Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1033: An An Slap He Peishan (7)

But if this kind of thing spreads out, it will definitely not sound good.

Who would believe that a few children made her like this?

It has been spread that she is such a big person, and she went to school to bully children. Does she have any more reputation?

Especially if Shen Jingyu knows about it, the time is not ripe, and it is not very good.

She can only say: "Forget it, it's all kids, they didn't do it on purpose. I think that's it. Teacher, you don't need to talk to parents specifically."

As soon as the teacher thinks about it, since He Peishan doesn't care about it, she can save trouble. As long as the children are not injured, she is the most lucky.

The infirmary gave He Peishan a simple check and found that there were prostheses in her nose and chin. The reason why her face was so swollen was because the prostheses were hit, which resulted in more bruises than ordinary people.

"Miss He, you can only go to the big hospital for this kind of injury. We are just the school's infirmary and cannot handle it."

He Peishan naturally knew this too. She asked someone to pick herself up and went to the beauty hospital in Jingyuan instead.

Her prosthesis was made to look more like He Ning.

In fact, He Peishan looked very beautiful originally, but compared to He Ning, his temperament and facial features were always slightly inadequate.

It was she who was not satisfied and wanted to please Shen Jingyu, so she was not greedy enough and went to the hospital for plastic surgery, trying to achieve her goal through this method.

After treating her face, the beauty hospital gave her some supplements to maintain and make her face more three-dimensional.

He Peishan left the hospital and rushed home until most of the traces disappeared.

To be honest, with regard to the matter of pleasing Lele, after today's events, she has retreated.

It turned out that the child was not as cozy as she had imagined.

If something happens next time, she will ruin her face.

She returned home, and the servant was taking Kangkang to play in the living room.

As soon as He Peishan saw this child, he hit his heart with disgust, unspeakable disgust.

By the way, her injury did not heal, and there were some redness and bruises around her eyes.

Kangkang took the toy gun and shouted at her: "Bad guy, raise your hand!"

The servant hurriedly pulled Kangkang: "Little master, that's not a badass, hurry up and call sister!"

"That's a bad guy, not a sister!" Kang Kangtong said without restraint, where would he listen to the servant?

In the past, even if He Peishan hated him, he would not have the same knowledge.

But today is different. She suffered a stomach swelling outside, and she still couldn't attack.

But this annoying little third child appeared in front of him again.

He Peishan's anger started from his heart, and he slapped Kangkang with a slap in the face.

Kangkang is also pampered and held by the whole family every day. When has he suffered this kind of grievance?

He dropped the toy gun and lay on the ground, crying and making noises, crying loudly.

The servant refused to get up no matter how much he coaxed him.

He Lu hurried down from upstairs. Seeing this scene, she couldn’t help but hug Kangkang and cried distressedly: "My son, who beat you like this? I blame Mommy for being bad, even Your own son is not well protected. Shanshan, I know you hate me, but Kangkang is innocent. Whatever you have come to me, do you have a good conscience to deal with a child of this age?"

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