Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1000: Sworn sovereignty

After He Ning's exhortation, he went upstairs with Duan Hanyu to thank Shen Ye.

When he went upstairs, there was only Shen Ye in the room. It seemed that his client had already left.

"Is it okay, Chu Ning?" Shen Ye asked with a smile, "I should have come down too, but Chief Guard Duan said that I am not good enough, lest I get injured and I will not be allowed to come down."

"It's okay." He Ning is more than enough to deal with these people now, but it's a little bit tight to protect Gong Yunxi just now.

Shen Ye also saw her performance just now: "I didn't expect you to be good at it."

"What do you mean by not thinking about it? Do you look down on me?" He Ning laughed.

Shen Ye stepped forward and hooked her shoulders: "Go down and drink at the bar, I will give you a shock."

When he approached her, he smelled the soft scent coming from her body, not the smell of perfume, but the fresh smell that naturally emanated from her body.

For a second, Shen Ye thought about the old lady Shen nagging in front of him, it would be nice if Chu Ning was a girl.

At this moment, there was a subtle feeling in his heart, if Chu Ning was a girl, it would be great.

However, in the next second, Chu Ning broke his hand and moved away from him. Shen Ye suddenly felt a sense of loss and loss.

He Ning had already walked downstairs before him.

When he got downstairs, Shen Ye ordered her a drink.

The two of them were drinking and chatting, because they had the same temperament, so there were many topics.

In front of her, Shen Ye could also remove the mask he usually wore, revealing his true self, and letting off his youthful publicity.

When Shen Jingyu came, both Shen Ye and He Ning were a little bit drunk.

"Big Brother!" Shen Ye was overjoyed and stood up.

He hasn't seen his eldest brother for a long time, and he has come to visit him several times.

Shen Jingyu refused him every time because he was too busy.

Shen Ye was overjoyed when he saw him now, and stepped forward and hugged him: "Big Brother!"

Shen Jingyu was indifferent, but after a moment of daze, he still gave him a hug. He loved this younger brother the most since he was a child, and he could never have no feelings for him at all.

Then, Shen Jingyu let go of Shen Ye, walked to He Ning, took her into her arms, and said, "Can I join?"

Shen Ye was stunned. What's the situation?

Brother, what are you doing?

"Brother, let go of Chu Ning, she is not drunk either." Shen Ye didn't know why, and was a little nervous.

I don't know whether it is the difference between the male and the male between Nervous Brother and Chu Ning, keeping a proper distance, or nervousness.

He Ning was indeed not drunk, so when she saw Shen Jingyu, she was a little embarrassed, and she didn't know how to explain to him, the excuse she said in the text message to go out to dinner with friends.

However, she was at ease when she was hugged by him.

Anyway, the big deal was to overturn his vinegar jar. After these few times, she knew that Shen Jingyu's vinegar jar was a very simple thing to repair, and she felt more calm in her heart.

Therefore, not only did she not get out of Shen Jingyu's embrace, but she still rubbed in his arms, sitting more comfortably against him.

"Chuning, you..." Shen Ye's voice was a little unnatural.

"I and Chu Ning are already together." Shen Jingyu told Shen Ye calmly.

It is an oath of sovereignty, and it is also a warning to foreign invaders not to covet his possessions.

Shen Ye stared at them with mouth open.

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