Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 79 The destruction of the world?

"I didn't expect that our country's national defense has such a powerful use." Li Chenglu stroked his chin, raised his upper lip slightly, and smacked his lips.

For him, fortunately he followed Wang Wei to join in the fun. Although he is now trapped in the green home, it is not necessarily a bad thing to have the zombie Detective Jin.

And the others in the room also praised this Zhendao. After all, this is indeed a rare good news.

This shows that the country is not completely ignorant of the appearance of these monsters. Perhaps after waiting for half a month or half a year, the country will be able to take corresponding countermeasures.

But this is not entirely good news for Jin Dazhong, the cheater.

[This Xiaochun showed off his power frequently afterwards, and even found a way out for the survivors from the tunnel in the end. He really lived up to the saying of the country, but...]


After collecting all the useful information from the hot searches, Kim Dae-jung first contacted Lee Eun-woo.

Through KakaoTalk, which can still be used, Kim Dae-jung said: "Eun-yu, do you want to come upstairs? If you want to come upstairs, I will let Jiang Min-ho and others pick you up."

"Azashi, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Well, the disaster really happened. Go and check Naver's hot searches. Now even in this apartment building, every floor is dangerous. If you want to come up, notify me as soon as possible, otherwise you can't wait for a while. The mobile phone signal, Internet signal and other communication media will slowly cut off."

Li Eun-yu finally replied "I know", and the two stopped contacting each other.

"How is it, is Eun-yo going to come upstairs?"

Kim Dae-jung shook his head and replied: "She is still a little hesitant about wanting to stay with Lee Eun-hyuk. But I saw that you two are always quarreling, and I didn't expect you to care about her."

They have been busy since noon, and none of them have had dinner yet, including Yoon Ji-soo, so she didn't want to argue with Kim Dae-jung. She just smiled and found a corner with a baseball bat to sit down.

"Then let's have dinner first. We can think about anything after we eat."


On the first floor of the apartment, after the monster seemed to have left, the residents who were hiding behind the pillars and on the stairs slowly poked their heads out and exchanged their feelings with each other.

"Has he left?"

"I think he has."

"What's going on?"


Among the residents who hid in the apartment, Li Xiuxiong took the first step. He walked towards the door of the apartment. After seeing the body lying on the ground, he stopped and looked ashamed.

As a soldier, he was even wearing a military uniform at this moment, but when the danger came, he chose to run away at the first time. Li Xiuxiong felt extremely ashamed and felt sorry for the citizen lying on the ground.

He stood at attention, dared not look directly into the eyes of the dead, and bowed heavily to the dead.

While he was blaming himself for his cowardice, the supermarket owner Jin Shixian had already learned the identity of Xu Yijing.

Seeing that the soldier had also confirmed that the monster had left, Jin Shixian walked straight past the soldier and questioned Xu Yijing: "Hey, I heard that you are a firefighter. What are you doing in the departments that serve the people and the government?"

Being accused by Jin Shixian, Xu Yijing lost her previous willfulness. She didn't want to bring bad reviews to her colleagues for no reason, so she decided to endure Jin Shixian's unwarranted accusations.

"They will investigate." She replied casually.

Facing Xu Yijing, Jin Shixian swept away his previous resentment and continued to scold and accuse: "We pay so much tax a year, and now they can't even handle a monster..."

Xu Yijing resisted the urge to refute Jin Shixian's idea, turned around, and slowly put away her back.

At this time, Li Enhe on the side spoke again: "More than one."

Everyone in the lobby heard this, and the breath of relief that had just been relieved was lifted again.

Because most of the lights outside were turned off, only a few lights in the distance were still on, the situation outside the apartment door could not be seen clearly.

But they could still see a large number of strange figures appearing in the open space in front of the apartment, and everyone's heart sank to the lowest point.

"What is going on?" Xu Yijing glanced at the young man who looked like a student beside him and asked tentatively.

"I don't know, but it seems that this world is finally going to be destroyed."

Outside the apartment building, all kinds of monsters were rampant, reflecting the dim lights, like a hundred ghosts parading at night.

The sound of footsteps, collisions, explosions, and all kinds of mixed sounds also came into the lobby on the first floor, among which the deep "protein" sound was particularly prominent.

On the 14th floor, Jin Dazhong glanced at the window, and his heart was faintly agitated.

[Strange, why do I feel a little uneasy...]

In the lobby on the first floor, Li Enhe began to suggest: "Maybe we should find a way to block the door as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure the safety of the apartment door, and then the monster may break in by force."

Now the phone has lost its function. Even if he is very curious about Jin Dazhong now, there is no way to contact Jin Dazhong quickly. He can only find a way to stabilize the first floor first. Otherwise, if the apartment is unguarded, he and Li Enyou will have to face a large number of monsters.

Li Enhe's proposal still received support from some residents. There was no way to contact the outside world for the time being, so keeping the first-floor door was undoubtedly the most correct response measure.

In this way, everyone temporarily had a backbone and began to move cabinets and other heavy objects from the management office to the door, hoping to block the first-floor door and add a layer of defense to the thin iron rolling door.

Xu Yijing found an open space, sat down, and began to check the injury on her leg. She quietly watched the men in the lobby moving heavy objects together, but only two of them were particularly unsociable.

One was the owner of the apartment supermarket. He stood aside shamelessly and had no intention of coming forward to help.

People like him who run away when they encounter danger, come to make orders once they are through the danger, and are unwilling to help are simply the bad apples in the team.

In addition, there was the unusually calm young man, who leaned against the wall with his left foot, and was thinking about something.

In Xu Yijing's opinion, this young man seemed to know something about the disaster.

Suddenly, the young man went against the flow of people (0) and walked towards the stairwell, and it seemed that he was going to return home.

She was temporarily unable to move, so she could only let the man slowly disappear from her sight, and she shifted her gaze to the door again.

"Aihara brother, what is going on?"

Thanks to the people called Xiao 꾉 brother and Wu Xiaofan for not talking about routines.

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