Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1120: This is the rule set now

But what Chu Ning said obviously dispelled all his worries.

Shen Ye and Chu Ning both value him so much, and they want to do a good job of Shengjing, so what worries does he have?

Chu Ning walked to another old employee and said with a smile: "Manager Huo, I know that you are an old man next to Lord Shen. When you were in the army, you were a subordinate of Lord Shen. Later, because you had to take care of your family, you left the army. , Work by Shen Ye. You have the greatest tenacity of a soldier, and you have a shrewd business acumen. You are Shen Ye’s most capable assistant. I hope you can continue to support Shengjing in the future."

Manager Huo's face was calm, but his heart was really pleased and moved by Chu Ning's words.

"I will work hard with Master Shen, and I will cooperate with Miss Chu to take good care of the company."

Then, Chu Ning continued to communicate with the managers of several departments.

It can be seen that she knows the personnel situation in the company very well.

They have done their homework on their personal experiences and strengths, and they have explained their resumes and life situations very well.

Moreover, they are all boasting on their merits.

The people present all showed pride.

It turns out that Lord Shen and Miss Chu didn't look down on them, let alone corrupt the company at will.

The dedication and effort to them is also in the eyes.

By the end of the meeting, those old employees who were the most difficult to deal with before, when they mentioned Chu Ning, they were also full of praise.

On the first day Chu Ning came, it was easy to get it.

Gong Ze called Shen Jingyu to report the situation.

Shen Jingyu was slightly startled, originally he didn't want Chu Ning to do so many things...because it was too hard.

He arranged most of the matters to Miyazawa to handle...

"Master Shen, all matters of the young lady have been carefully handled by her own hands, and they are handled very well."

Shen Jingyu pinched her eyebrows: "Don't make her tired."

"I will." Miyazawa replied.

After Shen Jingyu got off work at night, he came to pick up Chu Ning specially.

She is finishing her last job.

After she finished, she breathed a sigh of relief. Just as soon as she raised her eyes, Shen Jingyu stood in front of her.

Chu Ning showed a surprised smile: "Jingyu!"

Shen Jingyu reached out and grabbed her into his arms.

"It went well today. Your employees are all pretty good, and they do everything well." Chu Ning is satisfied to be able to do these tasks.

"It's fine to give Miyazawa all these things, so how come you still do it yourself?"

"Because Miyazawa has many other things..." In front of Shen Jingyu, Chu Ning faded away from the daytime skills and suddenly became a little woman.

She smiled, making people feel better with her smile.

Shen Jingyu hugged her and went out together: "Starting tomorrow, the time to come to the company in the morning cannot be earlier than ten o'clock, and when you leave in the afternoon, no later than four o'clock."

"Then I can't do anything..."

"This is the rule." Shen Jingyu worried that she would work hard. This was not his original intention.

"But there was no such rule before..."

"This is set now."

Back home, Chu Ning was really tired. After eating, he fell asleep with his arms around Lele.

The intensive work was busy all day, very fulfilling, but it also consumed a lot of her energy.

When Shen Jingyu brought the milk up, the mother and son were sleeping soundly.

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