Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1070: As long as he is there

However, knowing what she said, Shen Jingyu would not listen, and the old lady Shen did not mention this to Shen Jingyu on the spot.

Because Shen Sihai and Shen Muhan acquired many shares of Shen Group, they became the second largest shareholder of Shen Group holding shares.

There must be someone inside the Shen Group who can hold it down.

Therefore, Shen Jingyu immediately re-entered the Shen Group.

When he returned, there was no formal ceremony.

He was just with Shen Ye, still showing up in the company at the time as he used to go to work.

However, none of the employees of the head office was absent that day, and they were all looking forward to his arrival.

When he appeared at the door, the employees all stood up spontaneously and lined up to welcome him silently.

The emotions on everyone's faces were very emotional, but no one made any untimely sound.

Regarding Shen Jingyu's return, everyone's mood is very different and roughly the same: as long as Shen Jingyu is there, the Shen Group will never have a problem.

Shen Ye and Shen Jingyu walked into the presidential elevator side by side.

"Wow, Lord Shen is really handsome! You and Young Master Ye have their own merits, so I have completely dazzled me."

"Shen Ye finally came back. There will be no problems with the Shen Group!"

"Every time I am ordered in distress, but never disappoints, this is Lord Shen!"

"In fact, Ye Shao is also very good, but the brothers are united, and the profit is cut off."

The elevator jingled to a stop on the top floor.

Qin Zheng greeted him at the elevator door early.

He hasn't been with Shen Ye for four years. Looking forward to Shen Ye's coming back, he is probably the most excited one.

Seeing the elevator open, Qin Zheng hurried forward: "Master Shen, Master Ye!"

Shen Jingyu stepped on his long legs and came out of the elevator. His eyes turned to Qin Zheng, with an encouraging tone: "Go and do things."

A few simple words brought tears to Qin Zheng's eyes. He hadn't heard Shen Jingyu's instructions for a long time.

Shen Ye accompanied Shen Jingyu to his original office, and opened the door like a treasure: "Big Brother, your office, I keep it for you, and it doesn't move at all!"

The entire office was cleaned up, exactly the same as when Shen Jingyu left.

"Brother, you can just tell me to do something. From now on, we will still look forward to you in the same way." Shen Ye smiled brightly.

When the eldest brother came back, he was undoubtedly the happiest person.

Because of his own nature, he is not suitable for the role of Big Brother.

These four years can be said to be the most unhappy four years he has lived. Every day, he lives like a heavy mask.

Shen Jingyu glanced at him: "Go."

Because of the return, Shen Jingyu has been busy in the company for several days.

As for his own company, Shengjing, it can only be handled by Miyazawa for the time being.

But no matter how busy he was, he would not stay in Jingyuan at night, but rushed back to the home where He Ning and Lele lived in West Portugal.

However, when he went back every night, it was too late. He Ning and Lele were already asleep.

He Ning and Lele wore parent-child pajamas, with exactly the same carrot pattern on their chests.

The two hugged each other and slept soundly.

He Ning's lips curled up with a smile, and Lele's face also had a rare smile.

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