Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1105: divorce

So many memories, if you really get divorced, then in the future, it will really start again.

Shen Jingyu looked at her eyes and looked at her calmly. In fact, there was turbulent enthusiasm hidden in her eyes.

He heard Gu Yunchen say that when they got married for the first time, they had an unpleasant quarrel... even, he almost hurt her completely.

At the beginning, he did not give her a romantic and truly sweet marriage.

Starting over, he can make up for all that is owed to her.

"Okay." Chu Ning nodded gently.

Shen Jingyu gently hooked her chin, and a fiery kiss fell on her lips.

This time, he will definitely not let her be wronged again.

The next day, Shen Jingyu arranged for someone to apply for a divorce certificate for him and Chu Ning.

Because everyone knows that He Ning, who is written on the marriage certificate, has not shown up for more than four years.

Whether she is dead or alive, she has met the criteria for divorce without showing up for so long.

It's just that Shen Jingyu never wanted to apply for such a certificate in the past.

Although it was just a divorce certificate, it did not represent a change in the relationship between the two people, but looking at this thing, Chu Ning still felt a little melancholy.

It seemed that there was a strange bond that was suddenly cut short.

Shen Jingyu took her waist, took her into his arms, pressed her head, and leaned against his chest.

The sound of his powerful heartbeat was passed over loudly, causing Chu Ning to immediately ran that trace of melancholy behind his head.

The sense of security is all back.

Yes, the important thing is not the marriage paper, but him.

The two people are always together, and whether there is a marriage certificate or not is irrelevant.

After finishing the process, Shen Jingyu accompanied Chu Ning to the previous residence to pack things.

When Chu Ning appeared, Xiao Zhan ran out: "Master Ning!"

Huh? He glanced around: "Where is the young master? Didn't she just say to come over to get things? She is going to live with Lord Shen so soon?"

Although he strongly disagrees with Young Master Ning's decision.

"Master Shen, where is Young Master Ning?" Xiao Zhan looked around and only saw Master Shen and a woman coming over, but did not see his Young Master.

"Xiao Zhan, I'm here to get something." Chu Ning next to him said.

Xiao Zhan was taken aback.

Why does this woman in a skirt speak to herself in the tone of Master Ning?

He looked at Chu Ning, she was wearing a gentle long dress, and her hair had grown a lot, and Master Ning's appearance was faintly visible between her eyebrows and eyes.

But the whole person is a soft girl, and the image of the previous young master is very different.

"You...you..." Xiao Zhan was a little dumbfounded.

"I have also agreed with elle, now I move to Lord Shen to live there." Chu Ning continued.

Only then can Xiao Zhan be sure that the one in front of him is his own young master, not a soft girl.

But what is going on?

"Master Ning, Master Ning, are you doing this for Master Shen and becoming a women's clothing boss?" Xiao Zhan was a little bit distressed.

"I was originally a woman. Who told you that I was a young master? From the beginning, I was not a young master."

Chu Ning explained with a smile.

"Really, really a woman." Xiao Zhan looked at her smile and finally recognized this reality.

The beautiful and soft girl in front of me is the correct way to open up my young master.

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