Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1025: Three babies meet (4)

"I just reported a suitable study class for Ping An'an in the west of Portugal." Chu Zhuohang added.

"Really? Is Lele really willing to go? I'll go with you in peace?" He Ning's response was really unexpected.

Lele, who was not far away, nodded.

"Great! An An is really great! Reward An An for a kiss." He Ning hugged An An and kissed him on the cheek.

Lele ran over, handed her face up, and kissed her too.

"Also reward Lele, Lele is also great." He Ning kissed Lele.

In order not to be cold, she took the initiative to kiss Ping Ping: "Ping Ping is also super awesome."

Although Pingping has never cared about these trivial matters, his temper is a bit careless.

But He Ning always loves them so much, and he tries his best to give them the same love.

Shen Jingyu felt that he was really left out.

Since the three children appeared in He Ning's sight, she hadn't taken a look at herself seriously, and never thought that he also needed an encouraging kiss.

When He Ning came back, Shen Jingyu reminded her: "Did you forget that you still have to reward someone?"

He Ning reacted and walked to Chu Zhuohang's side and kissed him: "Thank you brother! Lele wouldn't have come out so quickly if he hadn't been helping him all the time."

"..." The black line at Shen Jingyu's side became a little low.

Chu Zhuohang couldn't help letting out a chuckle. Okay, seeing Shen Jingyu crippled was really a rare experience.

It should be only when He Ning is here to see Shen Jingyu's emotions.

At night, the three little buns were tired from playing and started to feel sleepy.

He Ning and Shen Jingyu hugged Lele, thanked Chu Zhuohang, and left the Chu Mansion.

Lele fell asleep on Shen Jingyu's shoulders.

When he got home, Shen Jingyu went to the study. When He Ning came out of the shower, he was still in the study.

He Ning couldn't help but sneered and went to his study in his pajamas.

Shen Jingyu was indeed looking at the document, but after reading it for an hour, he only read one or two pages, which was not efficient at all.

Seeing He Ning coming in, there was a deep flash in his eyes.

He Ning was wearing short thin pajamas and looked at him with a smile: "Didn't you say you slept together at night? Why are you still working?"

"You go to rest first." Shen Jingyu's voice was a little heavy.

"Are you upset?" He Ning stepped forward, took the initiative from behind his chair, hooked his neck, and then dropped two kisses on his left and right cheeks.

The sweet breath on her body, with a soft ambiguity, made the little bit of depression in Shen Jingyu's heart wiped out long ago.

He Ning said softly, "I can't just kiss you in front of my brother? Isn't that ashamed?"

Shen Jingyu grabbed her and pulled her into her arms. Did she still see that she had left him in the cold?

"What can't you do in front of him?" He kissed her, satisfied with the softness of his fingers.

"Then you want the kiss just now, or do you want it like this..." He Ning raised her eyes, with a hint of fascinating smell in her beautiful big eyes, and touched the lips with the tip of his tongue.

Shen Jingyu's voice became dull: "Are you sure you want to hook me like this? I remember, you are about to have a period...for a while, I can only watch and not eat, but I will think of other ways, eh?"

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