Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 112: He can't imagine how to treat her

He Ning thought he was very concerned and was still angry with Gu Yun. He couldn't help but muster the courage to walk to him, and pleaded again: "Gu Yun really has nothing to do with me. We are very good friends, please You, let him go, okay?"

Shen Jingyu let go of her, the expression on her face became a little cold, and a trace of self-deprecating flashed in her phoenix eyes.

"In your heart, I am such a person?" His long sword eyebrows were raised, and the corners of his lips were slightly lowered, obviously displeased.

He Ning lowered her head. She knew that he had everything. Killing the courageously, dealing with her or dealing with Gu Yun was nothing but a matter of ups and downs.

She didn't know how to respond to his words, she lowered her head and kept her eyes silent.

Shen Jingyu tightened his thin lips. He wanted to reach out and pinch her chin to make her meet his gaze.

However, thinking of Gu Yunchen, she is not suitable for more mood swings at this stage...

He retracted his hand, squeezed it tightly, and passed her, striding out the door.

Only then did He Ning raised her head, watching his tall and awe-inspiring back, and not knowing what he would do, a deep anxiety arose in her heart.

She called Gu Yun, and Gu Yun picked up the phone and said, "I'm at the airport. Didn't I tell you earlier that I have a place to go to the United States as an exchange student? Just stay there and don't think about it. Send me off. Is there anything else?"

"No, then you pay attention to safety." He Ning wanted to tell him to be alert, if Shen Jingyu really went to him, it would be troublesome.

I didn't expect him to go to the United States.

This relieved her of worry.


Shen Jingyu went to the branch in Portuguese West.

The Shen family's business is all over the world. He used to spend half of his time in the military and half of his time in the head office to handle affairs.

Everyone knows that he is rigorous and has an iron fist. When he appeared in the branch, the entire senior management was frightened.

Fortunately, he just stayed in the office on the top floor to deal with things. Many people didn't have the chance to see him at all, so everyone stopped worrying.

Someone knocked on the door.

He was in the pile of papers and didn't lift his head: "In."

"Jingyu, my eldest brother said you were here, so I was busy rushing over." A clear voice came, and Gu Baoyan walked briskly to him.

Shen Jingyu raised her head and glanced at her faintly: "Why didn't you let your eldest brother accompany you?"

"Of course he won't accompany me. So I only have to come to you. I finally come here. You must have a meal with me, right?" Gu Baoyan looked expectant.

She is Gu Yunchen's younger sister. She and Shen Jingyu grew up together. Shen Jingyu always treats her as a younger sister.

Speaking of eating, Shen Jingyu raised his wrist and glanced at the time. He had told Aunt Chen that he would have dinner with He Ning in the evening.

He didn’t go with He Ning for the first two meals today, he was a little bit ignorant...

However, He Ning's attitude in the afternoon made him really unhappy.

If he went back, he couldn't imagine how he would treat her.

"Jingyu? Jingyu? What's wrong with you?" Gu Baoyan stretched out his hand and waved in front of him a few times.

It's really weird. Shen Jingyu has always been rigorous and knows how to do everything. How could there be such a time when he can't stand his mind?

Shen Jingyu returned to his senses and said lightly: "Okay. You can choose a place."

Gu Baoyan really did not expect that he promised to be so happy. He would never agree to eat alone with her unless Gu Yunchen was present.

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