Sweet Beauty

Chapter 84: pregnant

In the city of Xiangyuan, A Shu just entered the station, and she had a low fever again, and she became more and more tired and weak. Liu Yu hurriedly ordered Yi Cheng to come forward to find a famous doctor in the city and personally see the doctor for A Shu.

But after seeing him looking, hearing, asking, and reconfirming, he finally showed a smile, and said to the still sullen Ah Shu and the worried Liu Yu: "If I did not make a mistake in the diagnosis, the queen should be pregnant for more than half a month. "

When everyone in the room heard the words, they all stared at the medical worker, speechless.

Seeing that everyone's expressions were wrong, the medical worker became nervous, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead from time to time, and said with a smile: "Ordinary women, when they were first pregnant, did not have many symptoms. The queen has been extremely tired recently. This is only the case. If you need a lot of rest, it is enough. I am not inconvenient to prescribe medicines, I will list down the things that should be avoided one by one, and hand them over to the queen, and the rest of the tonics can be used in moderation."

After he said that, seeing that the servant who was accompanying him had gone to find a pen and ink, the King Xiao and the Queen remained silent. ? Looking for the most gentle medicine that does not damage the mother-"

This time, before he finished speaking, he was stunned by Liu Yu's abruptly cold eyes, and he fell silent for a while, not daring to speak any more.

Liu Yu stood up abruptly, and it was rare to speak so harshly to an ordinary medical worker: "Don't talk nonsense! How can you handle the solitary bloodline at will?"

The medical worker was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat, and repeatedly said, "Your Majesty, forgive your sins! In fact, this is often the case with big families in the city, and seeing that the king and queen were not happy, that's why I guessed..."

Liu Xiu's face was suffocated by what he said, stiffened for a moment, and waved his hand: "That's it, get your pen and ink ready, let's go!"

After the medical worker left in a hurry, he turned around abruptly, looked at the couch, and lowered his head, looking at Shu in a trance in his lower abdomen, suddenly chuckled softly, and said in a trance, "It was actually that day..."

Ashu raised her eyes and looked into his smiling eyes, she reacted immediately, her cheeks flushed, and she bit her lip and bowed her head in shame.

According to the time, she should have been pregnant the night after she entered Chang'an on the first day and returned from the Weiyang Palace. Previously, Liu Yudao didn't want her to suffer from pregnancy while on the road, and he paid attention to it every day, but that day he was so angry that he couldn't control it for a while, but taught her to get pregnant.

However, when she remembered the doctor's words just now, she suddenly felt a little uneasy, raised her eyes and said timidly, "Is your husband happy?"

Liu Xiu was still in the fog. Hearing her question, he gradually realized that there were more and more irresistible smiles on his calm face, spreading from the corners of his lips to his brows, making the whole person gentle.

He hurriedly took two steps forward, but suddenly stopped half a step away from her, his hands clasped quietly by his side, and even the usually light-hearted handsome face slowly turned red, revealing a strange excitement.

"Of course I'm so happy, so happy that I can't say anything." His eyes slid over her face a little bit, and finally landed on her stomach, and carefully stretched out his hand to caress, "Is there a child in this place?"

It was rare for Ah Shu to see him like this, and the unease and apprehension just now dissipated, and she covered her lips with a chuckle: "There's no such thing here, I have to face down."

Saying that, she took his big palm and slowly moved down to the lower abdomen.

Liu Xiong's face turned redder, and he laughed in shame, his eyes were slightly wet, and he said in a hoarse voice, "It's the first time I'm going to be a father."

"Well." Seeing him like this, Ah Shu's eyes gradually became wet, "It's also the first time I'm going to be a mother."

He carefully sat on the couch, took her into his arms, stroked her hair, and whispered, "I'm already twenty-eight, and I'll be standing in two years."

Following the current etiquette, men in their twenties and crowns are ready to get married, and among ordinary people, they get married at the age of sixteen or seventeen. He was ten years late, and now that he knew his wife was pregnant, it was a time of mixed feelings.

I had spoken to her twice before, and when the words came true, I was still a little overwhelmed.

He hugged her as if he was holding a fragile jade, and he didn't even dare to breathe heavier. After a long while, he saw that the medical worker was holding a silk silk with a long list of taboos written in it, and he only dared to take A Shu carefully. After letting go, seeing her sitting on the couch well, Fang ordered the medical worker to step forward and ask carefully one by one.

The Medical Worker Jing was only frightened, and since he didn't dare to say more, he just wished that he could give all his life's knowledge and tell everything in detail, and it took a full hour before he had to leave.

Liu Yu thought about it, and then ordered someone to go to the city to hire a female doctor with a lot of money, so that she would accompany her all the way to take care of A Shu, and then she wrote a personal letter, describing the recent events, and sending them back to the letter quickly. .

When it was over, he breathed a sigh of relief, and after taking a shower, he hugged her to sleep.

The crowd stayed in Xiangyuan for one more day.

The battle was imminent, and Liu Ruo had a good idea of ​​the victory, and he never dared to delay too much time, so he had to start again. However, Ah Shu was pregnant and could no longer rush. He originally wanted to slow down and stay with her for three or five more days before leaving when he entered Jizhou. Ah Shu is not willing.

When he entered Chang'an before, he stayed in Handan and used her as a shield. Now that he wants to help Youzhou, even if it is true that she is pregnant, she will not dare to be hated again.

Liu Yan was very annoyed, and apologized while saying: "Then I will leave 500 people to **** you to reply to the letter, this journey should be slower, don't be tired, when I level Youzhou, I will go back to see you immediately, but it is good?"

Unexpectedly, Ah Shu pursed her lips for a moment, and suddenly gave him a charming smile, with shallow dimples on her cheeks, as if she was acting like a spoiled child: "Husband, why don't I go to Handan first and see Brother and Sister-in-law. , okay?"

Liu Xiong didn't speak first, for fear that he would not allow her, she hurriedly approached and grabbed his arm, raised her head and said, "Brother Chang'er is one year old, I just went to find my sister-in-law to learn how to have children and raise them. ."

Liu Yu laughed: "These, if you follow the female doctor and Feng Yu, can't you all learn?"

It wasn't that he didn't want her to go back to Handan, but for some reason, he always felt that she followed him, not completely willing and entrusted, and once he returned to Handan, he would leave him behind.

However, looking at her stunned appearance, she couldn't bear it, so she had to say again: "That's it, you can go back to Handan. When I return from Youzhou, I will pick you up and reply to the letter together."

After saying that, he turned sideways in awe, looked at her, and sighed: "It's just that after the battle in Youzhou, I'm afraid I won't have a lot of time, so I can always be by your side."

Ah Shu nodded, lowered her head and said quietly, "I know that when things settle down in Youzhou, your husband will have soldiers pointing at Chang'an."

Liu Yu smiled and kissed her forehead: "You really know a lot."

Indeed, when the Huns were repelled, he would join the governor of Youzhou under his command, and then send an order to attack Geng Yun and command Chang'an in the name of "the side of the Qingjun".

"Don't worry, I promise you, I will not break my promise, you just have to worry about raising your baby."

"it is good."

Two days later, Liu Yu led five hundred men on a light ride north, heading straight for Yuyang. The remaining 500 people escorted Ah Shu to Handan.

On the eve of his departure, he was extremely excited and reluctant to go back and forth in the house, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, as if looking for something.

Ah Shu wanted to step forward to help, but he forced him back to the couch and sat down, so she could only ask helplessly, "What are you looking for, husband?"

Liu Yu didn't say anything at first, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it, and then he frowned: "That day in Chang'an, I saw you embroidered a sachet, why did it disappear?"

Ah Shu was stunned for a moment, then remembered that when the two were arguing that day, she had made a sachet to pass the time and calmed down. But I was in such a hurry that day, and the needle and thread baskets were all left in the Da Situ's mansion, so why would I bring the unfinished sachets?

She then said: "Small things like that, I left in a hurry that day, so I should have left them in Chang'an. If your husband wants a sachet, I'll go find a new one, okay?"

With a look of disappointment, Liu Yu shook his head and said, "That's not necessary, I just thought that you did it yourself." He took out the sachet that was close to his heart, which had long been off the thread, the corners were yellow, and the pattern was blurred. , handed it to her and said, "This one has been used for two years, and it is already old, so I can't wear it around my waist, so I have to keep it in my arms."

Ashu looked at the clumsy thing that she hadn't seen for a long time, her face was red and her ears were red, and she quickly said, "I really can't wear this thing. If my husband likes it, I will do it again, and I will give it to you when you return after defeating it."

Only then did Liu Xiu feel satisfied, and took the old sachet back into his arms.

Ashu followed the advice of the female doctor, not only covered the carriage with soft cotton wool and silk, but also traveled very slowly. It took ten days for a normal journey that would take five or six days to travel.

Zhao You and Deng Wan received the letter early, and they personally brought Chang'er to meet them at the city gate, and led her all the way to the mansion.

Zhao You had already found more than a dozen ranger swordsmen who had been sent to **** A Shu into the study room to ask questions, while Deng Wan took Chang Er and dragged her into the room to talk.

She first looked at A Shu up and down, seeing that her face was as usual and always pretty, and then she felt relieved, poured a glass of sour syrup for her, and said, "It seems that the king treats my A Shu well. It's a rosy face."

Ah Shu's face became redder, and she always felt at home, she clearly thought she was an unmarried little girl, but she was clearly pregnant with a fetus for more than a month.

Deng Wan suddenly hurriedly said: "Do you find the thing I gave you that day useful?"

Ashu was puzzled at first, but then she remembered the small wooden box that contained all kinds of silk paintings, her face immediately flushed red, and she hurriedly said, "It seems to be useful."

Deng Wan covered her lips, touched her hair, and said, "I see, it's very useful." She suddenly turned serious, "Take advantage of the fact that the king treats you with a strong love, and gave birth to a son and a half daughter, in the future Nothing to be afraid of."

Her eyes were full of love and pity: "I know you will always find it difficult to feel at ease, and I also hope that you can marry a good man who will treat you wholeheartedly from now on. But the king...he is a dragon and a phoenix among people. It's better to be alone. It's better to have a child by your side."

Ashu remembered that Liu Yu would need to practice Zuo in the future, she felt sad and nodded in agreement.

Deng Wan knew that she was easily saddened during pregnancy, and for fear of making her sad, she was busy telling her some interesting things to make her happy, and then asked about Chang'an.

A Shu naturally told everything, and Deng Wan sighed earnestly for a while: "I am always worried about you, you have been married to him for so long, and you will never open your heart. But now, A Shu, the king treats you very well indeed. How painful is the revenge of killing your brother? He is willing to promise you that he will save His Majesty's life when he takes revenge, which shows his sincerity. Ah Shu, the king is a person worthy of trust, and you should try to give more sincerity."

When Ah Shu heard the words, she thought to herself.

She hadn't realized it before, but now that she thinks about it, she is indeed on guard against Liu Xiong, and she is always afraid of giving her sincerity, but she will not get a response from him.

However, this matter cannot be changed in a day, so she did not answer with certainty. After returning to the house in the afternoon, after thinking about it again and again, I still got the needle and thread, and asked Queer to teach her to make a sachet again.

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