Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1021: Framed Chu Ning in public (12)

"But fortunately, there are these test papers. Otherwise, how can I expose that He Jiaojiao?"

"Alright." Shen Jingyu nodded.

"What's so good?"

"Although I don't mind if there are more children between us, pregnancy is always bad for a woman's health. I think it is completely enough to have peace, happiness, and peace."

He Ning nodded hurriedly: "I think so too."

Now it's finally calming down for the time being, she is already afraid of life separated from her children.

There will be no more children in the future.

After returning to the villa, Gu Yunchen heard about what happened in He's house today.

"It's a pity that there is a research meeting in the hospital today. I had known that I would not go to the research meeting and go to He's birthday banquet. I thought the birthday banquet was boring, but I didn't expect so many wonderful things to happen." Gu Yunchen The chagrin of the face.

"I spoke very wonderfully. You haven't had an eye addiction, but you have an ear addiction!" He Ning told him what happened just now.

Gu Yunchen shook his head: "It's better to see it once, and it's better not to watch the scene. Next time there is such a good thing, remember to call me."

Okay, looking at him like this, how can he be connected with Doctor Gu with superb medical skills and superb medical ethics?

He Ning ran upstairs to accompany Lele.

When Shen Jingyu saw her getting up, she wanted to follow her.

"Hey, you just leave me as a guest here and left by yourself?" Gu Yunchen knows that his wife is always supreme, but there is no need to say nothing about loyalty, right?

Shen Jingyu took it for granted that "Where is my wife going?"

Gu Yunchen stopped him: "Is He Ning pregnant?"

Shen Jingyu clumped her brows: "What do you mean?"

"She was curious about my pregnancy test strips that day, so I just gave her a hand. I thought she was pregnant, so I would pay attention to these pregnancy test strips. By the way, after He Ning gave birth to peace and happiness, you are not Have you had a sterilization operation? Normally, Hening will not get pregnant again, but you said that she gave birth to another child in the United States, so I was wondering if your operation failed. He Ning is now pregnant again. ?" Gu Yunchen said to himself.

"No failure. No pregnancy." Shen Jingyu finished speaking and strode upstairs.

what? Gu Yunchen was stunned for a while.

"That said, the child He Ning was born abroad was not Shen Jingyu's?" Gu Yunchen showed a surprised look.

So what is going on?

Could it be... Could it be that when He Ning was in the United States before, he betrayed Shen Jingyu and gave birth to the son of an individual man?

Oh my goodness, just finished solving Lele's matter, and another child's matter appeared again!

Gu Yunchen really admires Shen Jingyu, can this be tolerated?


He Ning is reading stories to Lele.

Although Lele can read a lot of books by herself, many of them are still very difficult and large.

But Lele still likes to listen to He Ning's calm voice, reading stories about various small animals for him.

In the past few days, He Ning has specially chosen stories about small animals going to school.

After reading, Lele lay on He Ning's lap and wanted to listen again.

"Lele also go to school, okay?" He Ning asked softly.

Lele's eyes were a little nervous and nervous, as if he was worried, He Ning didn't want to be himself, he stretched out his chubby little hand and grabbed He Ning.

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