Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1019: Framed Chu Ning in public (10)

Old Madam He angrily said: "Hurry up and take He Jiaojiao out! What a shame! What kind of place is this that allows people like you to do anything wrong!"

These words scared He Hongtao and Chen Fufen also hurriedly stood up.

Although He Jiaojiao was not their daughter, these words seemed to have substance, and they hit their faces fiercely.

Everyone watched He Jiaojiao being taken away. At this moment, they were all very happy, and all of them withdrew their sympathy.

There was contempt in his eyes.

Now He Jiaojiao has become famous in Jingyuan. With this incident, which young master daughter would dare to contact her in the future, and what serious family can accommodate her in the door?

He Jiaojiao's reputation was completely ruined.

Seeing that the situation is not good, He Peishan also wants to leave with He Jiaojiao.

"Miss He, wait." He Ning stopped her.

He Peishan had to stop, with a reluctant smile on his face: "Is there anything else?"

"I have always heard that the He family is a military family and has been quite prestigious for many years. But I didn't expect that under witnessing with my own eyes, there would be military doctors whose medical skills were so poor that people who were not pregnant would be able to extract fetuses. Amniotic fluid, what can be done for a vain fetal DNA test. Today, I really have learned a lot." He Ning's voice was very calm, with a slight smile.

However, everyone understood at once, she meant something.

At first, everyone's attitude was placed on He Jiaojiao, and she felt that she had made the farce by herself.

But now when He Ning reminded him, many people came back to their senses: "It turns out that Miss He arranged for the doctor to do the test for He Jiaojiao?"

"That's for sure. In He Jiaojiao's capacity, where did the military doctor who made the move?"

"It seems that Miss He still hasn't given up on Lord Shen. Is this a stumbling block for others?"

"Emotions belong to emotions, the military doctor of the He family will issue a false test report! Can this world be a bit ethical and just?"

"The He family is indeed getting more and more chaotic now, and this kind of report dares to mess up. Who will dare to believe them in the future."

These words passed into the ears of He Boyuan and Mrs. He, and the two of them lost their prestige.

He Boyuan, in particular, cares most about face. For the sake of face, he only recognizes Kangkang, and He Lu is not allowed to appear in front of everyone.

At this moment, I couldn't help but become angry when I heard that this kind of thing happened in my subordinates.

He slapped He Peishan's face with a slap, and this slap used all his strength to slap He Peishan unsteadily and almost fell.

In an instant, five red fingerprints appeared on He Peishan's face.

She held her face and turned to one side, her hair covering half of her cheek.

He Boyuan sternly shouted: "Apologize to Chu Ning!"

What he wants is face, to let people know that he manages the family strictly.

Even if the birthday banquet is ruined, it will not hesitate.

He Peishan had an unspeakable disappointment with his father...

She just didn't want to make Shen Jingyu feel more hateful towards her.

She raised her eyes, her eyes full of innocence: "Sorry, I don't know He Jiaojiao is such a person. I originally wanted to help a friend, but I didn't expect that she would cheat me. I was also confused... I'm sorry. Chu Ning, Lord Shen."

She said that she was wronged, and she gave all the responsibility to He Jiaojiao.

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