Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1028: An An's face He Peishan (2)

"Yes, then Miss He invites you to come over and stay with your child more, so that he can speak earlier."

"It's mainly because I'm busy too, Jingyu doesn't want me to work hard, so I won't let me come."

The teacher expressed his understanding, and thought that it is no wonder that Shen Jingyu and another boy usually come to pick up Lele together.

So it seems that Mr. Chu should be their friend, right?

"So teacher, I will try my best to come and accompany Lele during the day, but I hope you don't tell Jingyu about this matter. I'm afraid he will worry about me. After all, I try my best to find time to come over."

The teacher agreed.

He Peishan was so busy that she came to accompany her child, and she was really moved.

Besides, He Peishan didn't do anything bad, plus He Peishan is General He's daughter, the teacher still trusts her very much.

In this way, He Peishan comes here from time to time.

She planned to let Shen Jingyu know how much Lele relied on herself when the time came.

With Shen Jingyu's temperament that loves Lele, as long as Lele needs herself, Shen Jingyu will not keep her distance from herself.

As before, she stayed with Shen Jingyu and was already very close to him.

Almost, almost succeeded.

It's just that she was too anxious to get things done, making Shen Jingyu allergic to alcohol, and she was self-defeating and failed.

Last time, it was because she underestimated Lele's status in Shen Jingyu's mind, thinking that he was just a picked child and could not play a decisive role.

Now she regrets that her intestines are all green, and she didn't continue to maintain a good relationship with Lele before.

I didn't expect Lele to be Shen Jingyu's biological son.

This time, she will be more careful and slower.

Borrowing Lele, let the relationship between himself and Shen Jingyu naturally come to pass.

Lele didn't care about He Peishan's coming to see him.

But He Peishan always came, which aroused An An's suspicion.

He instinctively didn't like this woman, but she didn't provoke him, so An An has always been in peace with her.

An An secretly took a picture of this woman, and then went back and asked Chu Zhuohang.

Chu Zhuohang saw He Peishan's photo: "Why do you have such a photo?"

"Oh, I took it casually. Who is she?"

"It's not a friend anyway. If she approaches you, you must be careful. Also, if you are in danger, remember to call me at any time." Chu Zhuohang warned.

Then he asked without worry: "She didn't come to school, right?"

"That's not true. I just asked casually, you worry too much." An An didn't tell Chu Zhuohang the truth.

Hearing Chu Zhuohang's tone, he knew that this woman was not a good stubborn, but probably a bad woman, so Chu Zhuohang was so defensive against her.

Seeing her approach to Lele, she might be detrimental to Shen Jingyu and He Ning!

In An An's mind, there was a formed idea.

The next day, He Peishan came again.

Every time she comes, she chooses the timing very cleverly, neither early nor late, just to avoid all parents.

It also happens to be the time for children to play.

In this case, the teacher would not mind her coming over for a while.

When he came over, He Peishan also bought some small candies and toys to please the children.

"Hello everyone, I am Lele's mommy, and my name is He Peishan. You can call me Aunt Shanshan."

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