Sweet Beauty

Chapter 53: Autumn

But he said that that night, Fan Xiao invited Jiang Yu to talk in the mansion.

When Liu Yu came, the two were still a little restrained, and when he left, they completely let go of their hands and feet and drank. Fan Xiao also invited several kabuki performers, who played the flute, sang and danced, touched palms from time to time, and occasionally laughed, which was very enthusiastic.

Halfway through the drink, when both of them were half-drunk, Fan Xiao's wanton laughing face gradually cooled down, and his eyes began to turn red. After a while, he threw away the wine glass and lay down on the desk, wailing.

All the tricks were shocked, and the music and dance suddenly stopped.

Jiang Yu hurriedly threw away the wine glass. After waving the celebrity down, she asked, "Ziyu, what's the sadness?"

Fan Xiao didn't answer at first, but when the crying passed, Fang raised his head and wiped his face, shook his head and sighed, "My sister—she's probably dying soon."

In fact, Mrs. Fan is a family scandal and should not be shared with outsiders. However, Fan Xiao has been pretending to be free and easy recently, but there is a bitterness in his heart that he can't express. After holding it for so long, it is easy to meet a confidant, so he can't bear it anymore. In a short while, how Mrs. Fan harbored resentment, secretly murdered Zhao Ji, and married her again. Ruining Liu Zhao, Liu Yu finally found out that everything happened one by one.

At the end, he only shook his head with tears in his eyes and said, "My eldest sister has committed such a big intoxication, and the king is very kind. However, since I was a child, I really couldn't bear it, and that's where my grief comes from. Now she sees that she will endure it. But this autumn, what should I do?"

Jiang Yu didn't know that Mrs. Fan, who was gentle and modest in the past, who was praised and imitated by everyone in Dongjun, would have such a change.

Thinking of Zhao Ji he saw in the daytime, he couldn't help feeling pity. Such an immortal figure of Qiongyan, a rare figure in the world, should be held in the center of the palm, so good to be protected, but it is really deplorable that she has to suffer such devastation and pain.

But in a blink of an eye, he secretly regretted his wandering thoughts. Zhao Ji has already been smothered, where is his turn to pity him?

Thinking like this, he poured another glass of wine for Fan Xiao and sighed: "Everyone in the world can't escape their emotions and desires, and in this world, no one can go smoothly. It's better to get drunk to relieve their worries."

Fan Xiao felt relieved after telling the bitterness that he had been suffocating for a long time. He stopped crying at this moment. After drinking a toast, he regained his sense of freedom and ease. Then he asked Jiang Yu again: "Zipei, what's in your family? How? Can there be a solution to the matter of Sister Chengjun?"

Although Jiang Yu is from Nanyang, he has lived in Chang'an for a long time since his grandfather. The Jiang brothers and sisters grew up in Chang'an, and they were also rich and noble, but in recent years, the Jiang family's situation has deteriorated.

Jiang Chengjun is now in his twenties and fourteen years old, but he is not yet married. At the age of sixteen, she set up a marriage with the son of Zhang Yan, the prefect of Nanyang. As expected, the world was in chaos that year, and Zhang Yan and his son were killed by refugees in the second year.

When she was nineteen years old, her father arranged a marriage for her with Gongsun Yan, a student of the first imperial court. At that time, Gongsun Yan was only twenty and two years old. Although he came from a poor family, he was quite talented and learned.

However, before Jiang Chengjun got married, Jiang Huan died suddenly. In order to keep filial piety, the two had to postpone their marriage, and then get married again after the filial piety period.

Unexpectedly, Gongsun Yan was actually a villain who was obsessed with power. After Jiang Chengjun showed his filial piety, he not only refused to admit the marriage, but also made a marriage contract with a distant relative of Da Sima Gengyun in a blink of an eye. After half a year, the wedding took place.

For a time, Jiang Chengjun became a joke in Chang'an City. Jiang Yu's youthful spirit immediately raised his sword, broke into Gongsun Yan's mansion, cut off a corner of the table, and angrily rebuked him for reading the poems and books of the sages in vain, and he was a villain who did not believe his words.

From then on, Gongsun Yan had a grudge with Jiang Yu's sister and brother, and later relied on the Yue family to gain power and often challenged him. Jiang Yu couldn't, so he had to move his family out of Chang'an and went to Xindu to join Liu Yu.

Jiang Yu also had a worried look on her face, took a sip of the wine in her glass, and said melancholy: "Elder sister, even though she doesn't say anything about her situation, I know the pain in her heart. Her father is gone, and something like Gongsun Yan happened again. I'm afraid that there will be no serious good people willing to come to ask for marriage."

There are rumors in Chang'an, so naturally they can't wait. Although the believers do not know the details, Jiang Chengjun's age is also there, and it will still make people stay away.

The two weak-crowned teenagers took pity on each other, and they drank heavily, and rested in the middle of the night.

On the autumn day, when the sky was dawning, Ashu had already got up. After washing, she put on a deep silk robe, a golden white pearl sash, her hair in a big bun, decorated with a hat and a hairpin, and dressed as a noble person to help silkworms. Applying Fendai, it shows the elegance and beauty of a woman.

The silkworm service is a noble attire, which can be worn on all formal occasions except for worshipping in temples.

When spring ploughing at the beginning of the year, it is reasonable for the king to walk with the queen. However, Ah Shu was still in Handan at that time and was not allowed to participate. Now Qiu Yan is the first time she has appeared on such a formal occasion, so she attaches great importance to it.

At this moment, Liu Xiong was also well-dressed. He was dressed in a vassal's crown suit, which made him taller and taller and taller and slender, and under his gentle face, it was difficult to hide his majesty.

He turned his head to look at A Shu, who was carefully examining her clothes and makeup in front of the bronze mirror. He couldn't help laughing. He took her hand and turned the person to face him. He looked up and down, and boasted unabashedly: "My wife Beautiful."

This was the first time he bluntly praised her beauty, and it really came from the bottom of his heart.

Ah Shu was still a little nervous, for fear that something was wrong. Hearing what he said at this moment, he suddenly looked at him with a blushing face, but most of his heart was inexplicably put down.

In the past two days, the two of them just happened to mix oil in honey, A Shu took the initiative to get closer, closed the front of his shirt for him, and revealed light dimples on his cheeks, and said softly, "Your Majesty is also very handsome."

Liu Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then he felt a shudder in his heart, and a burst of indescribable comfort gradually filled his body, making his limbs happy.

He suddenly held her face and kissed her gently for a while, until she blushed, then let go and reluctantly left.

Que'er waited for him to leave the house, and then entered again, smiling: "Your Majesty treats Ashu better every day. Ashu can no longer say that Your Majesty is not sincere, right?"

Ah Shu gave her a sideways glance, and carefully touched up her makeup in front of the bronze mirror, her heart moved slightly when she heard this.

Since returning from Handan, Mrs. Fan has disappeared from the Xin Palace, Liu Zhao has also been restrained, and there is no war outside. Liu Xiu has returned on time most of the time, and the two have been together for so long.

She occasionally thinks that if she can live like this, it doesn't seem to be bad, but for some reason, she often feels uneasy in her heart, as if something unexpected will happen in the next step. After thinking about it again, he suddenly remembered that Liu Xu's hatred was still the deepest hatred in his heart.

A few days ago, when Feng Ting and Wang Zhuo came, she could clearly feel the anger that he was desperately suppressing and almost burst out.

In those two days, three points of his usual honesty and gentleness also disappeared, and after returning to the palace, he also sat alone in the study for a long time. She never dared to disturb, let alone ask questions, for fear that if a misdeed made a mistake, the harmony and warmth that had been rare in these days would be completely dissipated.

At this moment, the woman in the mirror has a beautiful face, her makeup is clear, and there is no more blemish.

She took a closer look at it, turned around, and murmured, "I hope so."

It is sunny and clear, the autumn sun is shining, and the west wind is hunting.

There are sandalwood towers in the letter, which were built during the Warring States Period. In fact, this place is the companion capital of the state of Zhao, and the Marquis of Zhao Cheng built the sandalwood platform with the honorary rafters donated by the state of Wei in order to show that "words must be done, actions must be fruitful". Tantai is tall and majestic, and it can compete with the sun and the moon, which is quite spectacular.

This autumn, everyone can go to the sandalwood platform to watch the battle.

Under the sandalwood platform, brave soldiers from all over the world gathered, just waiting to show their skills and win the favor of the king.

A Shu took the women's family to the sandalwood platform, and then it was easy for everyone to be amazed or admired, straightened his back, and walked to the side of Liu Yu who had already boarded.

The two walked in unison, standing at a high place, looking down at all the people below, who were wearing armor and straddling horses, holding swords and arrows, with solemn faces, eager to try.

Fan Xiao and Jiang Yu were also among them, and the young man's handsome face and vigorous vigor were particularly eye-catching.

Jiang Yu looked up at the woman with the fluttering robe standing on the high place, who was delicate and beautiful without losing her splendor. She felt a sense of loss in her heart again.

He then turned his eyes, and found the figure of the eldest sister among the female relatives watching the battle on the high platform, and his hands couldn't help clenching tightly.

On the high platform, the gorgeous, plump, slender and mature Jiang Chengjun gently shook the fan, and looked away from Liu Yu, who was in the center, and smiled at his younger brother's firm gaze.

Jiang Yu's eyes were opposite Zhiyao's, Fang nodded secretly, encouraging himself.

He was originally from a rich and noble family, and he didn't have a lot of desire to be strong and competitive, but after his father left, his situation plummeted, and his eldest sister became the laughing stock of others. In this letter, he was ready to make a name for himself, to fight for a world, and to replace his elder sister to gain face.

When the people on the viewing platform and thousands of people below saw the king and the queen, they all bowed and shouted loudly. When the salute was over, Liu Yu ordered everyone to stand up, held a mallet in person, raised his arms and beat a drum, signaling Qiu Hao to start.

This time it was called Qiu Xie, but in fact, except for the third day of hunting, Liu Xiu will participate together, and the first two days were all martial arts performances.

People are still martial. The so-called performance of martial arts means that all the soldiers compete on the same field, compete in riding, shooting, wrestling, etc. The first item today is riding and shooting.

Everyone needs to ride horses and whips at the same time in the school field, and shoot while walking. The final time is the shortest, and the one with the most accurate archery can win the championship.

At this time, the sound of the drums was loud, and the officers and soldiers walked in an orderly manner to the horses that had been prepared, straddled the horses, and got up warmly with a trot in the field. Not long after, when the drums started playing again, they all gathered at the Dao and lined up neatly.

With a burst of rushing drums, dozens of people in the field shouted loudly and rode out. The dust was flying for a while, and the atmosphere was tense.

Among them, Fan Xiao and Jiang Yu were two of the four who ran at the front.

I saw that the two of them were almost side by side. Every time they approached an archery target, they clamped the horse's belly, straightened their backs, opened their bows and arrows, and shot them decisively. The two arrows hit the center of the red heart almost simultaneously. The movements of the two were like flowing clouds and flowing water, and they completed it in one go. There was a dash of unrestrained spirit in their bravery, which made the audience cheer loudly.

Fan Xiao had already joined Liu Yu in the army, and many people knew about his ability, but Jiang Yu's performance made many people look at him and marvel: "Is that the famous Jiang Lang? Sure enough, there is no shortage of the six arts of a gentleman. All-rounder in civil and military."

Jiang Chengjun stood in the crowd, and everyone was amazed by his ears, but he was still calm, and even the movement of shaking the fan was as gentle and gentle as at first, as if there was no fluctuation due to his younger brother's attention. However, on her beautiful face that pretended to be calm, the corners of her lips couldn't restrain a proud arc.

The author has something to say: I will probably update it on time tomorrow, but it may be late, after all, it is Saturday again, a little busy!

If there is no update before twelve o'clock, you little angels, get up in the morning and watch it!

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