Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1099: Beauty is human nature

"No, it's okay. It happens to be the activity day tomorrow. Please be prepared to teach children the talents over here, if you need materials, please prepare too." The teacher smiled and exhorted.

"Okay, I will definitely be ready. Thank you teacher."

After the phone call with the teacher, Chu Ning was thinking about what talent he would prepare.

Making dumplings, making sweets and the like, since someone has already done them, it's not surprising.

As for horse shooting and the like, it is not very realistic.

Shen Jingyu rubbed her hair and asked in a low voice, "Have you thought about it yet?"

"I know how to cook, but kids don't need to learn cooking. Besides, parents have taught me how to make dumplings."

Chu Ning scratched his hair a little.

She suddenly thought of something: "Yes! I can teach them some simple self-defense skills!"

"Okay." Shen Jingyu continued to rub her hair.

Her hair is already supple, but it will be more comfortable when it grows longer.

"Then it was decided so happily. Then tomorrow night, I will take Lele to see Big Brother."

Shen Jingyu nodded, her eyes full of petting: "Okay. I will pick you up after school."


The event is scheduled in the afternoon.

In the morning, it was the school that Shen Jingyu and Miyazawa sent Lele to.

"The teacher said Lele's mummy is coming today." A little girl said.

A little boy said with a grunt: "No, my mom said Lele doesn't have a mom!"

"The teacher says there is it!"

Several other boys also said, "He doesn't have a mom. The teacher must have made him happy."

Lele blinked, but did not show an angry expression.

Because there is no mommy, he knows better than anyone.

Moreover, his mummy is gentler, more beautiful, and fragrant than other people's moms.

They are all jealous.

Shen Jingyu saw pride and reservedness in his son's eyes.

He curled his lips, rubbed his son's hair, and said, "Go in."

Lele walked in with her head upright and carrying her small schoolbag.

"Lele just doesn't have a mom, you see, it was his dad and uncle who came to send him off again."

When everyone saw Shen Jingyu and Miyazawa, they all had a clear look.

Children without moms are always easy to be talked about in school.

But Lele ignored them at all and went straight to the classroom.

Miyazawa hesitated for a moment: "Master Shen, in fact, the young grandma can come back, otherwise, the condition of the young master will not be very good."

"I know." Shen Jingyu nodded, but said nothing more.

Miyazawa had no choice but to keep silent.

In the afternoon, the teacher entered the classroom and told everyone: "Shen Jingle's mommy will come to school today. She will do activities with everyone and teach everyone a small skill."

"Huh, does Shen Jingle really have a mom?" The little boy looked at Lele in disbelief.

"So he has a mummy."

"Is Lele's mom a bit ugly if I haven't appeared for so long?" The little boy who said Lele didn't have a mom guessed unconvincedly.

The ignorant little boys all booed: "It must be. The big beauties and moms will come to school, only the ugly will not come."

What they said was right. The good-looking moms in the class were all very happy to participate in the parent-child activities in the class, and they showed up very frequently.

It is human nature to love beauty, and children are no exception.

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