Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1045: The crisis of the Shen Group (1)

At the beginning, Shen Fengshan had to drive himself out, regardless of his father and son's friendship over the years. From the perspective of Shen Fengshan's original nature, this was simply unreasonable.

Although Shen Fengshan is a strict father, he has always respected all his ideas and ideals.

Last time he drove him away when he was most difficult...

He squeezed his eyebrows: "He Ning, what you said makes sense. I want to go to Shen's house now."

"I will go back with you."

Shen Jingyu asked the driver to drive directly to Shen's house.

When he arrived at the place where the Shen family lived, the housekeeper was overjoyed when he saw Shen Jingyu: "Master Shen, you are finally home! Please come inside!"

It seems that the people of the Shen family always hold feelings towards Shen Jingyu.

It can be seen from the demeanor of these subordinates that they did not despise Shen Jingyu because he was driven away.

"Where are the old general and his wife?" Shen Jingyu asked.

"They are all in the company these days. I heard they are helping the young master to handle things." The butler said as he arranged for someone to quickly pour tea to Shen Jingyu and He Ning.

Even, someone should go and clean up Shen Jingyu's room immediately to prepare him to stay overnight.

In everything, he still regarded him as a member of the Shen family.

"Let's go to the company." Shen Jingyu only confessed, and He Ning turned around and left.

The housekeeper was very disappointed: "Master Shen, you finally went home...Hey, if Master Shen is willing to stay a while longer. In fact, everyone from the master to the young master misses him very much.

Watching Shen Jingyu's back, the housekeeper was still mumbling.

Shen Jingyu and He Ning went straight to the Shen Group.

When Shen Jingyu was in charge of the company before, Shen Fengshan had already let go of the company's affairs with ease.

Even if Shen Ye took over, Shen Fengshan has always been less than his company.

This time he went to the company with Ding Qin'en.

Shen Jingyu felt that things were not simple.

Sure enough, when he and He Ning arrived, they found that the entire company was enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

The people up and down were a little trembling.

When Shen Jingyu and He Ning appeared, the security guard just stretched out his hand to stop them and recognized them both.

"Master Shen, Master Ning!" The security guard immediately let go.

Maybe they will stop anyone who breaks in without permission.

But they would never stop Shen Jingyu, even if he hadn't been in charge of the company long ago, and even if there were many people, they had complained privately that he was too harsh.

But only those who have experienced it know that a huge company carries the lives of countless people, just like a ship sailing on the sea, without a strict captain, it will never be able to go far.

Shen Jingyu and He Ning went all the way forward.

Hardly anyone stopped them.

Even many people, when they saw Shen Jingyu, couldn't help but stand up and silently pay attention to him.

Whether it is oral or convincing, Shen Jingyu will always be the king who has mastered the Shen Empire.

"Young Master Ye and they are in the meeting room on the top floor!" someone shouted.

Immediately everyone began to follow Shen Jingyu towards the top floor.

It seems that everyone knows what serious things are happening on the top floor.

Shen Jingyu's expression turned gloomy, and he squeezed He Ning's hand tighter.

He Ning also had a foreboding that something would happen.

When I arrived at the meeting room, the huge meeting room was full of people.

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