Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1031: An An Slap He Peishan (5)

As an adult, he will pack them up casually.

Regardless of the image, I don’t want this limited set of clothes on my body!

However, before she was proud, a sandbag flew directly towards her eyes.

She thought she could avoid it, but who knew that the sandbags hit her eye sockets!

Moreover, the strength of the sandbags was not small at all, making her dizzy all of a sudden.

"Wow, so accurate!"

"It's a great throw!"

"The old witch lost!"

Several little girls clapped hands and applauded, jumping and screaming happily.

He Peishan originally wanted to stop, what kind of sandbag, it hurt her so much that she couldn't help convulsing.

But she yelled, and the children retorted: "The time has not come, don't be shameless! Old witches are not allowed to run!"

Immediately afterwards, countless sandbags flew towards He Peishan.

Most of the children's sandbags just hit He Peishan's body and leg painlessly.

However, a few children had great hand strength, and they smashed He Peishan's head on the head. Although these sandbags were not heavy, they were very painful when hitting the face.

Children usually know how to measure. When playing sandbags, they don't throw them on people's faces and heads, or hit them on the body. This kind of weight and strength has nothing to do with it.

But just now He Peishan's fake appearance to everyone made the children feel uncomfortable.

Especially she treated the kid who caught a cold too much.

Now, everyone regards her as a real old witch, no one will be merciful!

Especially An An, he throws both accurately and heavily.

The skills trained in the American manor are not in vain.

Almost every time, the sandbags he threw out would hit He Peishan's eyes, nose, mouth, and cheeks hard.

"No way, no way! Stop fighting! You little bastards, I told you to stop, do you know?" He Peishan shouted angrily.

It's better if she doesn't get angry, the kids will always follow the rules.

But her angrily and depraved appearance made the children shout in horror: "She is really an old witch, and the old witch really wants to take the children away, so scared!"

Then some courageous children grabbed sandbags one after another and threw them on He Peishan's face.

He Peishan's eyes were both swollen and swollen, and she couldn't see it anymore. She waved her hands, with some teeth and claws, and rushed towards the children.

"Ah, kill the old witch. Hit the old witch, the old witch wants to catch the kids!"

Suddenly, more and more sandbags hit He Peishan.

Some children even grabbed various toys and lunch boxes and hit He Peishan.

The teacher went to the infirmary and came back soon. Seeing such a scene, he quickly stopped He Peishan who was flailing his teeth and said: "Miss He, be more sober! This is just a game!"

The teacher is really speechless to her, such a big person, she still knows her like a small child.

In this way, it is really a bit dumbfounding to laugh or cry. The teacher is afraid of her identity.

The teacher turned his head and warned the children gently and firmly: "Children, the game is over, you can't throw it anymore."

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