

Cao Fang immediately stood up and pointed at the other person's nose and cursed: "If you want to steal someone else's opportunity, you have to see if you are qualified.

My heart is strangled to death. "

Han Song's face turned cold: "Those who have the opportunity will get it, but I didn't grab it.

If Qin Lin acquires any skill inheritance, he can hand it over to the sect, and we will provide corresponding compensation when the time comes.

What’s wrong with this win-win situation?

Don’t you want to take your strength to the next level? "

As soon as he finished speaking, many people showed excited expressions.


He Long frowned: "Let's stop this matter, Qin Lin is also a member of our Shanhe Gang, everything depends on his wishes.

I don’t want to see something ugly happen. "

The warning is obvious.

There was a trace of unwillingness in Han Song's eyes, but he soon regained his composure.

"How about transferring Qin Lin back to the headquarters? After all, Youshan Town is being besieged by rogue bandits, and Qin Lin is now a powerful fighter.

There are only benefits to our Shanhe Gang and no harm. "

"You have to be light, don't forget, in order to shrink our strength, we gave up a lot of outside servants.

There is no guarantee that Qin Lin will be dissatisfied with this matter.

After all, it didn’t take long for someone to join the Shanhe Gang! "

He Long couldn't help but frowned. He was the one who made the decision for the Shanhe Gang to give up the outside handymen.

But this is also a helpless move.

The gang no longer has too much food in stock. If you want to buy it from other big families, it will be a huge expense.

Coupled with the uncertainty of the situation, no one can predict how long the famine will last.

Giving up some insignificant people is naturally the best choice.

But who would have thought that Qin Lin would not want to come to the headquarters, but would rather stay with the handymen in the herb collecting hall.

However, it can also be proved from the side that this guy is a person who values ​​​​love.

"For Qin Lin, we mainly focus on appeasing Huairou. Since the other party values ​​the people of the Herb Collection Hall so much, we directly promoted him to the Deputy Hall Master of the Herb Collection Hall.

My disciple Luo Shou and him are as close as brothers, and he is the one who goes to find out more. "

He Long spoke, and now he was a little lucky to have accepted Luo Shou as his disciple, and to have his apprentice Luo Shou as a link.

Qin Lin can naturally be regarded as a member of his gang leader line.

Naturally, the rest of the people are fine.

With a young master like Qin Lin here, the Shanhe Gang can be guaranteed to be worry-free for decades to come.

Cao Fang also had a look of surprise on his face. With Qin Lin here, his medicine collection hall was definitely the strongest among all the halls.

In addition to his prowess, the other party is also a talented alchemist.

When it comes to relationships between near and far, Cao Fang is definitely the one who is closer to the water and gets the better.

"We have to establish a good relationship with Li Qing. It's time to move around."

Cao Fang thought secretly.

Soon, Qin Lin received a flying pigeon biography from the Shanhe Gang headquarters.

“Tch, some nutritious stuff.

You still want me to go to the Shanhe Gang, let’s dream! "

Qin Lin crumpled the note into a ball and burned it to ashes.

Youshan Town is now an isolated town, and many bandits are staring at this piece of fat, wanting to take a bite.

He had no interest in joining in the fun.

As for the position of the deputy head of the Herb Collection Hall, Qin Lin was probably surprised.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

With his own strength, he is always a welcome guest wherever he goes.

The Shanhe Gang will naturally try every means to win over themselves.

When the famine ends, he can also use the power of the Shanhe Gang to find various rare medicinal materials for himself.

It's mutually beneficial.

In addition, people like Luo Shou, Li Qing, and Qian Xiangyuan also sent letters to congratulate him on becoming the deputy director of the Herb Collection Hall.


A sudden plague caught everyone off guard.

After a severe drought, a great epidemic!

Although Qin Lin had expected it, he did not expect that the plague would really come.

Too many people died during the drought, and many bodies polluted the water sources.

Coupled with the fact that the refugees and bandits did not take precautions in this regard, a disaster occurred quietly.

Cold weather and plague.

This disaster began to cause mass deaths.

The originally massive army of rogue bandits was directly hit hard, with the mortality rate of infected people reaching 70%, and the trend was getting worse.

Fortunately, Qin Lin asked everyone to take precautions, and the entire herb collection hall did not contract the plague.

The village was sealed off and completely isolated from the outside world.

Qin Lin was not idle either, taking out precious herbs and brewing decoctions for everyone to strengthen their health and enhance their immunity.

Early January!

The bandits completely disappeared.

In just one to twenty years, the army of rogue bandits was gone.

Many villages have been completely emptied of houses, and some even have all the villagers dead.

There are also frequent news from the Shanhe Gang.

The town has also been hit by an epidemic, and families have been wiped out.

Warriors like them are relatively better off, as they are physically strong and have relatively fewer cases of infection.

The most pitiful are the ordinary people, who have no way to resist.

During this period.

Feng Qu's injuries have also been completely recovered.

With the blessing of spiritual fruits and elixirs, his strength has returned to its peak.

"Qin Zi, change spiritual fruits!"

Feng Qu found Qin Lin with a pill recipe, his eyes became distant.

If this continues, his family fortune may be drained by this guy.

But he has no choice.

He has also been to Dayu Mountain, where the snow has blocked the mountain. It is naturally difficult to find medicinal materials in the vast expanse of white.

What makes his scalp numb the most is

Poisonous insects in the mountains still appear normally even in the cold winter. He has seen with his own eyes a wild boar weighing a thousand pounds being gnawed into a pile of bones in the time of an incense stick.

If the wild boar hadn't taken the blame for him, he would have died.

For this reason, he has been a lot more honest recently.

Every day he stays in the room to practice obediently!

Qin Lin looked at the pill formula in his hand. It was the first-level first-level Qi Dan. One pill could be equivalent to three months of hard practice for the first-level strong.

It is a very good pill.

"Old Feng, we are all old customers. Five boxes of blood dates!"

After thinking it over again and again, Qin Lin broke out his price.

Feng Qu reluctantly nodded and accepted the offer.

During this period, he not only recovered his strength, but also became extremely vigorous.

Now he is much stronger than before he was injured.

He was particularly hardworking in practicing. Before he got the opportunity, he was just an ordinary second-rate master.

Later, he relied on pills to quickly improve to the peak level of first-rate masters.

After being injured once, his foundation became more solid.

Continuously taking spiritual fruits, his meridians became wider and the amount of true energy he could accommodate was far greater than before.

His peak state in the past was not even half of what it is now.

When he breaks through and becomes a first-class strongman, that old man Song Ren will not be his opponent.

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