Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1006: He will come

Through all kinds of compliments to He Peishan and all kinds of pleasing her, he finally made He Peishan see her as a small attendant.

She doesn't want more, if she can live a prosperous life with He Peishan, she will not be in vain.

"Miss, is there anything you tell me to do?" He Jiaojiao said flatly.

She followed He Peishan, enjoying the eyes of others looking at her. Those eyes all regarded her as He Peishan's best friend.

"Not for the time being." He Peishan kept He Jiaojiao, but she felt that her mouth was sweet, obedient, and she looked like she didn't have much brilliance.

Such He Jiaojiao, staying by her side, serving as an attendant and facilitator, greatly satisfied He Peishan's vanity.

She needs a follower like this so much that she won't be psychologically imbalanced.

After all, she was especially sick for a long time before, and when she got better, it was difficult to integrate into the circle of those celebrities in Jingyuan, and she had always stayed on the edge of the area.

He Jiaojiao followed He Peishan step by step.

He Peishan had just left the side hall, and when he saw Shen Jingyu in the crowd, a big smile on his face...Shen Jingyu actually came?

In the impression, he hasn't participated in the affairs of Jingyuan's public occasions for a long time.

Could it be that he regretted treating himself like that, and came to grandma's birthday banquet this time to reconcile with himself?

He Jiaojiao also saw Shen Jingyu, the man she ever dreamed of.

However, it turns out that she is dreaming.

That man is aloof, not something a woman like her can touch.

Now, how she didn't know, even He Peishan was also helpless with that man.

Even if He Ning is no longer there, there is no woman who can approach the man.

He Jiaojiao had already given up. Seeing that He Peishan still hadn't given up on Shen Jingyu's obsession, she deliberately pleased: "Miss, that seems to be Lord Shen?"

"I have eyes, of course I know that it is Lord Shen." He Peishan snorted.

He Jiaojiao hurriedly said: "Master Shen hasn't returned to Jingyuan for a long time, let alone attending these banquets. It seems that he has always been obsessed with Miss. Miss, you are so lucky."

These words made He Peishan excited and slapped her flattery just right.

She smiled: "I knew he would come."

"That's for sure. Even if Master Shen married He Ning, but who doesn't know, it is because He Ning looks like Missy? He Ning is just a stand-in, so she has a small name. I won't be able to enjoy anything at all, and I'll die." He Jiaojiao agreed.

He Peishan was more satisfied, and took He Jiaojiao to the direction of grandma and father.

"Grandma, Dad, Jingyu is here today." He Peishan's tone was proud, as if it was because Shen Jingyu was able to come, it was entirely because of her.

Seeing Shen Jingyu came, Mrs. He and He Boyuan also had light on their faces.

Especially Mrs. He, today is her birthday banquet. The more noble people appear, the more face she will be given.

"Go, please Shen Jingyu over here." Mrs. He instructed the people around her.

Not long after Shen Jingyu and He Ning appeared, they were invited by Ding Qinen's people.

In a corner of the side hall, Ding Qinen sat there, and when he saw Shen Jingyu, his eyes showed kindness.

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