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Chapter 58 If one is not enough, then two

In the Blue House conference room, many of the ministers present frowned when they heard the Defense Minister's proposal, but no one spoke up for Kim Hye-ri.

"President?" Although Kim Hye-ri is young, she behaves unexpectedly well in the face of provocation.

Instead of rashly choosing to compete with the Secretary of Defense, she wisely turned to the President for advice.

Kim Hye-ri comes from a military family. In her father's generation, the power of the Kim family reached its peak.

Before Kim's father died of a sudden illness, he served as the Minister of Defense for many years. He had a large number of supporters in the military and government departments and was extremely powerful.

Therefore, Jin Hye-ri does not represent her alone. Behind her is the accumulation of the Jin family for several years.

Therefore, the Minister of Defense's proposal has not been responded to, and if he continues to press Kim Hye-ri step by step, someone may jump out to oppose him.

After keeping the performance of everyone in the conference room in mind, President Lee Ming-hui nodded.

He pondered for a few seconds before speaking with final words: "The existence of the National Special Affairs Handling Group has accumulated a lot of experience for us. The sacrifice of every team member is valuable. I don't want to make any similar proposals to ban it again." heard.”

The Minister of Defense wanted to explain, but after seeing the president's face, he twisted twice in his chair and then stopped.

Hearing the president's words, Kim Hye-ri and Liu Jae-hyuk breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, Team Leader Jin, you should speed up your research in the future. Don't worry too much about ethical issues during the research process. If any problems occur in the future, I will take full responsibility for it."


Kim Hye-ri is the new generation head of the Kim family. Before her father passed away, he originally paved the way for her and sent her to the army, thinking that she could inherit the mantle of the Kim family.

Even if Kim Hye Ri is too young to climb to the highest position, she can still be a 괗꿛 or a third 꿛.

But after President Lee Ming-hui came to power, Lee Ming-hui wanted to destroy Kim's father's original promise and suppress Kim's power in the military to a minimum.

Afterwards, he solicited Jin Huili's intention in the name of establishing a new department, and wanted to remove Jin Huili from the military system.

Kim Hye-ri, who has just returned from studying abroad, is not the opponent of the veteran politicians. As the only daughter of the Kim family, Kim Hye-ri has always been well protected by Kim's father. If Kim's father suddenly fell ill, she would still have several years of freedom. 놘Time.

The young people's enthusiasm and simplicity led her to accept the task of forming a new department regardless of the opposition of her elders.

President Lee Myung-hui thought that after the death of Kim's father, the family's power would disperse. What he didn't expect was that after Kim Hye-ri took the initiative to accept external transfer, the Kim family forces who stayed in the army won a lot of rights for Kim Hye-ri.

Jin Huili's establishment of a national special affairs handling team received a lot of support. Thousands of military elites were transferred to the team, and all research funds were turned on. After several years of development, this shadow organization has become a behemoth.

Li Minghui regretted this and chose to continue adding sand to the special team, successfully infiltrating Liu Zaihe into the special affairs team.

"Although Kim Hye-ri has mastered the special team, at least the army is completely controlled by my people, so it doesn't mean that I gained nothing."

Li Minghui continued: "Team Leader Jin, you said that the lives of hundreds or thousands of people are more important than the lives of 50 million citizens. It is no longer time to slowly consider ethics and morality."

"놆," Jin Huili gave up arguing: "I understand."

"Well," Li Minghui leaned back, changed into a comfortable position, and then asked: "The next thing is about the clown man killing people in the bar. How are you going to handle this, Team Leader Jin?"

"President, the monster 꿨 is close to the edge of eruption. According to Professor Park Myung-soo's estimate, the monster 꿨 will completely erupt in a week at the latest. I think we should take the opportunity to issue an alarm to the people..."

【coax! 】

The impact of the "one-week outbreak" was too strong. Discussions broke out everywhere, and the Blue House meeting room suddenly exploded.

"Team Leader Jin," Li Minghui interrupted Jin Huili and said sternly: "I have high hopes for you."

Jin Huili's performance today is very poor, not at all like what a mature politician should do. Li Minghui is secretly happy about this.

Kim Hye Ri's immature performance will hit those who support her, and it is very likely that people in Kim Hye Ri's camp will turn to him because of today's incident.

"We have already discussed this issue. It is the last line of defense for all our citizens. Unless we are all dead, it is impossible for the citizens to face the monster alone."

Seeing everyone in the conference room nodding their heads, Li Minghui then said sternly: "If you do this, you will bring the people into infinite fear. From the perspective of the people's trust in the government, you are not a bit Too irresponsible?"

"President, I..."

"Forget it, you're still too young. Let's leave this matter to the Minister of Defense. Your job is to focus on studying the monster problem and find a countermeasure as soon as possible."

Jin Huili opened her mouth and hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "놆."

Seeing that Jin Huili obediently accepted his arrangement, Li Minghui said with a smile: "Now that everything has been arranged, we are here today. I hope that the Republic of Korea can be resurrected with full health as soon as the sun comes out."

As he spoke, Li Minghui stood up. While adjusting his shirt, he said, "The meeting is over."

As Li Minghui issued a notice to adjourn the meeting, the video signal stopped abruptly, and the ministers present also filed out.

A few minutes later, everyone in the conference room left, and a smile appeared on Li Minghui's lips.

As soon as the sun came on, Jin Dae-woo picked up the phone from the bedside table, opened the webpage, and prepared to check today's news.

[Tsk tsk tsk! ]

Browsing the hot search list, Jin Dae-woo gently climbed out of the bed.

After tucking in the quilt for Park Se-ri, he tiptoed out of the room.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, he could no longer stop laughing.

[As expected of Korea's traditional arts, it's really awesome! ]

After a night of fermentation, all the news about the clown man disappeared completely, and a new layout appeared on the hot search list, with social news replaced by entertainment news.

[Former idol group member takes drugs]-

[Korean Wave counterattacks Japanese Netflix]↑



[Trot heyday...]↑

"The South Korean government is really amazing. Why are you so skilled..." Kim Dae-woo shook his head and said to himself.

In the office of the South Korean Minister of Defense, listening to Kim Dae-woo's report, the arrogant Park Yeon-bin smiled and said, "Kim Hye-ri is really young. What's so difficult about this matter?"

Park Yeon-bin gestured in his heart and said, "The people don't care who was killed or who did good things. They are like sharks, chasing hot spots."

He walked to the window, looked at the traffic outside the window, turned back and smiled, "Just make a piece of entertainment news to divert their attention. If one is not enough, then two..."

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