Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 102: The most important thing is what people want

She lowered her eyes, took the bird's nest sent by Aunt Chen, and ate it with her head down.

In the afternoon, Shen Jingyu went out.

Until the evening, he did not come back.

Even Qin Zheng, who followed him, has never appeared.

He Ning was sitting at the dining table, remembering the Miss Gu mentioned by Uncle Jiu, maybe Shen Jingyu was picking up the plane.

Then she must not wait for him to have dinner together.

Sure enough, Shen Jingyu did not come back in the end.

He Ning nestled on the sofa in the living room, reading a book, and didn't know what she was waiting for. Even when he was there, he rarely lived in the same room with her.

In the huge villa, the servants even walked on tiptoe. In the brightly lit, there was only the rustle of leaves turning out of the window.

"My grandmother, it's late, let's rest early." Aunt Chen came forward and handed a coat to He Ning.

"Okay." He Ning put down the book and went straight upstairs.

She had just arrived upstairs when a message was dinged in the phone.

"Miss, Mr. He brought someone to the company, saying that he bought your equity and wanted to take over the management of the company. In addition, other shareholders were also shaken by the military and turned to Mr. He. Please come and have a look! "

The news was sent by an insider of the company. After He Ning fell ill, he did not manage the company for some time.

At the beginning, she also had the mentality of resting with peace of mind and recuperating with peace of mind.

Seeing this news, she immediately put on a set of capable professional attire, picked up the bag, and flew out and ran out.

"Young grandma? Young grandma?" Aunt Chen saw her running out and chased her out worriedly, but He Ning was no longer visible.

He Ning rushed directly to the company.

Sure enough, the entire company is now brightly lit, and reflections of many people appear on the glass windows of the meeting room in a bustling manner. It seems that He Hongtao has summoned all the shareholders.

At this moment, they should be holding a general meeting of shareholders.

Seeing He Ning, several security guards immediately stepped forward to stop her: "Miss, you can't go up!"

"This is my company, the property my mother left me, why can't I go up!" He Ning said angrily.

These security guards were unmoved, and stopped her for life: "Miss, you really can't go up! This has nothing to do with you!"

He Ning threw away their arms angrily, but they blocked the place like an iron wall, and He Ning couldn't get in at all.

She picked up the phone and called He Hongtao.

"Why do you do this? Mommy left me the equity and the company. She left you enough. This company is the only thing I have. You can't be so selfish and take everything from Mommy. Take it all!"

"He Ning, I am your father. You are still young. There are some things that can only be handled properly if I help you manage them."

He Ning gritted his teeth with anger: "He Hongtao, do you think you can get all this by forging my signature and my handprint? Impossible!"

"No, signatures and handprints are not the most important thing. The most important thing is what the shareholders want." In He Hongtao's voice, there was a hint of success.

He persuaded and bought almost all the shareholders, let them all sincerely support him, let He Ning unload the burden, and recover well.

Besides, he is still the father of He Ning and He Manni, shareholders, who would doubt a father's love for his daughter?

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