Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1134: Of course you have to take care of it yourself

"Now, what we are going to auction is a pair of earrings from Miss Chu Ning Chu. Hey, no, why is one missing?"

The auctioneer looked down and found that the newspaper was a pair, but when he got it, there was only one.

It seems to be lost somewhere.

Seeing this, Chu Ning said with a smile: "One is one. Don't delay everyone's time for me. Let's take one shot."

"Okay, thank you Miss Chu. The starting price for this earring of Miss Chu is 10,000 yuan."

Because these are diamond earrings in themselves, the starting price is higher.

"Twenty thousand yuan." He Yiming raised his hand and said.

He Peishan glanced at He Yiming's side, and He Jiaojiao immediately said, "It seems that no one really helps that woman. No wonder she is going to please He Yiming. I am afraid that only He Yiming is the only one who is willing to help her take pictures. "

He Peishan's mood is very comfortable, she just can't understand Chu Ning.

If Chu Ning loses his ugliness on this occasion today, it would be better.

"The first time 20,000 yuan, will anyone add it?" the auctioneer asked.

On the other side of Gong Ze, he didn't speak, Chu Ning had said, let him not care about things here.

Jiang Yue said: "Said she was here to participate in the charity meeting, and she was stupid enough to help her increase the price alone? Isn't she stingy? It's equivalent to the whole charity meeting, and her value is 20,000. It's really a shame to say it out. "

"It's her who is ashamed and lost anyway, not us." He Jiaojiao said with a joke, "Shen Ye really doesn't show up, and it's impossible to help her."

"Five hundred thousand!" In the corner, a man in a dark gray suit raised his hand faintly.

Everyone couldn't help but look over and found that they didn't know this person.

However, 500,000 is indeed a big number. The things that were photographed just now are basically tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands. Everyone would like to express their support for charity.

Suddenly someone came out to 500,000, which of course attracted the attention of many people.

"Six hundred thousand." He Yiming raised his hand again.

He didn't know who the other party was, so he didn't want to give up this opportunity to others.

My sister, of course, has to take care of herself.

"Two million." The other party increased the price very sharply.

Everyone present began to talk, and the gaze that looked at Chu Ning turned from the contempt just now to serious.

Could it be that someone arranged by Lord Shen to increase the fare?

It seems that Lord Shen still spoils her, although he did not come to the scene, but he gave Chu Ning enough face.

He Peishan snorted softly and withdrew his gaze disapprovingly.

He Jiaojiao was also a little boring.

Chu Ning looked intently and found that the person holding the placard seemed to be the person next to Chu Zhuohang.

No wonder he will increase the price over there.

She whispered in He Yiming's ear: "Big Brother, there seems to be Brother's person over there. Forget it, no need to continue fighting."

Since it was Chu Zhuohang's person, He Yiming stopped insisting, and said with a smile, "Okay."

"This gentleman increased the price for Miss Chu to two million, two million for the first time, two million for the second time! Okay, two million for the third time, the deal!"

The final word.

Because Chu Ning has now taken the highest price, the atmosphere in the whole venue has become much warmer.

The discussion also became louder.

"Now, what we are going to auction is a necklace of Miss He Peishan He." The auctioneer reminded.

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