Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1013: Framed Chu Ning in public (4)

At this moment, most of the people present were on He Jiaojiao's side.

This man loves a woman as a lover, but it is an act that everyone despises while making a woman pregnant while cheating on the other.

Especially these people present have quite a status, even if there is a problem, they will find a way to solve the problem, and will never make a public situation not to come to Taiwan.

When looking at He Ning, everyone was scornful: "Scumbag! Men are really big trotters."

"I don't have the ability to deal with it, and I have the ability to make people pregnant. That's a life, it's too wicked."

"So when you all said that Chu Ning is worthy of Lord Shen, I was always skeptical. It is still a serious woman like us, who is a good match to Lord Shen!"

He Jiaojiao cried and knelt in front of Shen Jingyu: "Master Shen, please take me back for the sake of my pregnancy. Return Chu Ning to me. Without Chu Ning, you can have more and better things. Man, or woman. But I don’t have Chu Ning, our orphans and widows, really don’t live..."

She cried sincerely, lying on the ground, and constantly begging for regrets.

Shen Jingyu was unmoved.

Shen Fengshan and Ding Qin'en suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles.

They felt sorry for Shen Jingyu and worried that this matter would have too much impact on him. They just couldn't deal with it for a while, so they could only do it in a hurry.

But Mrs. He was angry and annoyed.

Today is her great day, and it is also a day for her to let people come to see her successors.

As a result, it was repeatedly destroyed by He Ning.

What happened just now is no more. Now that the audience is full of smoke, where is the slightest birthday banquet?

A good meeting place for the high-end people of the Dragon Empire is made to be the same as the farmer's vegetable market in the 18th-tier small cities.

She angrily said: "Come on, drive out He Jiaojiao and Chu Ning! If you have anything, take it outside and talk about it!"

All the security personnel of the He family caught up.

The reason why they didn't play a role just now and didn't dare to do it was because they were afraid!

One of the parties involved is a friend of He Peishan, and the other is a couple of Shen Jingyu who has just made a public relationship. They can't afford to offend any one of them.

The old lady spoke, and the security personnel stepped forward and wanted to drag He Jiaojiao away, so please leave He Ning.

Old lady He rushed over with little feet, and He Hongtao and Chen Fufen were also busy.

Just now when they didn't know that the matter was related to He Jiaojiao, they were still talking about the people in front of them making a joke.

They are still making fun of them behind the scenes. The people among the rich and powerful are also gossiping in an endless stream. There are people who have this kind of problem on such occasions today.

They didn't rush over until someone reminded them that the woman who had the accident was named He.

As soon as he came over, he saw that the security personnel were about to drag He Jiaojiao away.

Mrs. He hurriedly said: "Mrs. He, what did Jiaojiao do? You must drive her away? You don’t look at the monk’s face, but also at the Buddha’s face. Jiaojiao is Kang Kang’s aunt, you give Jiaojiao Jiao's face is to give Kangkang's face."

Mrs. He never looked down upon the He family at all.

She was even more annoyed when she heard such inconsistent remarks from Mrs. He: "No matter who it is, if you make trouble here, you have to be dragged out. What kind of place do you think this is? How can you let you go wild?"

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