Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1084: He Yiming has a clue

"After I found the clue that night, I followed it down and heard that Yiming was still alive. This matter was related to a man named Yan Junhao. But I couldn't find out the details." Ye Shu was very disappointed.

Over the past four years, the Presidential Palace randomly searched for it, but did not continue. The only person who has been insisting on it is herself.

Now that I think about it, there is also the Chu family who are still desperately looking for He Yiming.

It's chilling to think about it. He Yiming is a country and a family. When problems arise, the presidential palace ignores him.

Only those who really care about him will never give up looking for him and believe that he is still alive.

"Yan Junhao?" Chu Ning was taken aback. The name Ye Shu was unfamiliar, but she was very familiar.

Isn't that the partner of Master Chu's business that she had rescued once?

Because of this incident, Yan Junhao's relationship with the Chu family got closer.

Speaking of it, Ping Ping An also likes him very much. For a long time, he voluntarily helped Ping Ping An to train self-defense skills, which can be regarded as Ping Ping An’s enlightenment instructor.

"Yes, it's this man." Ye Shu said, "Unfortunately, the clue was quickly broken, and I don't know how to continue the investigation."

Chu Ning did not lie to her: "I know this person, he is in the United States. It is my dad's business partner. I will let my dad check this matter."

"As soon as possible, He Ning." Ye Shu can't wait. "It's been four years, I'm really afraid of something wrong with Yiming..."

"I will." Chu Ning is also very worried about the safety of her elder brother, "Then Ye Zi, don't look for it anymore, those places are not safe. I will let my dad and my brother continue to investigate this matter. They themselves In the United States, it is easier to check."

"Yeah." Ye Shu also knew that his abilities were limited, and continued searching on his own would be of no avail.

Chu Ning called Chu Zhuohang, told him the situation, and asked him to follow the news.

Things have finally come to a close.

"Ye Zi, you should stay in Portuguese West for the time being, and wait for news here."

Ye Shu agreed.

Now, she had no other choice but to wait for the response from the Chu family.

"I have already prepared an apartment for Ye Shu," Shen Jingyu said calmly.

"Thank you, Lord Shen." Ye Shu nodded gratefully.

In fact, only Chu Ning knew that Shen Jingyu was afraid that he would leave Ye Shu at home and overturn his jealous jar.

Chu Ning accompanies Ye Shu to the place that Shen Jingyu arranged to settle Ye Shu.

The two had a long absence, always had a lot to say, and stayed together again, chatting for a long time before they parted.

After Chu Zhuohang learned the news, he turned around and flew to the United States with peace.

Chu Ning couldn't wait any longer. Instead of waiting here, he might as well go to the United States to get the news of his eldest brother.

Shen Jingyu was worried that she would go back alone.

However, the Shen Group has a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

Chu Ning said to him: "There is our family in the U.S. It doesn't matter if I go back alone. I will be back soon."

Shen Jingyu was reluctant to let her go back to check the news of her eldest brother.

Lele held Chu Ning's legs and shook his head, always refusing to let go of Chu Ning's legs or let her leave.

A pair of big eyes looked at Chu Ning wetly, knowing that she was leaving for a long time, even more reluctant to let go.

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