Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1125: It's a treasure

Hua Dong heard a big smile on his face: "Miss Chu, can we talk in detail?"

"Of course, Dong Hua."

Miyazawa was a little surprised. He lowered his voice and said, "My grandmother, you can't promise him some things that Lord Shen can't do. Lord Shen is in the hands of the state power. Lord Shen will not allow privileges to be used for his own private business. of."

"I know this, Vice President Gong, don't worry, it will definitely not be involved in things that make it difficult for Lord Shen to do." Chu Ning is just using his own power.

There is nothing to worry about.

Hua Dong is no longer interested in Jiang Yue and Shen Ming, but turned to Chu Ning, just wanting to get the exact news from her.

"Dong Hua, we can continue to talk about our affairs in detail. Regarding the policies of the Dragon Empire, in fact, my father and my uncle..." Jiang Yue did not expect that Chu Ning's simple words would attract Dong Hua to the past.

Hua Dong said with a smile: "Ms. Jiang is sorry, I'm afraid I can't talk to you about this cooperation for the time being. Miss Chu, why don't we take a step to talk?"

Chu Ning stood up and smiled at Jiang Yue and Shen Ming.

Immediately, she followed Hua Dong and left here.

Jiang Yue said with air: "What, should Chu Ning use the beauty trick? I think she is not a good woman, and this trick is not impossible."

"As everyone knows, Dong Hua is not good at this. Otherwise, business with him will not be so difficult to talk about." Shen Ming said, Chu Ning made him admire, being able to **** Hua Dong from such good conditions as Jiang Yue. It is simply magical.

Jiang Yue couldn't help but said: "What kind of triangle she is talking about, the big deal is to let my father send troops there, I don't believe it can't be done!"

Shen Ming looked at her peacefully and didn't speak. If the triangle on the Brazilian side could be solved by the power of the state, it would not be called an extra-legal land!

Jiang Yue is so naive!

After Chu Ning had finished talking with Dong Hua, it was already in the afternoon.

In fact, she didn't pay much. She just took the things that her father and brother gave her to temporarily protect Hua Dong. It will not have much impact if it is used temporarily.

However, in this way, Shengshengdi increased the ratio of Hua Dong's contract revenue by a full five percentage points.

She now understands why some elders wanted to object when her father wanted to give that area to herself.

What her father gave her was more than just an area, it was a treasure!

It's just that she has never made reasonable use of it.

However, before signing the contract, Chu Ning still called Master Chu and talked about it.

"My daughter, everything is right." Chu Ye's voice has always been calm, but at this moment with a little pride, "Just let go of what you want to do. Just do it while Dad is still able to help you. ."

Chu Ning's heart suddenly became warm, and her father's unreserved love made her full of courage to move forward.

Farewell to Dong Hua and walked out with Miyazawa.

Miyazawa looked at Chu Ning with admiration. It turned out that the young lady was not the delicate young lady. When she started to do things, she could not find a few at this speedy speed.

Miyazawa is now stubborn to her. The first person he admires is Lord Shen, and the second is the young lady!

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